christmas house decoration ideas pinterest

christmas house decoration ideas pinterest

hey it's abby and i realized thatchristmas just ended but i already want to start talking about decorating fornext year. i know that sounds a little crazy but here's what i mean. the moreorganized i am about putting my christmas decorations away and storingthem neatly the easier it will be next year when i go to get all of them outand want to decorate my house again. so i try to be really intentional aboutgetting organized now and i will thank myself later. so today i'm excited totalk about organizing our christmas storage bins but before i get startedmake sure you subscribe so you don't miss any organization inspiration andhead to

to get our free bonus for our newslettersubscribers. step 1 gather all of the holiday decor in onespot. i like to start by collecting all of my christmas stuff from around thehouse and putting it in one spot. i empty all of my bins so i can easily seeeverything that i have. i always think it's nice to start with a blank's easier to see what i'm working with, nothing gets missed, and i can easilyevaluate which storage bins will work best for certain items. the downside isthat my house looks like a bomb went off. step two. declutter. i get rid ofeverything i haven't used or don't love. i love this part. after everything hasbeen set out, i start weeding out the

things that are broken, have missingpieces, are out-of-date or haven't been used in a while and i either throw thosethings away or i put them in donate or sell piles. it's a waste of space tostore things that i'm never going to use again. step 3.sort items by type. once all of my junk is out of the way, i arrange everything ihave left into groups putting the like items together. this time i'm doing mychristmas bins so i put all my ornaments in one section of the room, all thenativity sets in another spot, all the stockings in a separate pile, all thegreenery in a different pile, all the ribbon, etc. step 4. match items withappropriate bins. once my items are

grouped by type it's easy to tell whatsize bin i will need for each one. i have all of my outdoor decor together in twobins, my mini trees are all together in one bin, all of my pillows are togetherin one bin, etc. ornaments i sort the shatter-resistantornaments by color and put all of the metallic ornaments in one tub, all ofthe red ornaments in another tub. just make sure you only do this with theplastic ones. glass ones will break if you try to store them this way. for myreally fragile glass ornaments, i have little divided bins so each ornament canhave its own slot. these bins are great but they can get pricey so i only usethem for my really nice, really fragile

ornaments. i just use shoeboxes to storeour family ornaments within a larger bin. this lets me keep ornaments separated by type and it's free. step 5. label. as i'm putting everything in thebins, i have my cute labels all printed out so i can make notes about what is ineach bin. you can download these printable labels for free over on myblog and i will leave the link for them in the description below. when i'mwriting down the bin's contents, i try to be as detailed as possible so i caneasily find everything next year. once i have everything written down, i run thesheet through my laminator to make it a little more sturdy, cut out the labels,and adhere them to my bins with packing

tape. so now that everything is neat andorganized and ready to go back into storage, i will be thanking myself nextyear because it will be so easy to find exactly what i need and all the bins arelabeled so when i take the items out again to decorate, i'll know exactlywhere to put them back. do you have any tips for keeping the storage bins neatand organized? i would love to hear them in the comments below!

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