home decorating ideas for baby shower

home decorating ideas for baby shower

hello, everyone i'm here today to share with you guys the room transformation for my son's nursery and i am so excited to share this video guys because before it was just a very blank room there wasn't a lot to it there wasn't a lot going on and i just didn't know where to start because i wanted the nursery to be something that i could deck out and make more boyish or make more girlish and kind of have the flexibility but i didn't want it to just be like just all white because it's a kids room i wanted there to be a little bit of color in there

but i also really wanted it to go with the rest of the house as well so i'm excited to share this with you guys and show you what it kind of ended up looking like and don't forget to check out my daughter julia's kind of princessy pink, but soft and modern toddlers room if you guys are interested, i will put a link in the cards for you guys and also, i did a whole video on like kids organization and how we kind of make it fit with the rest of the home because it was very open concept kind of a house

and i just don't didn't want like kids toys like you know like just scattered everywhere the kids rooms are upstairs they don't need to take over every room in the house so don't forget to check out those videos if you guys are interested and yeah without further ado let's get into the video so first of all okay i want to kind of show you guys the before this room was very plain there wasn't a lot to it there was the crib there was a dresser, and that was pretty much it we worked with the incredible lisa caning out of toronto she is an incredible interior decorator mama said she is a super woman owns her own business writing a book just like she's everything in a piece of cake you guys want to check out the video that she and i did we sat down here we kind of talked through the process and my thoughts and my favorite pieces things like that go and check out that video

i will put it in the cards for you guys, but she's just starting out as a youtuber so go give her some love now i'm going to show you guys some before versus after footage and then kind of walk you through the space and you can kind of see for yourself my thought behind everything and where everything is from but yeah i want to welcome you guys to luke's room here is luke's room when you first walk into the space it is it has lots of that neutral grey that i love but it has those really sweet pops of color as well so i'm really happy with how it turned out, but i want to kind of walk you guys through the space

so you have lots of little animals down here these little guys these are from homesense and this is actually a gift from a friend. she made that from scratch which is noah's ark which is incredible and then this piece right here is from ikea lots of storage space and space for books because luke and i just love to read stories together and yeah, so we want like the blues and the yellows, and then up top here in case you guys are wondering we have saint luke and saint christopher because luke is my son and christopher is my husband and then that was a gift from my sister in law for luke's baptism and all of these like little bits and pieces are from bouclair

and then over here. we have some pieces on the wall one is i love you to the moon and back and then this little map. which is crazy it's made of like wood it looks incredible both of these are from homesense and then this lovely ruler down here is where we measure the kids and that was actually a gift for my friend lindsey that is from pottery barn and then these curtains here those i ordered off of the i believe the bed bath & beyond website just amazing curtains they are really good quality highly recommend them and then over in this corner is our little reading nook and when i was in nursing the nursing nook

and this table was actually something that lisa picked up and i'm not sure where she got that one from but i will find out for you guys and then these pillows are from bou claire and the blankets as well this little bin down here it's from homesense, and this is a dutailier rocking chair amazing oh my gosh i am obsessed with that rocking chair is so good luke's space in particular is very dark which is great for when they're sleeping but it's not great because there was no light in this space to read anything and so lisa found this nice lamp over here and this is from ikea, but is it's awesome. it has like a little

step push thing so you just like step on it to turn it on which is awesome, but yeah so that is where that is from and then over here is the crib and this was a gift from my parents when julie was born it is a quebec based designer as a knit and knit heart i think it's called and then inside we have some sheets those are from amazon and the pillows are from bouclair and then up here are two you can see me in the reflection

hello, everyone actually printed them and made them myself and the frames are from ikea and then over here we have this little empty space and so filled it with pillows and little and places to keep things they'll be filled with toys. i'm sure eventually and then this beautiful ladder i love this ladder. it just adds some height to the space and it's amazing and these blankets are from i believe bouclair and i think it's a brand called poppy which is an australian brand and beside it we have the matching dresser to the crib and on top this is the diaper change station obviously and this sheet is also i ordered that from amazon and then these two frames are from ikea and the prints inside

i got from indigo, and then these like little railings these are from ikea and these are great if you don't have a dresser available, and you just have a table or something like that, and you need some more space that's a great place to put everything so we have is cranes and things like that and then diapers and this is just where i? hang just some of his like sweaters pajamas things that he uses on a regular basis thats easy grab and go maybe he's worn at once but it's not dirty yet. you know that kind stuff, but i might hang some more baskets as well up there but yes, that is basically this little area here, and that's pretty much it that is the entire space. i love how it turned out and that's everything for this video give it a thumbs up if you liked these room transformations

and you want to be more home decor and organization just kind of walk throughs the home and the different products that we're working on we have a ton coming up in the spring and summer. we're working on the deck we're just doing a whole bunch of stuff, and very excited to kind of take you guys along for that so if you're excited too. don't forget to subscribe. so you don't miss out on new videos every saturday, and that's everything i hope you guys are having a wonderful wonderful weekend so far, and i will see you guys all in my next video love you girls

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