interior design living room furniture arrangement

interior design living room furniture arrangement

hi, i'm ann myrick and today i'm going toshow you how to arrange a family room. you need to think about what's taking place inthe family room. is there a television, is there a fireplace, is there, if your familyroom used, are the kids a part of the family room? do they do a lot in the family room?is the family room one of those rooms that you really, that's where you greet companybut you don't, the kids are more in the play room. so you kind of need to think about what'staking place in the family room and then work with what your style is. if you tend to bemodern, if you tend to be whatever the style is. this room is a little bit, i have a littlebit of a modern feel, minimalist modern feel. different ways you can arrange furniture tomake it look a certain way but using the same

piece. these chairs, these are, these littlewheel chairs that have a fabric on them and if i put the wheel chair kind of going straightit is a little bit more clean lined and a modern feel but if i turn them in toward thetable and i turn them more like this it creates a little bit more of a comfortable becausethe people sitting here can kind of see each other and it's a little bit of a more comfortablefeel which is a little bit more traditional, a little bit more of a cottage look. one thingyou might want to keep in mind is your bigger pieces you want to set first. so you wantto place your couch, place a coffee table, and then just start playing with chairs andother tables just to kind of make the room work. but since the couch is your biggestpiece you really want to pick out the spot

for your couch, put the couch down and thenwork around your couch. this is ann myrick and that is how to arrange your family room.

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