-if your grout looks dull and dingy, a goodcleaning will have it looking fresh and new. cleaning options range from the commercial,to the completely natural. before beginning to clean with any product, prep the area bywiping it down with a wet cloth. one natural cleaning solution is a simple paste of twoparts baking soda and one part water. use a grout brush or old toothbrush to apply thepaste to the grout lines. to get twice the scrubbing power, use an old electric toothbrush.clean all of the grout lines then rinse the area with water. if your grout is stainedor discolored, replace the water with vinegar and the baking soda paste. careful it doesn'tbubble over. apply the paste to the grout and allow it to set a few minutes before scrubbing.then rinse well. if you have coarse tiles,

such as marble, test this method in an inconspicuousarea since the acidic vinegar could stain the tile. hydrogen peroxide is a less acidicoption than vinegar. mix one part peroxide with two parts baking soda. apply this pasteto the grout, scrub, and rinse. there are also plenty of commercial grout cleaners designedto do the job. just follow the manufacturer's directions to clean your grout when usingthese products. no matter which cleaning option you choose, allow the grout to dry for 24hours then use a sealer to preserve all of your hard work. whether you use store-boughtcleaners, or go with natural option, clean grout improves the look and extends the lifeof your tile.

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