this is a trim or a threshold that i try to install here. look it (the trim) goes up .. it's called jolly schluter 3/8 of inch and if you look here you already cut it you see how nice it was cut here, 45 degrees and here is another place. i would like to cut it you can see i already cut here 45 degrees, but here i didn't cut it yet what i want to show you how to cut this (bottom trim)to fit this 45 degrees here in this area and you can see that before actually set the tile here, even here because these tiles are not set yet. i'm actually first

make sure that the threshold is going to be ready to install together with the tiles. so, let me show you how i'm cutting it to fit exactly 45 degrees. this inside corner so to cut this jolly the threshold which is a metal threshold. what i'm using and using this frame or tool okay, it's called

miter box as you can see here the blue hawk from ... i bought it from lowe's and it cost me, i think two and half dollar. so that is the way its looks and you can see i can actually go 45 degrees 90 degrees and what i am going to do i am going to put it here and i'm going to take this piece of threshold or metal and just enforce

it with these two clamps i have. i have this clamp and this clamp you can see here i'm going to use this clamp here, one here and the other one i put it .. here okay - just move it that you can see the way its looks like i'm using this saw

to cut the aluminum and just make sure that its really straight and by the way you will get a very clear cut when you're going to use manually saw like that otherwise, you will have to buy a machine that will cost you a lot of money let me show you one cutting it. i'm using this saw put it here between this two points, it going to give me 45 degrees "cutting the trim 45 degrees" i think we finish it. i just open it from the two directions. we can see how clear, and how nice it looks so now i'm taking the trim, here's the trim, and what i'm doing i am actually put it inside and you can see how nice

it looks here. i want to show you from close proximity how nice and almost perfect let's look how it looked really and you can see it almost perfect. you almost don't even see the cut

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