galley kitchen remodel ideas on a budget

galley kitchen remodel ideas on a budget

doesn't it drive you crazy when your kitchendrawers look like this, this, and especially this. we've got the low cost solutions tofix your cabinet storage problems. [ music ] you don't need to spend money on customcabinets to get top notch storage in your kitchen. jumbled pots and pans in a drawercan be a recipe for disaster. instead, use spring loaded bamboo dividers to keep potlids out of the way. your meal prep can get pretty time consuming if your pans and choppingboards resemble this scene. the solution is simple. just use a vertical divider to keepcookie sheets and cutting boards organized. consider removing the cabinet door to quicklyand easily reach what you need. another common kitchen nightmare is when you can't locateanything in your utensil drawer. this scene

can be easily cleaned up with an adjustableutensil organizer. this one makes the most of your drawer no matter the size. now, youcan see all your kitchen tools in a glance. even the spatulas won't jam the drawer withthis customizable divider. and storing your knives like this is just plain unsafe. useflexible cork dividers. they keep knives from sliding around when you open and close thedrawer. plus, thick and thin blades rest neatly in this divider, protecting your fingers fromthe knives. by adding a few off the shelf products, you can fix the most common storageproblems. [ music ]

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