front of house christmas decorating ideas

hi guys and welcome back to my channel today, you're gonna be coming along with me to decorate my house for christmas this is one of my favorite times of the year and definitely one of my favorite times of the year to decorate i got a bunch of my stuff for a really affordable price i did a haul on these items and i will link that video both at the end of this one and down below i have just been storing all of this christmas stuff up in my fancy now from my spare bedroom where i film so blake calls this the christmas store, it's just so cute so i've got a lot of things here. i need a couple more things just little things like i need some candles for this i'm gonna do red, and then i have this right here, and i'm gonna get a green candle for that. what's your favorite thing?
you like the santa stickers this is what we're gonna get started with i am so excited to find a place for all this stuff something i've noticed about the way that i decorate is that? nothing's permanent, so i always feel like i can switch things around. i will usually rearrange things several times before i like my finished product i actually ended up moving this table runner into the living room on top of the piano because it clashed with this banner so i will be running back to hobby lobby, which is where i got a lot of this stuff because i like their coupons so we'll be headed there tomorrow to see if i can that find another banner. i'm thinking maybe a silver or a gold
the piano area is definitely one of my favorite areas in the entire house to spruce up and change out with the holidays i just think it's a really fun little space and i love this white ikea shelf so before i film this i did end up running to walmart and i found these three little red candles for under $2 apiece and they smell like cinnamon so that was a total score then i had this little wreath that i went ahead and set around this candle and in the end i loved how this turned out i did bust with it for another couple hours
i kept going back and forth after i finished filming this and i will show you at the end what i did end up with and i was really happy with it then i have this sign that just says be brave or this picture that i got at hobby lobby and i loved it, but i wanted to switch it out for something much more festive, so this merry and bright sign i think came from hobby lobby last year this garland has been with me since like my first year of marriage which is like 10 years it is amazing the lights on it still work every year. i test it thinking this is the year these lights are going to be dead, and i'll have to switch them out, but they keep going it's amazing
then i bought this red ribbon for just a couple of dollars to tie around to corn my house that i already had just to spruce it up and make it look more festive so i went ahead and tied this around a darling little barrel that i got a t.j.maxx for the fall and to be honest i did have to use duct tape i didn't have any fabric glue or fabric tape which would be a great thing for me to invest in so to help this stay in place? i did grab a piece of duct tape temporary solution, but it is holding things up for now over the fall i had little pumpkins in this glass jar but i thought i'd switch it up for some cinnamon scented pine cones. i grabbed these for $3 at walmart i thought this was really cute, but it definitely needed something so i grabbed that red ribbon again
i am going to secure this on and i thought that really helped in fact i am going to spruce it up even more in just a minute and you'll see the final product snack break these are my favorite. these are the candy cane kisses these are a very dangerous thing for me to have in the house but i figured it'd be a fun little snack to have while i'm decorating for christmas. i highly recommend them to add a final touch on this pinecone jar. i just took a holiday clothespin and clothes pinned a little gift tag to the ribbon, and i thought it was really adorable i got the gift tag at the dollar store
and then i found this sweet little clip with the jingle bell at the dollar spot at target every year i tell myself, i'm going to get a couple of christmas pillows i never do it this year i decided to i'm really happy i got this little merry christmas with a vintage wreath around it and then this red one with the sequins and i'm happy with how both of them look in the living room absolutely obsessed and then here quickly is what i ended up with for the piano area. i did add these white lights i thought they were so pretty and classic and then some things that i wanted to reuse from last year are this little red truck and this nutcracker then to update my front porch
i just put a couple of walmart pillows they were two dollars each out on my blue chair and then i hung up my wooden skates from the target dollar spot then i wanted to show you guys quickly a holiday brew that i do every year that is absolutely amazing it is just orange peels and then i either use cranberries or pomegranate skins a couple cinnamon sticks some whole cloves and i do a generous splash of vanilla i simmer this on low it will last me a couple of hours, and it fills the entire house i highly recommend it trying this. it's very inexpensive and super easy to throw together. i'll write you guys that's gonna wrap up this video. i hope you loved it yay for the holidays. i'm so excited for christmas
thank you so much for joining me today for this video please don't forget to like and subscribe and i will see you in the next one. bye