italian bistro kitchen design

so rosetta is our new italian restaurant incrown. we're really excited about it. it's so beautiful. it's all about elegance andsophistication and simplicity and that reflects not just the decor which is amazing but alsothe food. amazing ingredients, incredible ingredients, great farmers producing beautifulthings for us and us cooking with a wonderful craft and of course an authenticity that willmake people feel like they're in italy, that they're sitting there eating great italianfood. rosetta is a modern italian restaurant withi think a very classic feel about it. from a food perspective, we're looking to combinethe very best, most beautiful produce that victoria and australia has to offer and we'relooking to combine it with the very best handmade
artisanal dry and preserved goods that thepassion of italy can provide us with. we really want people to experience kind ofa little bit of italy and i think if you see the relationship between the decor and italythere are lots of great references. the floor for instance, wonderful marble floor is justabsolutely fantastic and so reminiscent of walking through so many great buildings initaly and in rome and places like that and we've also got the wonderful, inspired bypucci [sp] fabrics out on the balcony and the wonderful prince of many famous italiansnot just in politics and sport and theater but you know car makers and other things andone of the really wonderful things that we love here is the beautiful chandeliers again,blown glass, another reference.
there are so many classic references to beautifulitalian design that i think you know makes the restaurant very sophisticated but putsyou in a place. you know you feel like you're about to eat wonderful italian cuisine becausewe've transported you from melbourne into this wonderful rosetta.