christmas house tour decorating ideas
hi guys, i’m karen kavett and today it isfinally time for the full christmas decorations tour of my apartment 2017. if you’re wondering what i’m wearing,i just made this in the christmas diys to do when you’re bored video and i just shotthe beauty shots of me wearing it. and honestly i love it so much that i didn’teven want to take it off, i’m still wearing it for this video, i have no shame. so of course every diy video that i mentioni’m going to link right down below if you want to see the full diy for anything thati’m showing. and yeah, let’s just get into it.
alright, so here is the apartment lookingover this way. this is the little dining room area. also where i shoot all of my craft videoson this table. on the table is the advent calendar that imade for hgtv handmade, i think it makes such a lovely little centerpiece. and then up here is like, the star of theshow. i’m sure this is what all of you guys werewaiting for me to go through and tell you where i got all of this stuff. ok so here on the top layer we have the letit snow sequin word which i made for hgtv.
we also have this tinsel pom pom wreath thingwhich i made out of a pizza box, that was for the diys to do when you’re bored video. and then we have my giant gingerbread menwhich again are made out of cardboard boxes and puffy paint and those were for the oversizeddecorations video. underneath that is all of these wrapping papertrees which again were for the oversized decorations video. ok so over here in the back we have the bigbottlebrush tree which i decorated with mini pom poms in a garland last year. and then just a whole bunch of other big andmini trees.
i wanted to make kind of a multicolored forest. i also have my painted cars that are transportingtheir christmas trees home. i made those last year as well and i actuallyjust re-edited the social facebook video for how to make these so i’ll put that linkdown below as well. i got these little deer guys at target lastyear. in this little tray are some giant jinglebells as well as the paper gemstones which i made for hgtv earlier this year. and i love them because they’re so neutralthat i can use them to decorate all year long. next we’ve got a thing of colored pencilswith rhinestones on the end, i also made those
for hgtv. and my glue containers, the gold and pinkones, which both of those projects were for the video about how to make your craft supplieslook cute. and i have the origami tree and the origamicard which i just made for hgtv the other week. alright moving on we have my little gold nutcracker,which i painted with gilding paint last year. there’s a candle in the back which is fromtarget and this snow globe is also from target both of them from last year. this pink bottlebrush tree i just got in thedollar section of target this year.
that little sequined elephant ornament wasfrom target last year and then we just have a little cup of straws which again, bringa little more color to the space. after that are my two pantone boxes, whichi have to have out because the purple one holds all of my most used craft supplies soi just need that right at hand so i can grab them as i’m working. and then the pink one just kind of matchesthe purple one. that one is actually filled with ziploc bags. and if you’re wondering why we have so muchalcohol over there, the reason is because we literally, my roommate and i, we literallynever drink it.
so it just sits there, it’s not like we’regoing through it every week. most of that stuff has been there for monthsand months and we don’t have anywhere else to put it. so you know we have really nice cutesy christmasdecorations, and then just a counter full of alcohol. so that was this whole wall of decorations,now we’re gonna swing over to...oh man i need to close those blinds. sorry, one sec. ok, so here is the giant hexagon snowflakewall which i showed you how to make in the
oversized christmas decorations video. in the middle there is the sequined word whichi made for hgtv. and then down here i set up this nice littledisplay. i tried to keep the colors not too brightbecause i didn’t want it to compete with the wall too much. so if we start over here we have another littlejingle bell, a candle which i did not turn on because the battery doesn’t work anymoreso i need to replace that. also these glittery silver and gold cone trees. and then i have this little card display whichis from umbra.
i gave that away in a video a few months agoand they also gave me one to keep. so i put my favorite monochromatic christmascards on there. so pro tip, if you’re sending me a christmascard, make it black and white and gold and then i’ll probably put it out on display. and if it’s not those colors, it’ll probablysit in a box. sorry. in front of that is this polka dot clear ornamentwhich i made, oh god like 3, 4 years ago? there’s a video on my channel somewhereabout how to make that. and then i have these glittery giant jinglebells and, oh i need to shake these up.
one sec. so these are glitter jars, and don’t worry,the top is glued on, so it’s not like it’s gonna spill everywhere. but i made these using marianne’s tutorialon hgtv, but there are tutorials all over the internet, like tons of people have madethese. it’s basically just a jar filled with waterand glitter. next to them i have these bookends which igot when i did that video for wayfair three years ago. i still love them, i don’t use them as bookends,i use them as a sculpture, as a piece of art.
and then another candle which does not work. so that’s this whole wall, which again i’mso happy with. i really wanted to do some large-scale colorfuldecorations this year, and i think it’s just really fun and really festive and modern. alright so i seem to have lost a piece ofmy microphone, so if the audio changes at this point, i apologize. but anyway, if we come around to here, there’snot a whole lot to see over here. we’ve just got my giant craft cabinet, whichi put these little glitter snowflakes on. and i just hung those up with glue dots.
and down here, this isn’t part of the decorations,i just thought you guys might like to see. i have all of my foam boards that i’ve spraypainted which i use for the backgrounds of my diy videos. so here’s the inside of the craft cabinet. it’s a little messy right now so don’tlook too closely. down there you can see all of the extra rollsof wrapping paper that i have left over which i can now use to wrap actual christmas presents. alright so if we swing around here, from thecraft cabinet, now we are getting to the tree. oh hey you guys look, that snowflake justfell off.
i had put it back up for like, right beforei filmed that shot and it just fell off again. so i think i need a few more glue dots. ok anyway, as i said in the diys to do whenyou’re bored video, the white tree is from treetopia. they sent it to me for free so that i couldmake a video about how i decorated it. and i decorated it with just a ton of rainbowornaments that i got from michaels. i love it, this is my dream christmas tree,i think it’s gorgeous. next to it we’ve got this pink christmastree which i actually only bought because when i was doing the ping pong christmas diyvideo for hgtv, i made the crafts and then
i was like, you know what? these would look so good on a pink background. why don’t i also get a mini pink christmastree? so i ordered this on amazon. i paid way too much money for the rush shippingso it would get here in time to do the beauty shots of that video. i decorated it with the glitter perler beadsnowflakes which i showed you how to make in the diys for when you’re bored video. and then you guys, this tree topper is theactual worst, i got it at target for $5, and
it is so lightweight, it is constantly gettingcrooked and falling off and this thing is gonna like, kill me, it’s so frustrating. i definitely next year i need to do like adiy mini tree topper so i don’t have to use this one again because it is the worst. so underneath the tree i just have these littlegift boxes, which funny story about these. when i did the advent calendar video for hgtv,i wasn’t sure if i wanted to make it out of little gift boxes or big gift boxes soi got 25 of each. obviously i decided to use the little ones,so now i just have 25 of these square gift boxes and nothing to do with them.
so i just threw a few of them under that treewith some bows on them. the faux fur tree skirt i got from targetthis year. behind the tree i’m sure some of you guyswere wondering what these posters are, they’re actually made the french paper company whichis always a sponsor of adobe max, they always have a booth in the expo hall. and they give away really nice posters justfor free, for anyone to take. and so this year they had this colorful adobeillustrator poster and the photoshop one that’s on the other side. and you can’t really see it, but this posterbehind the tree is from french paper co from
adobe max last year. under the tree i have a big old pile of presents. which fun fact, they’re not real presents. that’s my board game collection. so that’s a little craft hack, which i’vebeen doing for the past few years. if you want to give the illusion of havinga big overflowing christmas tree, but you don’t actually have a lot of presents togive, or you don’t have anyone to give a lot of presents to, just wrap up your boardgames. they look great.
i probably should have put gift bows on these. they look a little plain, but i didn’t haveany. and i didn’t have time to run out to targetagain to buy some. so right now they’re just plain, if i endup at a store that sells gift bows, maybe i’ll get some and throw them on there. ok i lied, after i filmed this i actuallywas at target and i picked up some gift bows because it just looked unfinished and i neededto throw some gift bows on there and so this is what it looks like now, i think it looksgreat. ok so those are the trees.
so now we can swing around here, we’re almostdone. here we have the tv stand. this is really fun to style every year. this year i put up this perler bead christmaslight garland, which i made for the diys to do when you’re bored video. behind the garland we have a record player,which i have literally never used. i got the record player when i did that thingwith wayfair, and i don’t own any records. so i can’t use the record player. but it looks really nice.
and then i also have some wrapped up boardgames, which i made for my how to, like hacks for being organized video on hgtv like twoyears ago. on top of the tv stand we have this candle,we have a little mug that says shine bright, and it’s filled with really colorful candycanes. um, if you’re a real life friend of mineand you come over to hang out, i would not recommend actually eating those. i bought them last year and they’ve beensitting in my christmas box for a year, and they kind of melted. they’re a little sticky.
so it’s kind of gross. i’m gonna throw them away after this year. but i thought they looked nice as a decoration,but just fyi, please do not eat them. and then on the other side i have this littlechristmas mini tree thing. which i actually painted those berries pink,because they were red and i don’t know if you could tell, but i am so over red, i’mall about pink for christmas. unfortunately i was kind of rushing and ididn’t do a very good job, so it looks a little messy if you look up really close. so if you come over to hang out at my house,if you’re a real life friend of mine, just
don’t look closely at that. look at everything else, just don’t lookat that. alright so if we swing around to this side,you can see the couch and the coffee table. this coffee table is just from ikea, but ireally like it because it has the glass top so i can always decorate what’s underneath. so this year i have this gold tray which hasall of our tv remotes, and then i have this white tray which just has the pinecones thati painted gold last year as well as an instax camera so that if we have friends over, peoplecan just you know, take cute photos of each other.
and then on the couch, on the back is thisgray faux fur blanket which is way more expensive than i ever would have bought myself, buti got it when i did that wayfair video, and i love it. it adds so much texture and it’s reallysnuggly and warm. we also just have two cheap ikea blankets. i wish i had a pink blanket to put here, buti don’t have one, so i just had to go with red, it’s fine. it’s fine, i can deal with one pop of red. and then we’ve got this colorful pillowwhich was from wayfair, this little faux fur
pillow which i just got from target the otherweek in the dollar section. we have this geometric pillow which is fromtarget last year. and then this believe pillow which is frommichaels last year. and then over here on the counter in frontof the kitchen, i just put a white marble tray and some little candy canes because ithink it’s nice to be able to offer your guests a festive snack over the holidays. and also i don’t really like candy canes,so it’s the one candy that i can have in my house and not have it be gone in like,the next two days. i also put the giant pinecone that i paintedgold right there as well.
just cause i thought it was funny. and if we look over here you can see thati still have these cookbooks that i covered in brown paper and stamped last year. honestly they’ve been sitting in the exactsame spot for a year. i haven’t changed that. alright so that is the entire apartment thisyear. i love how colorful it is, i love how brightand festive it is. and i hope that you guys like it too. alright that was the christmas tour.
you guys don’t even know how many hourswork went into all of these decorations this year. but i love it. it’s so christmassy and so cozy and i havecolor everywhere which was the number one goal for this year’s decorations. so like i said before, all the videos thati mentioned i’m gonna link down in a playlist right down below. i’m also gonna link last year’s christmastour so that if you want to compare two different styles of decorating, you can see what i didlast year.
compared to this year. that sounds fun. does it? i don’t know. so i would love to know in a comment how youare decorating your apartment this year. did you do any of the diys that i’ve beenshowing you all month, or did you come up with your own diy projects? or if you’re not decorating, i would loveto know what your favorite part of my apartment is.
so please make sure to like this video andsubscribe, and i hope you all have a very merry christmas, a very happy holidays, andi’ll see you guys next time.