dirt and grime tend to accumulate over timein the areas where we are frequently spending time and musing. so, you know, that wouldbe the sink, the. stove, and also countertops. these are things that you should be cleaningon a pretty regular basis, but you know, you're doing the dishes, and you're, you're cleaningout the sink when you're done. and then, what tends to accumulate overtime is in the drainstopper, and the, the visible part of the drain, very dirty. and something like cometor soft scrub will do a great job of just cleaning that up. and it will be pretty disgustingif you haven't done it. that while. one area that i know collects a lot of dunk, is thatarea between your countertop and, let's say, your refrigerator or the countertop and thestove. it's just a small crack but because

it's a countertop crumbs fall down and, andso every once in a while what i have found is i can wrap a microfiber cloth around a,a knife. just a butter knife and then get down in there and clean up that area. andit just, it makes me feel a lot better. a toothbrush is a really great little cleaningtool. and i will use a toothbrush anytime that i have to get in around the sink whereit meets up with the countertop. and it does a great job. i think that people. tend tooverlook cleaning under and behind small appliances on your counter top. you're gonna wanna pullthem out and you'll be surprised what you'll find. but clean under and behind those smallappliances.

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