home decorating ideas lamps

home decorating ideas lamps

everything from a tree stump to a plasticspoon can become a light fixture.this is 24 clever diy ways to light your home by alanna okun 1. mason jars can become a simple hanginglight. instructions at martha stewart weddings. 2. bust out your decoupage skills and useplastic cups to make these colorful string lights. 3. use bendy bamboo to create these pendantlamps. find the directions at crafty nest.

4. make an orb light using paper.this project comes from design sponge. 5. here are two more ideas for paper lanterns,one with flowers and one with pom-poms. directions from crafty nest. 6. turn an empty soda bottle into an outdoorsconce. just don’t drink the soda immediatelybefore attempting this project, since you’ll be working with an open flame. 7. make this beautiful chandelier using waxpaper. 8. plastic spoons and a water jug canbecome a light with great texture. 9. a balloon, glue and some doilies make aunique orb lamp.

paint doilies with glue,then arrange them however you want across an inflated balloon,making sure to leave a hole large enough for the lightbulb.when it’s dry and hardened, pop the balloon with a pinand run hanging lamp hardware through the hole. 10. use pieces of wood to make a cube light.vintage revivals has the instructions (and it’s a great excuse to buy a nail gun). 11. or wire to make an orb lamp. 12. paper petal lamps look likeupside down flowers.

these easy instructions areavailable from martha stewart. 13. cotton batting can make a cloud light.the directions recommend using flameless candles that don’t generate much heat. 14. turn dixie cups into a light-up garland. 15. cupcake papers can work too. 16. make a lamp you already havemore special with sharpie. very irie describes how she made hers. 17. or customize it with vinyl stickers.this idea comes from fontcrafts. 18. monogram your shade.

19. get rid of all those extra bowler hatsyou have lying around with this project. 20. punch painted cans and turn them intomini lights. this idea is by lowe’s, which describes the finished product as “in-can-descent.” 21. use straws to make a chandelier. 22. repurpose a tree stump.get the directions from lydia pudel. it looks great even without a lampshade. 23. make a vaguely nautical woven rope lamp. 24. use old books as a base.

just think long and hard about allthe knowledge you are destroying. that's it.come back next time for more video like this. before you leave,please like or share this video with your friendsor press subscribe button under this video see you later thank you

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