glass tile backsplash in kitchen design ideas

glass tile backsplash in kitchen design ideas

-once you've installed new tile and the masticis cured, the next step is grout. for this job, you need plastic sheeting, masking orpainter's tape, grout, two clean buckets, a grout float, putty knife, a sponge, a coupleof soft cloths, grout sealer, and caulk. before you begin, protect your countertop with plasticsheeting using tape to hold it in place. first, mix the grout with water using a putty knifeaccording to package directions. mix until the consistency resembles creamy peanut butter.let the grout stand for five minutes. next, spread the grout onto the tile, hold the floatat a 45-degree angle and firmly push the grout into the spaces between the tiles using adiagonal motion. if you are grouting a large area, work in small manageable sections. avoidgrouting where the tile meets the countertop,

window, or wall. this area will be caulked.after the grout has cured for 10 to 15 minutes, use a barely damped sponge and warm waterto wipe the excess grout off the face of the tile. rinse the sponge often and repeat untilthe tiles are clean and the haze is gone. it's important to have a barely damped spongeso as not to disturb the grout lines. once the grout has set for a few hours or evenovernight, use a soft cloth to buff any remaining hazy film off of the tiles. allow the groutto cure and harden for at least 24 hours. after the grout has dried completely, sealthe grout to prevent stains. then, caulk where the backsplash meets the countertop and toany corners. apply an even bead of caulk and wipe the line with a barely damped, run your fingertip across the wet caulk

and follow again with a barely damped spongeuntil you have a crisp line. when the caulk is dried, you're ready to enjoy your new backsplash.

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