home decorating ideas marriage

home decorating ideas marriage

i've decided to do a bunch of diys that are love inspired. we'll treat ourselves to diy jewelry, home decor and other cool stuff! oh and be sure tostick till the end of this video because there is a bonus diy waiting for youthere! so not 10 but 11 cool and easy crafts ideas. receiving flowers from somebody always makes me feel so nice but today we'll treat ourselves to thecutest flowers in the whole world and they will last you much much longer too. to make these flowers i'm using approximately 18 inches of 18 gaugecopper wire, but if you want the flower stem to be a bit longer you can go for21 inches or so. bend the wire in half

wrap around the glass and start twisting.you can also add little leaves to the stem on each side and once you reach the top of the stemcreate a spiral with both ends of the remaining wires attach your favorite flower with a bitof hot glue. by the way you can go for paper flowers or any other artificialflowers instead of this chiffon roses whatever you prefer. then cut a piece ofgreen felt and glue it to the back to make it look even better and neater and then i shaped the bottom of the stemto make the whole flower more stable as it will be standing on its own. and ifyou want to take these roses to the next

level, spray them with some rose scent. ihave this amazing room spray and it smells divine! by the way did you knowthat rose aroma helps to raise your mood? it's definitely worked wonders with me!they are so so cute i wish they could speak.. let's make another cool creation.. diy ring to be more precise! bend and twist a piece of 20 gauge gold-plated copper wire you'll need about 8 inches. twist twisttwist and then add something round in between the two wires and keep ontwisting them then use your chain and round nose pliers and make the loop intoa heart shape get some 24 gauge wire and wrap itaround the ring band right next to the

heart and then add tiny glass beads andsecure the wire on the other side. finish by cutting the rest of the wire andfiling it down with a nail file. shape the ring to fit your finger. oh this issuch a nice ring! now who is up for a pom-pom diy okaythen let's make a super cute and colorful coaster. on a piece of aluminumfoil draw a heart shape with a pencil or a pen. then follow the outline of the heartwith hot glue and keep adding pink pom-poms. make sure they are stuck wellto the foil and to each other too. and then repeat the process and adddifferent colors of pom-poms until you have something resembling a rainbow then you can stop.

peel off the foil to reveal your amazingcreation and if there is any excess glue simply cut it off with scissors. youhave my heart.. all right all right now we have a coaster, we need a mug to gowith it get an off white mug and some porcelainpens and draw hearts with little white dots and a lace trim. yeah yeah yeah in myhead that's a lace trim.. but seriously how pretty is this mug!? bake it in theoven to make the design permanent and time for a cup of tea did you know you can use buttons to make jewelry you probably did but i bet you haven't seen these adorable earrings

you are in for a treat we need to make the wire base first and i'm using threeinches of 20 gauge wire for each earring create a spiral on one end of the wire and then bend the other end into anearring hook oh and be sure to use a file to smooththe ends and of course attach your buttons withsome strong all-purpose glue and as we are all about love today let'spaint loads of little hearts onto them with some nail varnish and a dotting tool. oh and before we move on to the nextsuper cool diy here is a secret message

from somebody you may recognize.. 'single,married, dating, who cares! you are completely and utterly loveable, because... because you are amazing just the way you are... moving on! i'm completely in love withthis shiny sequin fabric. get a small canvas or a big one if you'd liketo have a proper master piece in your room. cut the fabric to the size of thecanvas and be sure to cut off the corners of the fabric too. and glue it onthe back with hot glue. keep the fabric stretched and don't add any glue to the front - that would stick to the sequins and that's a no-no

carefully glue the fabric on the cornersof the canvas. if you'd like to hang the picture on a wall then simply add apiece of string to the back. i've made a knot on each side of the string andattached it with hot glue then pressed it down with scissors while it was stillhot and now let the fun begin! i promised you rings and rings i shalldeliver! for this one you will need about 18 inches of 22 gauge wire and a smallfrosted bead. add the bead to the middle of the wire, cross it above the bead anduse round nose pliers to create a little heart cross again on the bottom where the tipof the heart is and start twisting it

by the way the twisted part is sixinches long once you've established how long youwant the ring to be bend the to loose wires sideways to finishthe ring. it's super easy but looks amazing! oh i've been a bit obsessed withtwisted jewelry lately not sure why perhaps it's because the designs are sosimple i am not a very patient person. let's see what else we can make out ofbuttons.. use some buttons close to your heart or at least the heart shaped ones,cover the holes with craft gems, draw and cut out a tiny heart out of some glittertape, or even use hot glue of course it needs to be cooled down and paint it withsome nail varnish. add a drop of hot

glue to the back, attach a paper clip,press down with scissors to secure it and apart from you, no one else will knowthere were buttons in their early life unless they turn them around of course..but really, how pretty are these? oh yeah! cute bookmarks! besides, your favoritebook deserves a heart! and just in case you wanted to make notes whilst reading yourbook, a cool pen might come handy! wrap a pen or shall i say the inside refillbit or whatever it's called in some double sided tape and cover the top aswell by folding the tape over it i've added another layer of tape to makethe surface more even and then have fun wrapping it tightly with22-gauge gold-plated copper wire.

it's so much fun!never-ending fun! seriously, this is never ending! but i promise once you reach theend of this never-ending mission you'll feel like you've climbed mount everest -soproud! i assume- never climbed it myself.. and then create a little loop on the topof the pen, paint the tip with gold nail varnish. youcan attach your favorite charm and for the purpose of this video it's got to bethe crystal heart. really? another pen helena? but this oneis easy peasy lemon squeezy! and it's well fluffy and soft and cuteand pipe cleanery.. follow the same process as with the previous pen butwhen you wrap the pipe cleaners around the pen,

always turn the beginning and theend of the wire inwards to hide the sharp ends. and when you get to the top, create alittle heart shape from the excess pipe cleaner. these are so soft and adorable andreally comfy when you write with them! and here is the promised bonus diy guysand what else could i have up my sleeve than another ring!hashtag ring obsession and hashtag twisted jewelry obsession.. for this simple yet cool ring i've used 8 inches of 20 gauge silver plated wire and againcreated a loop, twisted the wire until it was approximately two inches long andthen shaped the loop into a heart with my round nose and chain nose pliers

then shape the whole ring to fit yourfinger cut excess wire from the ends and bendthem into two little loops. tadaaa it's done! it's super cool, it's super easy, it's beenmade into a heart and made with love.. really really hope you've enjoyed this video and i would love to know which diy was your favorite? my favorite where the roses, because they are so cute and if you want toknow what else is coming up on this channel, subscribe and hit thatnotification bell as it will let you know when i post a new video! i'm sending you billions and billions of kisses, i love you and here is a big big hug!

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