[music] are you a diyer looking to sharpen your skills? looking for solutions for home improvement issues? getting advice when needing to hire a contractor and staying up to date on the latest the industry has to offer on news and trends? you are in the right place. welcome to discover your home with your host mark lotz. good

evening everybody, mark here at discover your home. tonight it's time to get edgy! and what we're gonna talk a little bit about is the edge of your countertop on your islands. so let's talk a little bit about what we're seeing in the marketplace, what's out in the world of remodeling and kitchens. so we're gonna talk a little bit about when you're gonna go ahead

and remodel your island in your home and what are some of the popular styles, popular edges that are being used. some are good, some are a little more challenging, some a little more expensive, some are very standard. so let's get into what we see, what we like, what may not like and hopefully help you in the decision making process when it comes to

selecting an edge for your home on the island. okay so we're gonna talk a little bit about a countertop edge they call the waterfall edge. there's a couple different companies will name it a little differently but it's pretty much a standard squared edge when it comes to the island so just imagine the whole flat surface, just imagine a nice

big sheet of quartz and then on the edges all the way down to the floor almost looking like the edge of a table that's what we call the waterfall edge. it's very popular seeing it now a lot of times in in island installations it's it's very simple, it's a very squared edge. this is actually a cambria product and alexis thank you for joining me

tonight hopefully you're doing well it's pretty standard, you know squared edge like i said this is their cambria seacliff edge just very squared off there again it goes from the top down the side all the way down to the edge, where it meets the floor so that's our waterfall edge it's beautiful there again you're talking about doing

quartz as kind of a you're almost kind of making like a it looked like a very giant table lala baby thank you for joining me tonight i appreciate it so moving on from that waterfall edge is a marine edge and i don't really have a marine edge to show you but just imagine a flat surface and at the edges it rolls up and then down so what it

does is you poured water on a flat surface it would stay up to that certain level rice krispie jojo i love that name fantastic thank you again for joining me i appreciate it so getting back to the marine edge it's it's there again it's very flat it rolls up and around and you'll find that it it holds you know you know stuffing you kind of caught in

the corners and stuff but i haven't seen that as much but it is a probably more of a functional looking countertop so that's out there alright so we're going to move on to some ornamental edges and let's see what we can show you guys and gals let me start with a this is a cascade edge this is let me explain this to you this is three two centimeter

pieces okay and what's going on here is your typical countertop thickness island thickness is three centimeters but for this for them to make this work what they do is they have to sandwich the pieces together and then run this edge all the way around it's beautiful it's stunning very very pricey but for your for your

island i'm not talking about your whole kitchen this is just to give a real different look to your island it's just gives it a much classier feel makes it stand out a little bit more hey jen how are you okay so we're gonna leave that that's a cascade that is quartz okay and we're gonna go over to another this is called the bryn edge. this is

two pieces of two centimeter quartz sandwiched together and then they run a edge tool here and this also there again let's look at the difference in thickness this is your standard three centimeter okay now this is your six centimeter you've got three two three two inch centimeter pieces here sandwiched together and to set to two

centimeter pieces sandwich together here so you can see the difference in thickness okay but gives a lot of style and a lot of character okay let's get on over to the squared edge this is kind of this is a square that just gives this is a kind of unique look because all the edges are mitered and when this sits on your cabinets it gives

it a much much more depth of kind of a i'll use a term beefier look it's really solid it gives it gives a lot more surface area more feel to it okay so they're again they mitered the corners it's well for lack of better term glued or epoxy it in the corners miter very nice when it comes to islands

really just gives a much different feel to your cabinets, hey hey my recipe i appreciate you coming out tonight alright we're gonna go to a very classic some when we see all the time this is there this is their summit edge we call this a bullnose edge it's it's got a slight radius on the top and a slight radius on the bottom very similar to say

a bullnose on the face of a stair tread okay very common what we see out there and then our final final edge tonight is the doubled eased edge there is a single eased edge which would be basically this piece and right here and this is now a double eased edge this is for your islands this gives it a much more solid feel and this is a very you want to make

sure your island is supporting this because there's a lot of weight in this it's a beautiful piece there again this is a double eased edge this is probably the most common most popular edge going forward today with a lot of my clients so we see it out there it's very very traditional it you know sometimes when you get a little bit more ornate with

what you've got it can be a little bit of mundane itself and you can get tired of it we find it with the eased edge it's it cleans up easy it's soft it's it it's it stands the test of time okay so i just want to kind of show you some of the countertop edges for your islands and at some point in time we're gonna get into greater detail but what we

talked about quartz and granite but this is tonight what we're talking about is is a quartz product so i just want to thank you for joining me i know this is a short segment but we just want to give you kind of what's in the marketplace what people are doing in their kitchens when they're remodeling their kitchens and these are

the types of countertops that they're using on their islands so thank you again for joining me have yourselves a wonderful evening and we will see you guys next week thanks again for joining me i'm mark at discover your home tonight. thanks so much for listening to this episode of discover your home with your host mark lotz, online at that's and on twitter and facebook at @lotzremodeling. we'll catch you next time.

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