hi, i'm jo alcorn and you're here in my kitchen. i moved in about four years ago, and these cabinets were just a plain maple color and i knew i wanted to do a renovation, but i didn't necessarily have the funds at that time. so i did a quick budget makeover in the sense just to hold me over. and these are tips that anyone can do at their home and a lot of time, it just means a can of paint. so what i did is i painted the uppers white the bottoms a darker color, just to tie in with the already existing darker cabinets. i replaced the appliances to be black, which also just kind of helped make everything

cohesive, but it also gives the illusion of a larger space and i am dealing with a galley kitchen, which doesn't give me a lot of areas to move if i have guests, so i had to use every little illusion possible. the other thing is i really did not like the floors in the kitchen, but i couldn't do anything at the time, so i hid them with carpets and brought in some accessories just to kind of hold me over and make it look like it was a decent kitchen for the years i had to live with it until the renovation. now, the renovation is starting and i'm so excited. this whole kitchen is gonna transform into a different space completely. i'm opening up walls, i'm replacing the cabinets with more of a modern, sleek look. just opening up the space is going to give the whole illusion of a larger area and it's gonna be so modern!

also, i get to replace these horrible floors with a beautiful small tile marble that's going to be in a herringbone. now the whole thing when it comes to a kitchen renovation is it is a very stressful process. you want to be as organized as possible in the sense of making sure the rest of the house is in order, so that you're not living in chaos forever. this small kitchen project is going to take about a month. the first two weeks is going to be demoing, renovating, clearing everything out, laying the floors and then the third/fourth week is going to be cabinets and you're going to start to see things coming together. the other thing you really want to think about when you're doing a renovation is making sure you're hiring the right

contractors. if you aren't hiring the right contractors the process can be a lot longer and a lot more painful. now i am going with make it right, which is mike holmes' corporation, so i'm happy to say it will be running smoothly and kept neat. the other thing you want to think about is trying to get all of your appliances, your materials on site before construction starts. this will also help move the project along a lot smoother. so, when it comes to a project know that it's going to be a headache but keep in mind there's light at the end of the tunnel and a beautiful project to be lived in after!

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