home decorating ideas for thanksgiving
thank you for joining us today. my name is debra and i am michelle and wework for ryan lawn & tree. today we'd like to demonstrate how you canbring the outdoors into your home this holiday season without breaking the budget. first start by going on a nature walk aroundyour home. you can find leaves from a tree or on theground and use them as center pieces as we have here with the hedge apples or you canuse them as any other tablescape. we also have antlers that we have used froma hunting trip where we have found them sheds. we have a great little trick for the kidsright before they sit down at their table.
take a pine cone grab your pine cleaners makethem into little feathers and you've got a great little thing. you can also use these for a name plate foreach table setting as well. cut a small piece of paper with a person'sname and you have your place setting card. we'd also like to show how you can bring theoutdoors in for your serving area as well. we have pheasant feathers stuck in here. hunting season is a great time to utilize these. you could also use turkey feathers or if youhave branches with brightly colored leaves you could use that to add a pop of color as well.
pine cones along the walking path. michelle tell us your inspiration with thesetree cookies. the tree cookies here we just have gottenthese from seeing a tree company at a site where we walked up and asked the pruners orthe arborist if they could cut some tree cookies. all it is is a single skinny cut from a logthat has been cut down from the tree. we've used it here with the cupcakes to use as a serving. we put a vase in between there. you could use anything simple a box anythinglike that to allow that different separation. we also have our cheese and our crackers onhere as well.
another great idea is to take a simple logthat has been cut. drill some holes for tea light candles. you can use this as a centerpiece or a tabledisplay as well. along our nature walk we also found some pussywillow sticks. you can also add these to a centerpiece withyour leaves you could fill a vase with pinecones and use a grapevine reef around the base of it.