home decorating ideas drapes

home decorating ideas drapes

hi i'm ann myrick and today we are going totalk about ideas for window treatments. this is a window with an old curtain on it andold brass rods. these are nice drapes and i've kept them up here because i am not sureof what direction i'm going to go but i just really feel like you need to create interestand something fun and enjoyable on the window so i'm going to give you different ideas.there are so many different stores out there where you can find great already made curtainsand things that you can think about doing on the already made is you can always buyinexpensive curtains that are already made and put trimmings on them, put buttons onthem, trim them up in a way that makes them individual to you or if they are solid panelsyou can find two or three different colors

that you like and put the panels together.let's say we have a room that has green and gold in it. well you could take three or fourgreen panels and three or four gold panels and mix them p and create your own look outof those panels. another thing is i love flea markets and garage sales and this is a greatvintage fabric that is bark cloth and so you can a lot of times at antique shoes they willshow or they will have a lot of this bark cloth and this is if you find panels likethis this would be a great curtain just to put up and you could put either a stainlessor a black rod up and then there are those loops that you can get that just clip on andyou can clip them right on and instantly loop these up and this would create just a greatinteresting window. another great idea without

doing the typical curtain is placing likean old neat shutter. you could take two or three of these and just hang them and youcreate just real interest by hanging them on the window, that's another way you cando it. cup towels, great looking cup towels that are cute and have a fun pattern on themor the antique cup towels you can turn into curtains so think about what you could havethat could be stuck in a great linen chest or something inherited that is a fabric thatyou could turn into a darling curtain. this is ann myrick and those are ideas for designingcurtains.

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