kitchen design ideas bunnings

male voice: i'm gonna demonstrate to you foureasy steps to painting a laminated kitchen bench. the tools i'm gonna need for these job arethe bench top transformation kit, some masking tape, paint brushes, a couple of paintingtrays, a paint mixing pot, rubber gloves, safety equipment, as well as that we havea drop sheet to protect the floor. don't forget you need a roller frame, forthe roller that comes with the kit. if you've got a tired, old laminated kitchenbench that desperately in need of a clean-up and a refurbishment, you don't need to demolishit. you can just simply paint it.
it's only four easy steps. the first thing we need to do is to calculatethe area, that we're gonna be covering so that we know how much product we're actuallygonna be using. and that's simply by multiplying the lengthof the area by the width. multiply that together and that gives youthe area, and if you look at a tin can, it will tell you the coverage and you'll knowwhether you've got enough in that can to cover the area you're working on. i've already calculated the area that we'regonna be covering. so the first step is to tape up anything wewant to protect from the product, like the
tiles, the taps and the sink. the next step in the process is to sand thesurface of the bench. the reason we do this is because benches aremade to resist anything sticking to them, but we want this product to stick. so by sanding with this special sander that'sincluded in the kit, it allows the product to stick to the small cups that [inaudible00:01:35] in the surface. the next step in the process is to clean awaythe dust that we've created is that sanding process. if we don't clean the dust away that's gonnastop the product from adhering to the bench.
the next step in the process is to cut inaround the edges of the bench top with my base coat, then to roll out the rest of thebench. it's really important with this product thatwe wear all our safety equipment. i've got my breathing protection, i've gotmy rubber gloves, and i've got eye protection as well. now that we've finished rolling out our basecoat, it's time to let that dry according to instructions on the tin. and then we're going to put a protective topcoat on it to finish it off. now that our base coat is nice and dry, it'sa good idea to give the dust down, just to
make sure that nothing has settle on the surfacewhile it's been drying. now that we've dusted down and we're satisfiedthat the surface is clean, it's time to apply our final coat which is a protective coat. it's exactly the same process as we followedwith the base coat. cutting in and then rolling out. and the best part of it is this product youdon't have to wear a ventilator because it's a low odor product, however we do have touse our gloves and eye protection. while the product is still wet, it's a goodidea to remove the masking tape from around the edges of the bench top.
there we have it. i think you'll agree that for four easy steps,it's an amazing finish to what was an old bench top. now you need to leave this for about 48 hoursbefore you use it, and then just use it carefully. it will take about a week for the productto cure. always follow the instructions on the backof your can for drying time and how many coats you need to apply. and that's how you paint a laminated benchtop.