christmas home decorating ideas pictures

hi, its jennifer from decorating ideasmade easy dot com. i'm so excited todaybecause i have just finished making tutorial to share with you on how to addribbon to your christmas tree. so let's getstarted and have some fun. first thing you want to do obviously, ispick your ribbon. i like to get three ribbons that are about medium to large size and then i get one narrower one and i'llshow you why in a minute. but you want to get colors that go well together,blend well together. i am going a little bit traditional withthe red and brown and then i'm thrown in
the burlap, to give it a little bit of a rustic feel.i kinda like that. now i'm gonna need some floral wire and floralcutters. be sure and get the floral wire that's thethinner one. they make floral wire that you probably have to lift weights to be able to cut. alright, now first of all pull out some ribbon about 30 inches long it doesn't have to be perfect and cut it. okay, first ribbon second ribbon, do same thing make a loopadd it to that loop
about the same length, cut it. third ribbon, same deal, cut it. we will cut ends at an angle in a minute. but, we are justtrying to get them all together. and, then my thinner gold ribbon, make a loop, hold it together and cut. okay. after you have done that you are going to take floral wire and putthem all together.
now you just take that floral wire andtwist it. leave some floral wire leftover because that is what your are going to use to attach it to your tree. just snip it. okay, now i like to cut ribbon at an angle. do each piece like that, you can goone way, one angle, and one way the other, it doesn't really matter. now, burlap. okay, all the ribbon has an angle cut.
now you are ready for the fun part, and that is attaching your bows to the tree. now i have just got a small tabletop tree forthis example, alright. but, i do want to start at the bottom of the tree and ido that even with a large tree. take your bow and come straight back into the tree attaching it with your wire. basically, what you are going to do is yourloop and your tail are gonna kind of fold together. and once you've got them in there you fluff them out a little and curl them around the branches.
like that. now, even though this is a small tree, pretend we are doing abig one. there's a technique i use to help keep my bows evenly distributed aroundthe tree. alright the way i kinda keep it evenlydistributed on whole tree, is i kinda mentally place my bows in a diamond. and what i mean bythat is simply like this; like you put one bow on atree and you come here here and there. i hope thatmakes sense.
now, if you are gonna have ornaments on yourtree, you kinda want to make your diamond bigger. and, put your ribbons and bows far apart. for this tree i'm just gonnaadd a lot more ribbon because i'm not having any ornaments. and, then i've got a little secret i'm going to show you, that i thinkmakes the tree even more beautiful. so, i'm thinking i've got probably oh idon't know eight or nine more bows to make, to fill this tree up. so, i better better get busy. doesn't that look nice? i think it turnedout beautiful.
now here's a secret i use on mostlyall my trees; ah, and i think it makes it lookbeautiful and elegant and what i do is i go to the floral aisle of the craft store, not the christmas picks and i choose just something i kinda likeyou know whatever floats my boat that day. but this oneidea i think is beautiful. and what you needed is get some wire snips, and snip smaller pieces, okay kinda like that. take it, and tuck it way back into your tree,
the keys is to look natural, and kinda let it flow down the branches. see it's beautiful. don't please be sure to cut small piecesbecause if you do big clumps in there it's not gonna look great.tuck it around the branches, i love it. so, let me finish this up and then i've got a few pictures i want to show youof some christmas trees i finished and hopefully that will inspire you.
gimme a second. well that is how i add ribbon to my tree, and my little secret of adding little sprigs to the tree to let it cascadedown natural there's a whole lot of things you can doyou can add pine cones, glittery twigs, i go pretty fruit-loopy on some my trees so i hope you enjoythis tutorial. stay tuned, i've got a few pictures ofsome trees that have decorated and i really hope you have a fabulousholiday. thank you for watching