interior design kitchen window

interior design kitchen window

hi, eric here with thirty by forty designworkshop, today we're going to be talking about how to use long, narrow windows. without windows, our architecture would belifeless, heavy and dark. we use window openings to control light, admitfresh air and connect our interiors to the outside world. because they control these key componentsof our built environment, windows are integral to setting the mood of a space. sliver, or ribbon, windows have a particularlyunique way of controlling the way we feel in a space.

used high in a wall, they wash the ceilingwith an even light, making a space feel secure yet luminous and introspective. used low in a wall, they create a dramaticshift in focus, highlighting and reflecting the adjacent ground color, material and weatheroutside. used at or just below eye level, sliver windowscreate a carefully controlled horizontal framed view to the building's surroundings. by locating these sliver windows significantlybelow eye level, the architects have maintained a connection to the outdoors, provided naturallighting to the hallway and directed the interior-exterior sight lines toward the ground.

this is done intentionally to change the eye'sfocus toward the other elements in the hallway and direct movement. the bold lighting and the destination, a brightlycolored door, receive the most attention as a result. the sliver windows create a well-lit pathwayto follow and an eye-catching linear shelf of contrasting wood that bounces light verticallyto warm the white hallway. the lowered natural horizon point also makesthe hallway naturally feel taller. and so the effects rendered are: it encouragesmovement, creates mystery and a highly controlled experience.

pairing a low window with an exterior surfacematerial, such as this water pool, allows for light to be reflected off the material'ssurface toward the interior. this washing of light can be different dependingon the exterior material's color and reflective characteristics as well as on the time ofday, the season and the solar orientation. for this gallery space, a muted, indirectlight is perfectly appropriate. the low window also permits the majority ofwall space to be used for artwork. so the effects here are that it creates focusedattention both interior and exterior, the exterior surfaces enhance the interior reflectionsand the quality of light. sliver windows provide a tenuous and unexpectedbase to the floating wall above them in this

living space. they focus views to the nearby trees, andby extending the windows wall to wall, the architect has connected the interior floorspace to the adjacent forest canopy. the wall appears to float as a thin shellroof folding into and becoming a wall. by locating this window at the floor, thebuilding form and interior space become dynamic interlocking l-shapes. the effects at work here: reinforce strikinggeometries and create strong outdoor connections. on the lower level of the same house, thissliver window calls attention to two elements: an angled steel column and a tree trunk.

it's sort of a portrait, one abstracting theother. the effect is that it editorializes and highlightsthe unique. as we move the windows higher up in the wallplane, closer to our natural sitting position, the placement tends to suggest use and offerdistinct perspectives. this sitting alcove has a controlled slotof light right at seated eye height as well as one high above. the upper sliver windows wash the space inambient light, while light from the lower window warms the wood walls. despite its tall volume, this space exudescomfort and security.

the lower window engages a very specific activityand rewards the user with a special view available only in repose. the effects here are: cozy, intimate and special. here we see the combination of two uses ofsliver windows. the upper, or clerestory, windows wash thewhite ceiling with bright natural light, while the lower windows near the seating group permitonly very carefully controlled views outside. neighboring structures and views may not alwaysbe desirable, and narrow windows allow the interior experience to be carefully modulated. seated, one has a sense of the exterior spaceand natural light but no sense of just how

close the property line actually is. so the effect at work here is to conceal viewswhile still admitting natural light. with a view like this, why not glaze the entirewall? well, there's many reasons not to. if this view faces north, a small amount ofglazing, especially in a northerly climate, just makes sense. also, by placing the window as the architecthas here, it calls attention to a very specific view to the landscape, which is revealed slowly,depending on your position in the room. when the viewer is standing, the view is moreabout the lake; when seated, it combines water,

mountains and sky; and when lying in bed,it's more about the tree line and sky. this changeable horizon through a controlledview allows the interior experience to be more complex and enriching. and revealing only one measured, narrow viewat a time fosters a more intimate understanding of the building's site. the effice is painterly and abstract. this treatment engages the whole of the surroundings. this view functions as a living panoramiclandscape painting and reinforces many of the previously discussed concepts.

it's also a great example to illustrate proportion. to be considered a sliver or ribbon window,i suggest a 3:1 width-to-height ratio at a minimum. if you're looking for more of a sliver andhave the room, use a ratio of 5:1 and up. this particular window nicely correlates toa 3:1 proportion. using anything less will appear more rectangularthan horizontal, and it will be difficult to achieve the effects we've been discussing. here the dining space has a contemplativepanoramic painting. again, the sliver of view affords a changingperspective on the vast landscape beyond,

but one that is highly specific to one's vantagepoint. the effect? used in a space that is exclusive to seatedfunctions, this treatment highlights the surrounding topography's horizon line. placing narrow windows at this elevation ina wall makes great sense for spaces where the activity is centered around standing. as you might expect, most of these examplesare found in kitchens. in this kitchen the horizontal window hasbeen stretched to epic proportions. it brings a verdant view into the kitchen,provides ample natural light to the work surfaces

as well as the entire room, and it's a weightlesscounterpoint to the massive and weighty elements that comprise the kitchen below the windowsill. effect? when sliver windows are taken to the extreme,the wall surface appears to dissolve, connecting inside and outside. this project showcases a unique applicationof the sliver window. on the exterior it features the horizontalwindow element as something special. on the interior it provides additional counterspace, whether for storage or growing herbs. it confidently incorporates a transparentbacksplash and window into the architecture

of the home. the proportions of this galley kitchen arematched by the horizontal band of windows, which highlight a private exterior courtyardbeyond. the use of sliver windows here alters thevisual perception of space, essentially borrowing the exterior courtyard space and incorporatingit into the kitchen. the tight footprint feels much more spaciousas a result. because this home is at the center of a three-lotblock of row houses, the architects used the courtyard as a way to deliver light to theinterior spaces. while they gave up some interior space, theyfound a clever solution to a common problem.

the sliver windows also control the viewsto the neighboring house, only permitting views to the outside wall and display area. enhance the apparent dimension of a smallspace, especially in urban environments, where views often require filtering. it's hard to discern in this kitchen whatis backsplash and what is window. the kitchen feels like a part of the outdoors,and the sliver window effectively counterbalances the solid cabinetry. the architects have hidden the frame of thewindow glazing, adding to the custom-tailored look.

everything feels as if it's part of a familyof thoughtfully considered, highly customized design elements. the effect: a brightly lit workspace withstrong connections to the exterior. narrow windows located high in the wall areusually called clerestory windows. the principal reasons for shifting windowsvertically in the wall like this are to take advantage of natural daylight while promotingprivacy and prohibiting views out. locating windows higher in the wall deliversmore light farther into the space. the sliver window shown here washes the ceilingplane in even light and maintains a kitchen space separated from the outside.

the upper cabinetry becomes a light shelf,bouncing light even deeper into the space. an operable clerestory provides excellentventilation capabilities, and without the need for supplemental lighting, the clerestorywindow is an energy-conscious choice as well. the effect: a cloistered, inwardly focusedyet bright and evenly lit space. another creative application of the sliverwindow can be seen here on the interior wall of an office space that borrows light froman adjacent room. placing the window high in the wall movesit out of the way of the workspace, minimizing distractions while conferring all of the advantagesof natural lighting to the space. this is an excellent way of transferring lightbetween rooms while maintaining separation

and privacy. bathing spaces lit by natural light are particularlyenjoyable spaces. daylight intimately connects us to our naturalcircadian rhythms, warms us and wakes us. daylighting paired with light-hued interiormaterials, such as the tile in this shower, creates a luminous and soft look. this makes the sliver window used high inthe wall of a shower or bathing space especially attractive. note how the ceiling plane appears to hoveror float. the clerestory window creates this uniqueeffect; it reduces the apparent weight of

the ceiling plane, replacing it with a viewto the outdoors. the effect: a brightly lit interior that preservesprivacy.

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