i'm gonna show you how to lay mosaic. it'sa more decorative form of tiling and one that will enhance your bathroom. here're the toolsthat we require. we have our safety equipment, spacers, notch trail, the spreading adhesive,grout spreader, mosaic nippers, tile cutter, an angle grinder with blade. we have a mixingpaddle. we have the tiles. we have a container for mixing our adhesive into with some water,our adhesive and our spirit level. i'm gonna remove our equipment here and i will thenshow you how we go about mosaicing. the first thing that we need to do is measure up. sowere gonna use the center point as a reference so that we can lay our mosaic symmetrically.from here we can take our mosaic sheets and run them across to get an idea of how theywill fit. looks like a perfect fit. we also
need to check to see how our ledge is as faras being level. in that way we can make allowances for when we install our mosaics. mosaic tilesare on a sheet and they are easy to cut. good idea to put on some safety gloves first beforewe go ahead and cut them. place the mosaic sheets on the ledge; to get an indicationas to where we need to cut the mosaics and once we've made a mark we can proceed to cut.simply a matter of placing the mosaic tiles somewhere safe. in this case i'm just usingthe box of tiles with the cardboard. using a utility knife, you can just simply run thatacross like so to get it cut. before i can go any further i'll go back and continue cuttingsome more sheets. i don't need that many. the next step will be to mix up our adhesiveto a nice toothpaste consistency. good idea
to put some water in the bucket first, addthe adhesive and mix it up to a nice pasty consistency. okay, i'm happy with that. this is the sortof consistency that we're after. notice how it doesn't quickly fall off the trail butit stays there quite nicely. and that's perfect for what we need. the next step now is tosimply remove the tiles that we've put there. trail some adhesive across and then placethe mosaic tiles on top. now, it's simply a matter of placing the mosaic tiles thatwe've prepared from the center point that we've had previously marked. with our spacerwe can use the spacer as an indicator for when we're putting our mosaic sheets together.this will give us a good idea that everything's
nice and even. this is a rubber grout trailbut it's an ideal tool to use to give you a nice flat finish. now we're simply goingto take out our level, just to have a look to make sure that we haven't got unevennessand our mosaics are nicely placed. the reason why we need to check this now, is that theglue is still fresh we can make some adjustments if we need to. we're just simply going toput our mosaic tiles in the area that we need to tile now, aligning up with the tiles thatwe've just installed. we are going to require a cut here. the tile is being obstructed bythis outlet, the water outlet. mark the tile and i'll show you how to cut the mosaic tileusing the tile nippers. simply remove the mosaic tile, taking out tile nippers. we doneed to apply a bit of pressure here to cut
the tile. i'm going to take my spirit levelhere and draw a vertical line. the next step is to apply our adhesive and work from thecenter out. now that we have spread our adhesive, it's just a matter of placing your tile onthe wall. now we can take our tile that we cut previously, and it's just simply a matterof placing it. now we can continue on. the next step with our tiling mosaics hereis to cut around or locate [sp] where the cuts will be for our mosaic sheets. and thebest way to do that is to simply place the tile alongside the tiling that you've justdone and then just simply marking some indicators either side, in this case this is where ourmixer tap needs to be cut around. so, just getting an idea of the height, we're transferring, marking lines here. now i'm simply going to
take my pencil and transfer the lines thati've just marked using my spirit level. now i just simply need to use my angle grinderto cut out the lines here. this is our finish result. now what we'll do is we'll continueon, so again were just gonna apply our adhesive and then work from the center back out. nowwe're going to take our sheet, place it around our tap carefully aligning that using ourtrail. we can make the adjustments. and now finally we can put our pieces that we've cut.and now we have it, we can continue on from here. okay, as you can see now i've completedthe mosaicing. the art of mosaicing is simply being patient.