gingerbread house kit decorating ideas

gingerbread house kit decorating ideas

hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd video in my special series for christmas in this video, you'll find everything you need to build a gingerbread house from scratch and this includes: first, how to make all of the walls for the house without a mold or a cutter second, i'm gonna share with you how to make the perfect royal icing which will act as the glue to stick all of the gingerbread walls together and finally, there are a lot of ideas and tips and inspiration on how to decorate your gingerbread house with just the royal icing and some popular candies and cookies that you can find at any supermarkets so these are the ingredients that you will need to make the gingerbread dough cookies which will become the walls and the roof for the house i just want to mention that the template for the house is available for download

and you can find the link in the description below this video first, melt the butter then let it cool down to room temperature and while waiting for the butter to cool down, we can prepare the flour mixture by sifting into a mixing bowl the flour, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, salt, then mix everything well and set it aside back to the butter now that the butter is cool and solidifies a bit, we can start to add the icing sugar in we sift the icing sugar into the bowl, but in three or four parts and for each part, we want to fold it gently until the icing sugar is totally combined in the butter then we add the next portion of sugar

once all of the sugar has been added and incorporated with the butter we can start to add the honey all at once and then gently fold in lastly, add into the bowl the egg yolks and flavors to your taste here i use some vanilla extract and orange essence but please feel free to use whatever you like mix until all of the ingredients are incorporated and we have a smooth and fine batter i'm gonna get 1/3 of the batter, which is aout 140 grams and set it aside

then i do the same with the flour mixture, get 1/3 of it, which is also between 140 and 150 grams we will end up with two parts of ingredients the larger part will be used to make the walls of the house and the smaller part will be mixed with red food color to make the roof and lastly, we're gonna mix the flour mixture and the batter together i start with the bigger part first, which will be used to make the walls of the house we only need to fold it gently and then knead the dough a little bit to help all of the ingredients to be incorporated and once we have a ball of dough, we can cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes until it's firm enough to be rolled out

for the smaller part of the ingredients, we first mix the butter and egg yolk batter with some red food color and then we're gonna use some cocoa powder and mix it with the flour mixture this cocoa powder will give the redness of the roof a very nice dark and warm shade and lastly we mix the dry flour with the batter until they are combined and together create a ball of dough like in the video we also cover this dough with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge (same) as we did with the previous part of dough for the walls so after about 30 minutes, we take the dough out of the fridge and i have prepared a sheet of parchment paper here

what i'm gonna do is that i put the dough onto this parchment paper and then i put another sheet of parchment paper above it and i'm gonna roll the dough out through this parchment paper the advantage of this method is that we can prevent the dough sticking to our rolling pin and it also gives the dough a very smooth surface when we roll the dough, try to not push the pin down but lean on it because pushing the pin down will make the dough to be broken we want the dough to be about 5 mm thick and once the dough is ready, with the help of the template, we're gonna cut the dough into pieces of walls and roof of the house

i put the link to download this template in the description below this video so if you need it, don't forget to check it out when finish with the cutting, remove the parchment paper and also the dough which is around these pieces of walls cut along the edges of these pieces to make sure that they are separate from each other and then put them back into the fridge for at least 30 minutes more so that they will become very firm we do the same with the part of dough for the roof after being chilled, the dough is very firm now and is ready to be baked preheat the oven to 190 degrees c for about 15 minutes then put these dough into the oven and bake at 190 degrees c for 7 to 8 minutes

then we rotate the baking tray and continue to bake them at 170 degrees c in another 8 to 10 minutes until the edge of the cookies turns golden brown right after we take the cookies out of the oven immediately use the template to trim off the edges of these cookies this should be done very fast, in 2 - 3 minutes after we take the cookies out because if we do it later, the cookies will get firmer and it will be very hard for us to cut them let these cookies cool down completely and we continue to bake other pieces of the house here i have some dough left from the batch that was used to make the walls of the house i'm mixing it with some cocoa powder so that it's lightly brown

and then i use the same method to make the small details of the house such as the door, the chair, or the windows note that when we bake these small details, the baking time will be shorter which is between 10 and 14 minutes to make the royal icing we will need some egg white, powder sugar and cream of tartar boil some water in a small sauce pan when the water is boiled, set the heat to low and put the bowl with the egg white onto the pan the steam from the pan will heat up the egg white keep stirring constantly to prevent the egg white from curdling when the egg white reaches between 60 and 70 degrees c

we take the bowl out and continue beating for another 30 seconds add the cream of tartar and continue beating at low speed until the egg white turns foamy at this stage we can start to add the sugar, little by little beat so that the sugar is incorporated into the egg white before we add extra sugar as we add more sugar to the egg white we will see that the egg white becomes thicker and glossier we may not need to use up all of the amount of sugar as stated in the recipe but we want to make sure that we will reach the stage when the icing is very thick and can form stiff peak like in the video if you want the royal icing to have some more flavors, you can add some vanilla extract here put this royal icing into a piping bag and seal it carefully

this royal icing will get dry and become firm very fast if they are exposed to the air so be very careful with this the recipe for royal icing in this video is for one egg white but we may need more than that for example i had to use four egg whites for my royal icing (which means 4 times of this recipe) so make sure that you will have enough icing for your house now that we have all of the ginger bread cookies and the icing sugar, we can start to build our dream house i'm gonna decorate the wall and the roof before assembling the house as you can see in the video, i use the green icing sugar with wilton tip #65 to create some green vines around the door of the house this is a leaf tip but we even don't need to pipe a real leaf here

just make it wavy, ruffle and rustic with the similar technique, i'm gonna draw a wreath on the wall and also some greens below the window and to finish i add some red fruits with a round tip #3 when it's done, give it some minutes for the icing to get drier and firmer meanwhile we can go and decorate the roof of the house and the chimney so when all of the drawing is done and the icing is firm we can start to build the house prepare a base for the house and we locate the place where we want the house to be

and use a generous amount of icing to stick the walls to this base as this icing will need some minutes to get firm completely use some boxes to support the walls so that they will not fall down so when all of the walls have been assembled, we will wait for at least half an hour for the icing to get dry completely before putting the roofs onto (the walls) meanwhile we can do the decoration to some other details of the house when the icing is firm and the walls are ready, we can put on the roof you can use some boxes to support the roof so that it won't slide down and we leave it (there) for about 30 minutes for the icing to get firm

to finish we put the door into its place and also create some doorsteps in front of the house here are some details that i'm gonna use to decorate my house the fence, some berries, chocolate flakes, colorful candies and some trees i'm using some pretzel sticks and royal icing to make the fence royal icing is the perfect glue that can help us to assemble whatever we like just make sure to give it enough time so that the icing will get dry and firm completely also with pretzel sticks, popcorn and icing sugar, i'm making some trees here i'd like the house to have more greens so i draw some vines on the walls of the house and i plant some berries and trees in front of the house

for me this decoration part is the best part of building a gingerbread house if you would like to have more ideas or inspiration i have a board in my pinterest in which i have collected many beautiful gingerbread houses please feel free to check the link in the description below this video just let imagination and creativeness guide you and have a lot of fun thank you very much for watching this video i hope you have found a lot of inspiration from it please stay tunned for more videos on xmas cooking and baking on savoury days kitchen i hope to see you again very soon :-) goodbye!

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