want to up date your kitchencabinets or countertops without weeks of demolition? granite transformations willshow us how coming up next. hi, chris. hi, trisha. thanks for joining us. we'rehere at granite transformations in your showroom and we'regoing to take a look around at some of your great products.first of all, give me a littleoverview of the company.

granite transformationsprovides options to upgradeyour kitchen and bathroom without having todo the messy demolition youwould typically do. and we're standing in anexample of a kitchen. one of the things you do iscabinet refacing. what is that? cabinet refacing keeps yourexisting setup while allowingyou to update the color and door anddrawer style. so, if my home has an outdatedkitchen, i really don't need to completely tear everythingout? correct. if you like the layoutof your kitchen but just wantto

update the look granitetransformations can do acabinet reface that takes much . and how are you really able tocut down on that demolitiontime? by just removing the doors anddrawer fronts, we're able toleave the kitchen functioning e update your kitchen to give youa dream kitchen. so, you're not looking at weeksand weeks of demolition and not being able to use yourkitchen. you can get in theresoon and you can actually use it whilethe process is happening. that's the beauty about thisprocess. so, what's nice about workingwith granite transformations isthat

you can either do the wholekitchen or you can just do itpiece by piece in steps. is that right? correct. we allow the customerto choose what's most important and work within their budget. what are some of the optionsfor cabinet refacing? we allow the customer to choosetheir specific hardware, the style for the doors anddrawers, and the color. so, if someone comes in andmaybe they have a couplepictures that they like or they've seensomething else in someoneelse's house,

how do you help walk themthrough what's going to workbest for them? we take a look at what they'veseen and what they'reinterested in re-creating as far as a lookand then customize a kitchenfor them. well, we're going to take alook at a couple projects by granite transformations and seehow those turned out. sounds great. many homeowners are investingmore in their bathrooms to makethem comfortable. granite transformations canhelp with the design process. they can add a tub liner overyour existing tub with nodemolition.

or for your shower surround,add granite and mosaics makingyour whole bath beautiful andfunctional. we had a salmon coloredlaminate which is very dated sowe knew that we wanted to make a change. so,i saw something that i thoughtwould look nice. and then my husband and i wentinto the store and, of course, they have all kinds ofdifferent samples. so, we gotan idea of something that we would like and then wetook a couple samples home. they're very, very helpful. anyquestion that you would have they would provide an answerfor it. and as far as customerservice,

they're wonderful. very easyand nice to work with. updating your counters andcabinetry is easy, convenient, and quick with granitetransformations. in this home,it was out with the old and in with the new. the old laminate countertopswere replaced with dazzling,dark granite in both the kitchen andbathroom adding some neededstyle to the existing cabinetry. thishomeowner's search for arenewed kitchen ended with granitetransformations. without anyneed for demolition, this gorgeous brown cabinetrywas matched with newcountertops.

and an updated full-heightbacksplash tied the entirekitchen together. with this simple and convenientprocess from beginning to end, it's easy to see why granitetransformations is the perfectchoice for your next home upgrade. well, those were some greatprojects with bathrooms andkitchens. and along with refacing you canalso do countertops andbacksplashes. what are the advantages ofworking with granitetransformations on countertops? you know, the biggest advantageis that we don't have to remove your existing counter so theproject is less intrusive onthe customer.

and you have a lot of differentoptions for styles and colors there too. right? we sure do. we offer some greatoptions in color in both the recycled glass and thegranite and have some reallycool backsplash. and how do you help peopleunderstand what's going to work best in their kitchen andlook best and work with their familysituation? you know, each project isdifferent and most customers don't have a lot of experiencein choosing colors so we try

and work with the customer onwhat the home looks like, what their tastes are, andcustomizing an option for them. chris, why should someonechoose to work with granitetransformations? whether you're looking toupgrade your kitchen or yourbathroom we offer an option that is notonly gorgeous but has alifetime warranty and is maintenance free. stopby our showroom. come down and see what we'vegot here. let us come out to your homeand customize a project for you. excellent. thanks for joiningus.

thanks, trisha. for more information aboutgranite transformations,

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