today, we're going to do up this dreary oldkitchen by revitalizing these tiles with a coat of paint, the process being a tile laminatecleaner, prime with tile primer and a top coat with the tile paint. the first thingwe're going to do before we start that is we're going to clean the area. we'll justremove this very outdated curtain and get him out of the way. we have the tile cleaner;give it a test drive to make sure you don't get it all over you. and we're just goingto liberally coat the tiles from the top. being a liquid it will run down of course.and we're going to give it a nice clean. now the preparation's very important to any sortof painting. if you don't do the preparation properly, the paint's not going to stick,the top coat won't stick and it won't look

good. right, now we've got all our tiles our object is to score the tiles a light sand before we prime. we're just going towrap it round our block now. when we're sanding we throw our glasses on. we just start theobject of is, just to take the surface off. we don't have to try and get anything else.just to score the surface. if you run your hand over you'll have a little bit of dust.right, we've sanded our tiles back. we're ready for the primer, but the first thingwe have to do before we prime is mask up and cover the areas we don't want painted. sowhat we'll do is, we'll go right to the edge and we'll run along just with our finger,pushing in to the edge. so we're going to

go all the way along there. longer stripsare better. you get a straighter run than doing a little bit at a time. if you wantedto, you can run it over the top like this. the only step left before we prime now isonce we've sanded, you saw the dust we got from the tiles. we're going to get a nicelint-free rag. we just wipe off that dust, so the paint will stick nicely to those tiles. yeah, we're ready to paint now. we've puta little drop sheet down. all ready to go. we have our tile and laminate primer. we'regoing to tip a little bit of the primer into our tray. when you're doing a brush, tap iton the side of the can - see that? doesn't go anywhere and you get twice as much painton your brush. so it's much easier. so we'll

start at the top. we're just going to cutin with our primer and we're going to roll this area once we finish cutting. now, we'reready to go in this area here, so we're going to load up our roller now. just a little bitat a time to load it up. once it's loaded, it should go fine. so we just start at thetop, nice and easy. don't push too hard on the roller. don't overload it. nice and'll get an idea of once you've rolled a little bit how far a roll off will go andthen you can just continue on and that will give us a good sound finish for our top coat. right, our tiles have had a clean, a sandand a prime and then a light sand over the prime, and now we're about to put the finalcoat on. stirring is always from the bottom

lifting up. right now, we're going to usewhat's known in the trade as a working pot or an empty paint pot. we're going to putprobably just over half the amount of paint into the pot. just clean off our stirringstick. now we'll start in the corner. just going to start with plenty of paint on. startin the corner and we'll work our way down the tile. then we're going to work our's very important to keep a wet edge. that's your wet edge. we keep that going all theway, so you don't get overlap marks. so we're just going to work our way across the top.this tile paints touch dry in two hours. re-coat if you need in six. this paint comes in avarious range of colors. come in and see us at bunnings if you want some. we've got plentyof colors and we can give you the know-how

and the advice how to get the job done.

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