we want to welcome you back foranother episode of the villagehome show. this show is our opportunity tonot only tell you about kitchenand bath projects going on in our area, but now we canshow you the entire processfrom start to finish. on the village home show youcan expect to see projects ofvarious sizes, budgets, and styles and we knowthere is something to take away from each story we tell here onthe show. the team at villagehome stores is so honored that our customersallow us to make their homesamazing and now some of those same customershave welcomed you in to see thefinished spaces. today we'll be sharing thebefore and after stories of 2remodeled kitchens

right here in our area, andlater in this episode a tileexpert will be stopping by to tell us about options andcurrent trends in kitchen tile. speaking of tile as we visiteach of today's remodeled spaces we'll take a close look at thebacksplash surfaces selectedfor each kitchen recommended 18" of space fromthe kitchen countertop to thebottom of your wall cabinetry can be a great surface toexpress your personal style on.if you have a larger area of wall above acooktop range or kitchen sink you have even more of anopportunity to add texture andstyle to your space. take this orion kitchen forinstance. when we filmed it forour island episode

of the village home show thetile backsplash hadn't evenbeen installed yet. this allows us a perfectopportunity to show you thedifference of a beautifulkitchen before a tile backsplash andhow it's made even morebeautiful with tile. we've installed agorgeous tumbled marble field tile and an accented area abovethe cooktop. elements like this metallic pencil rail and asecondary pattern and color oftile within it creates the perfect focal pointon this wall. with so many different types of materialsand textures available we havea lot to show you today, but first lets take a look atthe before story of our firstfeatured kitchen.

the before photos of our firstfeatured kitchen should lookfamiliar to many of our viewers. thisstyle of cabinet and laminatedcountertop is typical of many of the homesin the quad city region builtaround the 1950s. a lot of the kitchens weremodel have similar beforephotos to this kitchen. and while wedon't have a lot of option ofremoving a wall in this kitchen or evenopening it up to another room,this kitchen will still get a whole newlook. the cabinetry andcountertop materials were not all that neededattention in the originalkitchen. the floors, doors, and trim work will bereplaced as well as a new

plastered ceiling to replacethe grid ceiling shown here. wewill take you on full tour of the new kitchenlater in this episode, butfirst when we come back from a short break we welcome atile expert and take a look atthe second remodeled kitchen featured on this weeksepisode of the village homeshow. if your kitchen needs a littleenhancement learn how our diodel.e.d. system of under cabinetlighting can illuminate thesurfaces of your kitchen for both task and ambientlighting. our expert staff canhelp you estimate and select the perfect lightingplan with these products. thissystem has quickly become a customer favorite and yesthey are dimmable. whetheryou're shopping for that onelight

to change the look of your roomor an entire home of lightingwe're here to help! contact our expert lightingteam for an appointment today.village home stores, downtown geneseo. are we readyto go? every act of care counts. from the grand gestures, to thetiniest looks. she has this long brown hair. the fun i supposed togo (laughs) the messy ones. thisis so important to me! (door slams) the endlessones. hey mom.

if it comes from care, it counts. your all wet. because every act of care we give helps thepeople we love become people who love. (music) youare my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. the kitchen is thehub of your home. it's where you start your day, and getready for the next. whathappens in between

are memories made, andtraditions created. some important life momentswill happen right here at thiscounter. is your kitchen ready? letvillage home stores show youwhat your dream kitchen can look like.appliances, cabinetry,lighting, and floor covering. from start tofinish village home stores,downtown geneseo. quality, it's the result of sharedvalues. the joy found in an honest days work. respect fortrue american craftsmanship, and the need not the want toget things right. it's the

result of remembering yourroots. being forever humbled byhow far you've traveled and forever hungry to push onfurther. quality is a result. quality is who weare. cambria, family owned, americanmade. (music) the surfaces you select foryour kitchen all pair up tocreate a great final look foryour home. since village carries productsfrom the flooring material onup to the ceiling, lights, and everything inbetween. you'll have an entireteam of experts helping you puttogether the big picture for yourdesign. many times your cabinethardware

and the tile backsplash aresome of the last selections tobe made. in my honest opinion this is a huge misstep. thehardware and wall surfaces ofyour new kitchen are really the jewelry of theoverall look. so much time is spent selecting thecountertop material for yourkitchen which sits on thehorizontal plane verses the backsplashmaterial which will beinstalled on a vertical plane, and will be right in site ofevery visitor into your newkitchen. imagine this set kitchen with a painted wallinstead of this stylish walkerzanger tile. the unique lines of the shapeand even the matte finishtexture of the tile add a lot to the overall we want to welcome angelawho's an

expert on tile to tell us aboutoptions and trends for kitchenbacksplashes. welcome angela. angela: thankyou elizabeth it's a pleasureto be here. elizabeth: wellfirst let me start by asking what are the differentcategories of backsplashes?angela: the different catagories you have ceramic, glass,metals, natural stone and someare even a blend in a combination of differentmaterials also. elizabeth: welland combining the differenttiles can be really fun also do you find thecustomers will put the samething throughout like we'vedone here or do they combine different tilestogether? angela: it's reallypersonal preference it alldepends on the design and the style yourlooking to achieve in yourkitchen backsplash. elizabeth:and is that something that village home stores canhelp with if they're trying tocome up an interesting design?angela: yeah we can

help with the selection processand also do some differentdesigns and even installationif you'd like. elizabeth: that's great andthis might be more of a chickenverses egg question, but what comes first do you pick out thecounter or do you pick out thetile? angela: it's reallypersonal preference it all depends on whichmaterial speaks to you more.elizabeth: and it might helpyou choose one over the other also. um now youare very much a tile expert and you see a lot of projectscome through what do you see ascurrent trends right now or trends forecasted for thefuture. angela: some of thetrends that were seeing is more backsplashes going towards oldworld patterns as opposedgeometric patterns, clean lines, verticalinstallations,

backsplashes that are tilesthat look like wood or metaltiles. um, a lot of the ones that weredoing now seem to be more 3x6 either in a pop front coloror just really neutral clean timeless backsplash as well.elizabeth: yeah just thattimeless look that white subway tile we see it so muchand it's such a greatinvestment cause it looks greatforever. um speaking of the investmenthow is tile typically pricedout? angela: tile is typicallypriced out by the square footor per piece depending on thestyle of the tile. elizabeth: ok and if acustomers interested in lookingat some tile backsplashes and getting a quote what shouldthey do? angela: they wouldcontact one of our flooringdesigners

and we'd be able to set up atime to make some tileselections they can bring indimensions of their backsplash or we'd beable to set up an in-homeconsultation to where we can come out, do themeasurements and give an ideaof pricing that way as well.elizabeth: yeah and it helps you to see the space asalso. well thank you so muchangela for stopping by and talking about kitchen tilebacksplashes and some of themany options we have for them. (music) the second kitchen wewill be featuring in this episode is located inrock island illinois. white thermal foil cabinetry andblack and white fleckedlaminate countertops were inneed of an update and the original layoutwas cramped and crowded formore then one user.

the original kitchen evenincluded an entire empty wall offering no storage at all. ifthis kitchen was going to getremodeled it needed to be done so to use the space muchsmarter and open it up to theareas nearby. a front living room andadjacent dinging roomsurrounded the original kitchen in this ranch home.with the old kitchen walled offfrom these spaces the goal of the designfrom village home stores is tocreate one open space including all ofsame zones. you can see in thisbirds eye veiw of the new design that seatingsbeen added to the wall removed from the existing kitchen. thisshifted the dining room table

to move to the front room area.a hallway down to the left ofthis plan includes an existing builtin linen cabinet that will alsoget replaced with cabinetry to match the kitchen.we can't wait to show you howthis kitchen was opened up and transformed andwe will do just that later inthis episode, but first after this shortbreak we will show you how ourfirst feature kitchen turned out so stay tuned right herefor more of the village homeshow. village home stores is home toone of most beautiful and versatilelighting showrooms in theregion. with hundreds offixtures on display and thousandsavailable from vendors likeelk, hinkley, quorum,

and kitchler our expert staffcan help you select the perfectlighting plan for you. the right lighting can impact aspace like nothing else.whether you're shopping forthat one light to change the look of your roomor an entire home of lightingwe're here to help. lighting that is on trend andfixtures that are timeless.find them all here in ourdowntown geneseo showroom. contact ourexpert team for an appointmentteam today. maytag knows that not everyoneis a member of the clean plateclub. broccoli nubs, gristle bits, onions,livers mayta...umm maytag's not going to let thesekind of meal scraps gum up theworks. with a four blade stainless steelchopper and the most powerfulmotor on the market

if you don't need it you can besure that maytag will chew itup for you. maytag, found at village homestores and village home stores is yourlocally owned source for appliance sales andservice in the greater quadcity area. we carry the entire whirlpool family ofappliances which includesmaytag, amana, and kitchenaid. this diverseassortment of quality namebrands allows us to offer somethingwithin every customers budget.our full staff of expert sales peoplecan help you decide whatfeatures and brands are perfect for your lifestyle.for 30 years our store hasprovided quality

products paired with serviceyou can count on. ourknowledgeable sales staff undergoes extensive producttraining and keeps up withcurrent trends in the appliance industry. at village homestores we also service what wesell along with many major brandsthat we don't. our staff ofexpert appliances technicians service all of henery, rockisland, and scott county. find us online anytime or give us a call at309-944-1344. village home stores, downtowngeneseo. remember the before photos ofour first featured

to many of you they look a lotlike a current kitchen of yours or perhaps many of the ones youvisited in the area. thiskitchen was remodeled from the floor to ceiling byvillage home stores and we'reexcited to show you around. brand new maple hardwood hasbeen installed throughout and gives a warmth to the newkitchen in a way that could notbe matched with any tile orlaminate. new interior doors and trimwere also installed to keep all of the wood finishes in asimilar wood tone throughout. birch wood cabinetry in aseneca doorstyle and briarwoodstain with a black accent are paired perfectly withcambria quartz countertops inthe

blackwood design. on the sinkwall what truly grabs yourattention is the tile on the wall. it is a goodthing were talking aboutbacksplash tile on this episode because here is awonderful example of one thatmakes a big impact. this cappuccino linear mosaictile is illuminated by ourdiode l.e.d. system beneath the wallcabinetry. the tile evenreflects on to the dark cambria tops ina way that mirrors the tileback on to them. try to picture this kitchenwall just painted with a solidcolor. it's hard to do isn't it? theoriginal kitchen included justthe sink wall of cabinetry and a small areafor the range in anotherlocation.

with 3 windows and 3 doorwaysin this room available wallspace was limited. the new kitchendesign includes a built in hutch in the old location of therange.this allows a place todisplay items but also offers the perfectlocation for serving whenentertaining. the range is now locatedbetween the two windows andsurrounded by wall and base cabinetry in a symmetricallayout. a microwave hood isframed in by very depths and heights tocreate interest. we mentioned this kitchen wasremodeled from floor toceiling. that includes the ceiling itself. we removedthe grid ceiling and tiles

and replaced it with a newplastered one adding textureand the opportunity to include a lighting plan with recessedcans and a ceiling centered inthe space. as refrigerators get larger incapacity and height they've also grown deeper. it'snormal to expect any standarddepth model like this to project beyond thecabinetry or panels by a fewinches. in the case of this layout astandard depth model is perfect. these added inches are nobother to traffic moving in andout of the kitchen or any other appliance doors opening intothe space. if your layout wouldbenefit from it counter depth modelsare available. like the unitshown here

these sit back closer to theface frame of your cabinetry. warm wood tones and anilluminated mosaic backsplashare just a few of the reasons we love this kitchen and we areso glad to have the opportunityto show you around it. if one transformation wasn'tenough we do have another foryou. when we come back from a shortbreak we're going to show youthe revel of this kitchenremodel in rock island illinois. thisis tucker and he can't wait foryou to see his new space when we come back formore of the village home show. when you get a maytag washeryou best settle in for the mostdependable relationship of yourlife. so bring on your

smelly things, your dirtythings, not your electronic things, you're welcome. butmost definitely your delicate things. because withmaytag all kinds of things canget the best cleaning in theindustry. maytag, found at village home storesand village home stores is excitedto introduce a full floor covering department includinghardwoods, carpeting, luxuryvinyls, ceramic tile and more to makecoordinating your entire space

from floor to ceiling eveneasier. looking to cover asingle room or an entire home ourexpert sales staff can help youselect the perfect material and design for yourproject. village home stores,located in historic downtown geneseoand online if your kitchen needs a littleenhancement learn how our diode l.e.d. system ofunder cabinet lighting canilluminate the surfaces of your kitchen for both taskand ambient lighting. ourexpert staff can help you estimate the perfectlighting plan with theseproducts. this system is quickly become a customerfavorite and yes they aredimmable. whether

your shopping for that onelight to change the look ofyour room or an entire home oflighting, we're here to help. contact ourexpert lighting team for anappointment today. welcome to this beautiful newkitchen in rock islandillinois. the space behind me went through a lot of work toget ready for the new kitchenso lets begin by taking a fewsteps back and take a look at thiswork in progress. this photo shows you a full view of theoriginal masked by an existingwall form the front door, and here is the same viewafter demo had began. we took a large portion of theright hand side of that sectionout and opened up the new kitchen into the entire l-shaped half wall remains

to support a bar height topthat would provide addedseating to the kitchen. guests and users now have aclear view into and out fromthe space. lets take a look around thisgorgeous new kitchen that isnow bigger and brighter. beginning with this sink wallof cabinetry. a sink centeredbelow the window is surrounded bywall cabinets on each side anda decorative valance above. there are 2 pull out cabinetsbelow, but they're not both fortrash and recycling. one of thesespecialty cabinets is fortucker. this is tucker. tucker went through alot with this remodel and allof our crews loved him. even though he can't tell usit's pretty safe to say thatthis cabinet is

tucker's favorite in the wholekitchen because this is wherehis food is stored. on the opposite end of the sinkwall of cabinetry is a talldeep pantry cabinet. sliding shelves within allowfor a lot of storage in the newkitchen. this tall and deep cabinethelps create an ending point tothe new kitchen cabinetry. this helps show were thekitchen ends and the eat inarea begins now that the wall has beenremoved. we now travel to thisnew area of the kitchen. base cabinetry turns the cornerwere a brand new slide in range and wood hood above it are nowlocated. this is a greatopportunity for us to show you the backsplash tile that'sbeen selected for this kitchen.installed throughout

the new kitchen and even inthis distance from thecountertop to the bar height top this neutral field tile addstexture and interest withoutdistracting from the new clean look. inthis case a subtle variation inthe color of this single tile is a greatlook. of course the reason thisdurango cream tile looks so warm and amazingis because it's illuminated byour l.e.d. lighting system installed throughout.this kitchen is a greatopportunity to point out how to handle the areas where thereisn't a clear starting orstopping point to thebacksplash. here at the sink there is aclear place were the eyeexpects the tile to end and the painted wall to begin.this area is different.

in this case the tile cuts downdirectly from the cabinet endpoint and travels to meet the tile fromthe bar height top area to theleft. this same area could have beenaddressed in a number of ways.your sales person and installer will help youcreate the perfect design andapplication for your kitchen depending on the wall areasinvolved. when we shared thiskitchen on blog and we immediately receivedquestions about the new hoodabove the slide in range. not everyone wants the look ofa stainless hood in thier space. a wood hood can be ordered tomatch the kitchen cabinets andit can really be a wonderful look. concealed withing thisdecorative cabinet is a broanhood

insert. this insert has 390 cfms and a removable washablefilter. with all of the newcabinetry extending up to ceiling with crown molding,there was no way to stagger theheight of this wood hood. the kitchen designer fromvillage home stores insteadcreated interest with a slight change in depthand the addition of an archedpanel shelf above. since the microwave isn'tlocated it needed a homesomeplace else. instead of an over therange microwave an over thecounter microwave from sharp was installed. thismodel is a wonderful solutionfor keeping the countertop free ofappliances. it even has a tasklight below the unit

so undercabinet lighting is notneeded to be installed on thiswall. a french door refrigerator isalso located on this wall andis capped off with second tall pantry cabinet. two otherareas of cabinetry were addedduring this remodel as well. this existing built inlinen cabinet was replaced witha unit to match the new kitchenjust down the hall. now whenentering the home from the front door, this linenmatches the new kitchen and both are in sight of eachother with the more openconcept to the space. the original dinging spaceincluded some built incabinetry, but this area became the eat in section ofthe kitchen in the new design.the dining room table

has been moved down to thefront room of this space and abuilt-in hutch with glass front doors has been installedto match the kitchen and allowa place to display and serve. this can be used forboth dining spaces. the new kitchen cabinetry is apainted birch wood throughout,but you notice from this dining room view thata rich dark mocha finish hasbeen applied to the back panels and trim ofthis half wall. cambria quartzcountertops in the buckingham design andbull nose edge profile give thelook of a natural stone, but withthe durable and non-porusbenefits of a quartz counter. we mentioned the undercabinetlighting already but there isan entire

lighting plan at work in thisnew kitchen. glowing pendantsfrom vaxell and this sparkling drum fromfeiss above the dining roomtable. these light specific areas andadd style to the space. thesedecorative fixtures work along side withcarefully placed recessed cansto light to light each zone of the newkitchen. new hickory hardwoodflooring in a medimum finish also warms the space.random lengths of 4, 6, and 8" have been installedthroughout and even the bedrooms down the hall receivedcarpeting during the remodel. aremodel project like this is no small thing to tackle. adesigner at village home storescan

just design and sell youmaterial for your project, butif you need more help than that we are here for you. don'tforget that we also offercomplete project management for projectsjust like this one in rockisland. from start to finish we canhelp you every step of the way. the kitchen is the hub of your home. it's where you startyour day, and get ready for thenext. what happens in between arememories made, and traditions created. some important lifemoments will happen right here at this counter. is yourkitchen ready? let village

home stores show you what yourdream kitchen can look like.appliances, cabinetry, lighting, and floorcovering. from start to finish, quality, it's the result ofshared values. the joy found in an honest dayswork. respect for true american craftsmanshipand the need not the want to get things right. it's the resultof remembering your roots. being forever humbled by howfar you've traveled and foreverhungry to push on further. quality is a result. quality is who we are. cambria,family owned,

american made. american made. village homestores is your locally owned source forappliance sales and service inthe greater area. we carry the entire whirlpoolof appliances which includes maytag, amana, whirlpool andkitchenaid. this diverseassortment of quality name brands allowsus to offer something withinevery customers budget. our full staff of expert salespeople can help you decide what features and brands are perfectfor your lifestyle. for 30years our store has provided qualityproducts paired with serviceyou can count on.

our knowledgeable sales staffundergoes extensive producttraining and keeps up withcurrent trends in the applianceindustry. at village homestores we also service what we sell along with manymajor brands that we don't. ourstaff of expert appliance technicians serviceall of henry, rock island,whiteside, and scott county. find us onlineanytime at are we ready to go? every act of care counts. feelsbetter. from the grand gestures to thetiniest looks. the fun ones.

the messy ones. this is soimportant to me. the endless ones. hey mom. if it comes from care it counts. because every act of care we give helps thepeople we love become people who love. you are my onlysunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray. (music)

both of the kitchen projectsyou've seen featured on this episode were completedusing the full projectmanagement program at village home stores. we manage completeremodels like these from startto finish and we do this again and againin the extended quad citiesarea. we coordinate and schedulecrews to get your projectfinished in as reasonable of a time frame as possible andto the level of quality wewould expect in our own homes. that is what we do and we lovedoing it! kitchen remodelprojects like these require multiplecrews. our project managementis in place to ensure your project can stayon schedule as we understandissues may come up

during a remodel project. ourmain goal is to get your jobcompleted correctly and allow you the homeowner tomove back in and begin buildingnew memories in your new kitchen from village homestores. your team from villagehome stores can help as little or as muchas you would like. if yourbuilding a new home remember that our new constructioncustomers can bundle theirpurchases throughout the store from us to claim free lightingfor their home. contact ustoday or visit about anyquestions about this bundleprogram. we carry appliances, cabinetry,countertops, and floor covering all in 1 location to make theselection process easier on youweather

your building a new home orremodeling the one your in. wethank you so much for joining us for this episodeof the village home show. youcan look forward to seeing more expert interviews,industry news and of coursemore great remodel projects from right here in the quadcity area. if you have anyquestions about anything you'veseen today here or if you just want tostart the conversation aboutyour own project give us a call at 309-944-1344 or email us visit villagehomestores.comwhere you can find links to allof our social media outlets including pinterest, houzz,facebook and many more. youralways welcome

to stop by and see us at ourshowroom in downtown geneseo.i've been your host elizabeth round and i lookforward to seeing you rightback here for another episodeof the village home show. (music) (more music)

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