diy home decorating ideas blog

diy home decorating ideas blog

you always have options to get hundreds ofdollar wood cabinets to organize your chaos or following one of next 31 do it yourselforganization ideas. in this video, you'll learn how to add movable space under yoursofa or how to hang magnetic hanging air plant holder like magic. start from number1. clip on convenient organizers. once you have selected which containers youwant to use for the organizer, arrange clips on them and using a sharpie, decide whereyou are drilling your holes. carefully drill holes on the containers and take them outdoorsto spray paint. to make a classy organizer, choose white exterior and funky neon for theinner colour. here is a spray paint tip- always start from the inside. if you mess up, youcan cover it up anyway. once the painting

is done, measure and cut felt pads for theclips to avoid getting the table scratched. 2. diy undersofa storage hotwheels.make a diy drawer to stash your stuff below your sofa. bolt all your boarders to a woodenbase and throw some wheels at the bottom. simply store your belongings and slide themunder the sofa. 3. woody will require cardboard file sorters and con-tact paper. measure your paper accordingto the pattern you want on the sorter. around 1" from the bottom. then simply peel and stickthe contact paper on the sorter. reveal part of the file sorter beneath the paper. youcan incorporate the same for a pen stand and a tiny desk planter too.

4. diy quirky blanket ladder depending on whether you want to make an a-frameladder or parallel rails, you need to angle the base of the wood to rest on the make a quirky ladder, opt for driftwood, which is of different or same size for a-frameor parallel rails respectively. clean the wood and paint the parts of the ladder. oncedry, mark points on the rails to assemble the driftwood. position ladder rungs ontothe rails and then attach copper top clamps to them. hammer nails through the clamp andpilot holes for a sturdy and rustic blanket ladder. 5. clutter free vanity

you can convert satsumas plant stand fromikea to make a colourful and convenient vanity unit for each member of the family. arrangethe pots according to the height of each member of the family. not only does this idea keepthings organized, it also helps maintain hygiene. 6. fancy upcycled tissue box.cut off the top of an empty tissue box and using a hot glue gun and twine, start concealingthe bottom. work your way around the sides of the box with one continuous twine. a patternedfabric liner can be used from the inside of the box and clamped outside. for finishing the box, double turn the liner edge, press with iron and single stitch it. your fancytissue box is ready to be shown off.

7. diy leather catchall organizer bin.after cutting out the template, place it behind the leather and trace to cut the shape includingslits for the ends. use a leather punch to fit a rivet through it. after folding thecentre flap, fold the right flap followed by the left flap across both. clip them togetherusing a binder clip, make as many bins like this in different sizes as organizer bins. 8. easy ring display and storage take wood of desired size and using a sawblade, cut through half of its thickness and be careful not to cut through the entire board.flip the board and cut at each line to make petite ring slots.

9. diy dip kitchen jars start with a masking tape for dipping thepaint right and letter stickers for each jar. using a freezer bag, cover till the top andhold the jar in place while spray painting. once dry, you can remove the freezer bag,masking tape and the letter stickers. you can also get creative with a couple of sharpiesto design your jar. seal the paint and protect the jar from damage by concealing with cleargesso or matte varnish. 10. diy wooden magazine holder.on a wooden plank, draw the area that has to be cut, preferably in the centre and accordingto the size of the other plank to fit through. using a saw, cut through the plank accordingto the thickness of the other plank and combine

them like a puzzle. you can then conveniently disassemble them whenever you want. 11. diy toy box with casters.after choosing your crates, bolt one caster at each corner with screws. for the lid youcan use plywood of same size as the crate. make sure you cut the foam in the same sizethough. for the seat cover, choose bright fabric that can be stapled after the foamand plywood are put on. 12. diy suitcase record player.a vintage record player without a lid and an antique suitcase are all you need. forease of access, opt for a record player with detachable power cords and separate plugsfor speakers. depending on where the cords

come, drill holes in the suitcase. you canpaint the interior of the suitcase for design. to cover up drill holes, use a bit of ribbon. 13. easy memo board use a board of your choice of size and colour.simply stretch rubber bands over the board to make memo holders. you can even put photographson it. 14. magnetic floating air plant can paint plastic eggs and cut them into halves. use craft glue near the opening ofthe egg half and press a strong magnet on it. after a few hours, you can put your airplants in. 15. anthropologie wall organizer hack.cut your plywood board to 24x32 inches and

divide them into three sections that willhold two boxes each. create your boxes by cutting two 4 inches pieces and three 1.5inches pieces on a basswood. using superglue, assemble it into a box. make boxes as perrequirements with change in size if needed but remember to use plenty of superglue tomake it secure. use super glue on the box and gently press down on the plywood boardand leave it to dry overnight. you can give it a splash of colour too by painting oneor more boxes. 16. test tube spice rack.on your piece of wood, use a drill to make holes for the test tubes. you can use a 11/8” forstner bit to make evenly spaced holes. you can slip o rings on the test tubesfor hanging. fill with spices and close with

a cork stopper. hang the rack convenientlyon small l brackets. 17. hidden key storage unit.much like in movies, you can conceal your belongings behind a picture frame with thishack. look for a picture frame with some depth behind and use two hinges to install it onthe wall. use cup hooks for keys and as receipt holders. with some magnets and metal sheets,you can use the back of the frame too. 18. diy dog food station a box with a separate lid and on the lid, make circles according to the diameterof the bowl and cut them with a saw. you can attach the lid to the box using 1 ⼠“bradnails and wood glue. conceal nail holes and seams with wood filler and proceed to paintthe box. you can store dog food below while

the lid holds the bowl. find more detail indescription area. 19. double decker mason jar organizer.using wood, build two boxes of the same size and mark equal points inside to divide need to divide them into compartments that will hold one mason jar each. using woodglue and 1 â¼â€œ brad nails you can assemble the pieces to make compartments. repeat thesame for the other box. find a centre point and use a wooden candle holder to attach thetwo boxes. you can drill a pilot hole in each piece before using a 2 â½ dowel screw to boltthe candle holder to the bottom. likewise, use a 1 â½ dowel screw to attach it to theupper deck. 20. multilevel desk organizer by thelovelydrawer.a metal frame and balsa wood sheets are all

you need. mark the wood according to the shapeand size you want. to make it more unique, you can cut the wood from big to small foreach section. using a glue gun, stick the wood to the frame with the big piece in thebottom and the smaller ones on the top. 21. sugarandcloth diy desk organizer.make three small boxes out of wood that will sit on a wooden board. stick them togetherusing wood glue and leave some space behind to assemble a cork board. measure and cuta cork board accordingly and using tape, you can create a border to paint. you can paintall the boxes before gluing them too. 22. wall mounted charging station shelf.cut pine boards to make a shelf of your desired dimensions and make two holes in the middleof the top and bottom boards. the top hole

is for the power cable for the devices whereasthe bottom is for the power cord. you can cover the shelf with a hard board materialand hinges to keep the wires out of sight. install onto the wall using l brackets. forcomplete measurement, check e-book version of this video. 23. phone charging station and tablet holder from a picture framecut cardboard that will fit snugly into the picture frame. make holes on the sides ofthe frames for the cords to come in. use painted trim pieces to make shelves for phones andtablets. you can secure all of them using a glue gun.

24. diy family charging station centre you can upcycle an open wood organizer ora letter sorter to make a charging unit to house several devices. drill holes throughthe walls for the cords and paint the wood to give it a new look. additionally, you canalso create labels for the devices. 25. diy wall mounted charging station.mount a wall file or an envelope holder near a power outlet. simply swap your plug witha usb friendly outlet. you can house as many devices as you want in this wall snuggledunit. 26. diy fabric charging will need a front and back fabric for the main piece and a front and back fabricfor the outer pocket and the lining pocket

respectively. you can use materials such asfleece or peltex. go colourful with the choice of fabrics and once you stitch them together,you need to fix a grommet through which you can hang your unit next to a power outlet. 27. lilluna charging station this one’s for better visibility, perhapsyou can check notifications when your device is plugged in. the wood for the box can becut at a 30-degree angle. cut wood in pairs of different lengths so you can arrange themas dividers along the angle. drill holes for the cords to pass by and for a sturdy look,apply a coat of wood paint. spray paint your unit and let it dry.

28. hidden charging unit in the kitchen this one’s for the stealthy. convert a drawerinto a charging station with an electrical outlet and holes for cords in the wooden divider.add a couple more dividers and you can store car keys and bills as well. 29. diy dual copper candle holder you need plywood and two copper pipes of yourdesired length. you can cut them straight or at an angle to add some design. fill 2/3rdof the pipe with concrete so that the weight balances out. apply copper spray on the woodas well as the pipes and attach them on either

sides of the wood to make a rustic candleholder. 30. jazzed up colourful block storage can use tape to paint the sides and insides of storage lockers perfectly and assemblethem to form alternate blocks of colours. this can brighten any space. and the lastone, 31. beautiful diy modcloth inspired by plantcandy. want a fun exterior for your potted plant?give your spruces a face lift by making boxes out of balsa wood to place them in. stickthe pieces of wood together using glue for a neat finish. you can incorporate designsusing sharpie tools too. once done, place your potted plant inside and have it for displayanywhere you want.

that’s it, see you again later with morecreative ideas and as always, before you go, share this video with anyone close to you,leave your like or better yet, comment it with your constructive ideas.lastly, press subscribe button if you don’t want a miss our new update and see you againlater. thanks for watching.

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