the first step to painting countertopsis thoroughly cleaning them so that the paint can adhere properly. using ascouring pad is a good idea to ensure that the surface is perfectly clean. nextmask off anything you don't want painted with painters tape before you beginapplying the bonding primer. for faux granite painting kits, the primer isusually black and the best application tools are a simple foam brush and anarrow foam roller. depending on the manufacturer's instructions the primerwill need to dry for several hours before you continue. at that point youcan begin applying the various colors that will create the illusion of granite.these are applied with a natural sponge

in a random pattern over the countertopsurface. most kits will direct you to apply them in a specific order toachieve a specific look. the key is to keep it random. you can aid this byoccasionally rotating the sponge as you apply the paint. as the counter startstaking shape you may want to add some diagonal lines of the darker colors tocreate the illusion of veins that are in natural granite or even use a little ofthe black primer on an artist brush to create smaller veins. finally soften anyhard lines with the sponge before leaving it to dry. once dry you can applythe first coat of sealer, do this carefully so that you don't leave anylap lines with the roller. the sealer has

a glossy finish so lap lines and bubbleswill be very obvious. once it's dry the last step is a second coat of sealer andthen you have a beautiful countertop.

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