♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ we want to welcome you back for anotherepisode of the village homeshow. this show is ouropportunity to not only tell you aboutprojects we've got going on inthe quad cities region but now we can show you thefinished spaces all whilegiving you information about the remodel process from startto finish. on the village homeshow you can expect to see projects ofvarious sizes, budgets, andstyles, and trust us when we say thatthere is something to take awayfrom each story that we tell here on the show. the team atvillage home stores is sohonored that our customers

have allowed us to make theirhomes amazing for well over 30years now. and now some of those samecustomers have welcomed you into see the finished spaces. in this episode we'll besharing a remodeled kitchen inport byron illinois as well as anincredible hall bathroomtransformed in that same home, plus we'll have avisit from a kitchen and bathexpert to talk about what she sees trending in our area.♪ who is village home stores? village home stores is a smallbusiness doing big things! our store began as villagehardware in cambridge illinoisin 1984. in many ways this was thebeginning of the home storeconcept. village hardware

in cambridge offered an alwaysexpanding array of manydifferent product lines and services that related tohome building or homeremodeling. now over 30 years later that isthe same concept behind villagehome stores. village home stores is really 4businesses in 1 location. multiple categories of storesall in 1 convenient location tohelp provide the best experience possible forour customers. in july of 1998 village maytag opened it'sdoors at it's current locationin geneseo illinois offering sales andservice of major householdappliances. in the year 2000 villagecabinetry opened adjacent to

village maytag and the homestores concept began to takeshape in downtown geneseo. during the next few years eachbusiness saw tremendous growth in replacement, remodeling, andnew construction sales. that increase in businessbrought the demand for a 3rdcategory of product to beintroduced and village light company waslaunched. in early 2014 village home stores brought back anarea of product that was in theoriginal cambridge locationyears ago, floorcovering. now with this addition offloorcovering and tile were becoming more and morecomplete in our efforts to makeselecting materials for yourproject as easy as possible. in thesummer of 2015 custom window

shades and blinds were added toallow a even more completeshopping experience with village. village home stores isreally many stores designed towork together to help save you time and money.whether building a new home orremodeling the one that your in, we're here to help. you deservean exceptional customerexperience and competitive prices. don'tsacrifice service before or after the sale. village homestores is part of an 11 billiondollar appliance buying organization. themajority of our appliances arepriced at or below home improvement storeprices. this means that whenyou work with village home stores you're getting agreat value and supporting asmall business in a thriving

small town community. villagehome stores is a small businesslocated in a historic small town, butwe service a very large areasurrounding the quad cities region. at village home storesyou will work with real peoplewho are interested in what you areworking on and want the bestfor your project. we are the winner of multiplehouzz best in service awards aswell as the title of houzz influncer. ourappliance team was recentlyawarded most professional servicecompany by the nationalassociation of servicers. an expert team is paired withan award winning serviceexperience invested to make your project look great nomatter what the size, style orbudget.

with the launch of the villagehome show in 2014 our completeproject management remodel program has continuedto grow. we have increased ourstaff and allowed this program to expand and growalong with the demand. thereare so many amazing homes in the quadcities area that deserve aquality remodel from our store. we are currently completing our5th building expansion at ourgeneseo location and we plan to bearound for many generations tocome. to ensure continued success theries family continue to lookfor ways to improve the store. keeping theshowroom, products and staff asup to date as possible. we attend national trade showevents and keep our thumb onthe pulse

of what is new and availablefor our customers. we can'twait to hear what your working on and how wecan help. within the past fewyears we've seen an increase in theamount of bathrooms we've beenasked to remodel. when we come back from thisshort break we'll have a visitfrom a bathroom design expertto tell us about what is trending inour local area and later we'lltake you on a tour of these remodeled spaces. staytuned. ♪ ♪♪♪ the kitchen is the hub ofyour home. it's where you start your day,and get ready for the next.what happens in between are memories made, andtraditions created.

some important life momentswill happen right here at thiscounter. is your kitchen ready? letvillage home stores show youwhat your dream kitchen can looklike. appliances, cabinetry,lighting and floorcovering. from startto finish, village home stores,downtown geneseo. ♪♪♪ are we ready to go? every act of care counts. feels better. from the grandgestures to the tiniest looks. she has thislong brown hair. the fun ones. am i supposed togo

yeah yeah. the messy ones. this is so important to me. theendless ones. hey mom. if it comes from care it counts. mmmm. ♪♪♪ you're all wet. because every act of care wegive helps the people we love, become people who love. you aremy sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when

skies are gray. with thecomplete project managementprogram at village home stores we canmanage your remodel projectentirely from start to finish. an expert design andmaterial selection for yourspace is paired with estimates foryour entire project. this wayyou know the cost and timeline for your remodel project beforeany work begins. start your ownbefore and after story with us today.cabinetry, appliances,floorcovering, lighting and so much more. fromstart to finish, village homestores in downtown geneseo. find out moreat ♪♪ it is no news that updatinga bathroom a bathroom orkitchen can increase the

value of your home, but don'tforget another important factorthose updates can increase your quality of deserve a beautiful andfunctional space and the award winning customerexperience that village homestores can give you. with me today is bathroom design expertrachel tingley thank you somuch for joining us. thank youelizabeth. now in a kitchen we have lotsof opportunities to make a bigimpression with materials, in abathroom we're limited on space. can youtell me a little bit about whatyou're seeing? yea i mean youcan definitely choose the samecabinetry um in your kit foryour bathroom that you'vechosen for your kitchen or you can come up witha completely new design conceptum and create a very luxurious space. so youcan duplicate what you have inthe kitchen or make

it it's own complete new look.without a doubt. so what areyou seeing that people do thatare making that happen? well transitionalstyle is very on trend rightnow um we also are using a lot ofstill furniture pieces tocreate a very unique space for a mastersuite. so is a furniture piecelimited to a small bathroom like say apowder room? no not necessarilywe defiantly use that for a lot of thosesituations, but you candefinitely coordinate a full ensemble of cabinetry for amaster suite. ok and in amaster suite do you still see people doing 2 bowls? yes thehis and her concept is stillextremely high in demand. and with more space so say it'sa shared bathroom or a masterbath what are some

creative storage cabinets youcan include? um linen cabinetryis very um high on demand as wellcreating a towered look inbetween the his and her bowls. um and then maybe some seatingarea would be a good ahh way to design in a creativelook. seating would be reallywonderful to have and what sortof um countertop materials are youseeing people using? we areusing products anywhere fromcultured marble to natural stone toquartz or engineered products.ok and if your budget wouldn't allowyou to get engineered quartz ora real marbled top what can youdo with that cultured product tomake it look good? um you candefinitely be creative withcolor um we can do two-tone bowls um which give aha look of maybe a undermountsink option but still

integrated all in one. ohthat's a very good option. umnow years ago when we did masterbathroom remodels on the top ofeverybody's list for wishlist is a giant jacuzzitub to soak in it seems likethe remodels we do are taking those out andborrowing that space for ashower. yeah tiled in showers or walk in showers are high onevery homeowners wishlist. um creating a very individualspace um being creative withyour tile selections um is is reallya unique way to give that veryluxurious look. yes and it's such a nice lookin a way that kind of includeall of the colors that you've been working on.and so your not limited inspace or size? no

there are some traditionalshower size shapes that areavailable, but you can customize just about any opening and andmake it into a beautiful newtiled in shower. oh that's really great and welove how unique every singleproject that we work on can bethats what we love about what we doand you're great at it too.well thank you so much forjoining us today. thank you. and if you're readyto see a great example of anupdated bathroom when we come back we'll takeyou on a tour of this newlyremodeled bathroom space in port byron illinois. staytuned. ♪♪♪ the kitchen is the hub of yourhome. it's where you start yourday, and get ready for the next.what happens in between arememories made,

and traditions created. someimportant life moments will happen right here at thiscounter. is your kitchen ready? let village home stores showyou what your dream kitchen canlook like. appliances, cabinetry, lightingand floorcovering. from start to finish, villagehome stores, downtown geneseo. ♪♪♪ what happened? how did you make this? what isthis? how did you get up there? howdid it go? what did you dooo? honey how did that happen? wakeup! what what?

asking the right questions.that's caring, and that's whywhirlpool made their cabrio washer with settings thatsimply ask what and how to getthe perfect wash. everyday, care. whirlpool.whirlpool, found at village home stores, village home stores is excitedto introduce a fullfloorcovering department. including hardwoods, carpeting,luxury vinyls, ceramic tile and more to makecoordinating your entire space from floor to ceiling eveneasier. looking to cover asingle room or an entire home our expertsales staff can help you selectthe perfect material

and design for your project.village home stores, located in historic downtown geneseoand online ♪♪ say hello to the adornecollection. brilliantlybeautiful switches, wall plates andoutlets. so stylish andconvenient you'll wonder how you ever livedwithout. say hello to the adorne collection by legrand. make theswitch today with village homestores and withthe complete project management program at village home storeswe can manage your remodelproject entirely from start to finish. an expertdesign and material selectionfor your

space is paired with estimatesfor the entire project. thisway you know the cost and timeline for your remodelproject before any work begins. start your own before and afterstory with us today. cabinetry,appliances, floorcovering, lighting and somuch more. from start tofinish, village home stores in downtown geneseo. find outmore at is your guest bathroom alsoyour main bathroom? not everyhomes layout includes a powder room or ahalf bathroom option so youneed to make the most of your bathroom space and selectthe right materials that canstand up to everyday use over the course of time. thekitchen we will tour later inthis episode was in a home

were we also remodeled ahallway bath. take a look howit turned out. ♪ here are some of the beforephotos from this hall bathremodel. there is enough space in theoriginal plan to include avanity, stool, tub and separate shower, butsomehow all of that still lefta lot of unused space. this newly remodeledspace now spreads out to fill the entire room and offer upmore space to the user. thebathtub area is tiled and open for amuch more spacious feel. 12x24 inch tiles are installedacross the front of the tubdeck and surrounding a portion of the wall. the sametile is the flooring throughout

the bathroom. a classic look incolor in a modern tile shape. it is an urban stone seriesfrom our paramount line in thecognac color. this is a glazed ceramic tilemeaning it is ceramic tile with a porcelainglaze applied over it. just next to the tiled tub deck theshower area has tripled in size. step over the threshold andinto a spacious tiled stall. that same modern size 12x24inch tile used around the tub is installed throughoutthe shower. the brick patterntile is repeated in the base of theshower in a smaller scale. noneed for a

shower door in this customizeduse of space. a portion of thewall that divides the tub from theshower is a fixed panel ofglass to allow light into the shower area andkeep the user from feelingcrowded. another panel of glass has beeninstalled with a clear storyeffect on the enterance wall. the color of this tileused in the entire bathroom is reasonably dark, but withthis layout and application theroom never feels dark or crowded.this bathroom is a great example of how you don't have toinclude a glass mosaic accenttile or decorative inserts to complete your look. thisspace uses the same series oftile throughout

in a variety of sizes. the samesmaller 1x2 inch tile is used in the shower baseand also as an accent in thetub surround. the end result lookssophisticated and stylishwithout seeming busy or distracting. afurniture style bathroom vanity greets you upon entering thisnew bathroom. the interludesink table by birch bath is a versatilepiece and can be included in anumber of different designs. painted white it can give you acottage look, finished dark it can lean contemporary and inthis case a hickory wood rich brindle stain is theperfect choice for this homeand space.

the open shelf below is perfectfor spare towels or even baskets for toiletries. atop this sinkis a cultured marble top also by birch bath. manufactured notfar from here in waterloo iowa this top with integrated sinkand backsplash is a fauxgranite color named concrete. the same colorcan be ordered with a glossfinish or a matte finish. for thisfinish the gloss finish wasselected. sink styles can be a great wayto add to the look of youroverall design. this top showcases thetransitional wave style of bowl. your cultured marble vanity topcan come with a single drill

for a faucet or 3 holes. thistop shows you the closer drill of a 4" on center option. awidespread faucet is referred to as an 8" spreadlike the example shown here. you vanity top can be orderedwith any of these facet drilloptions. what a stylish andsophisticated look. just downthe hall from this bathroom is a remodeled kitchen space wecan't wait to show you around.stay tuned right here to see it when wereturn for more of the villagehome show. ♪♪ if your kitchen needs alittle enhancement learn how our diode led systemof undercabinet lighting canilluminate the surfaces

of your kitchen for both taskand ambient lighting. ourexpert staff can help you estimate andselect the perfect lightingplan with these products. this system has quickly becomea customer favorite and yesthey are dimmable. whether you're shopping forthat one light to change thelook of your room or an entirehome of lighting we're here to help. contact ourexpert lighting team for anappointment today. village home stores, downtowngeneseo. for those who cook we present amark. ♪ not just any mark the only markthat says this is an oven that sparks your creativity.this is a fridge

that's fresh like no other andthis is a dishwasher that cleans like you've never seen's the only mark for thosewho prefer to cook off book and it's justone piece of one part of the revolutionary newkitchen from kitchenaid. ♪♪ village home stores is yourlocally owned source for appliance sales and servicein the greater quad city area. we carry the entire whirlpoolfamily of appliances whichincludes maytag, amana, whirlpool and kitchenaid. thisdiverse assortment of qualityname brands allows us to offer somethingwithin every customers budget.our full

staff of expert sales peoplecan help you decide whatfeatures and brands are perfect for your lifestyle. for30 years our store has providedquality products paired with serviceyou can count on. ourknowledgeable sales staff undergoes extensive producttraining and keeps up withcurrent trends in the appliance industry. at village homestores we also service what wesell, along with many major brandsthat we don't. our staff ofexpert appliance technicians service all of henry, whitesideand scott county. find us online anytime or giveus a call at 309-944-1344.

maytag knows that not everyoneis a member of the clean plate club. broccolinubs, gristle bits, onions,livers mayt...mmmm. maytags not goingto let these kind of meal scraps gum up the works. with a 4blade stainless steel chopperand the most powerful motor on the market if you don't needit you can be sure that maytagwill chew it up for you. maytag, found at village homestores and ♪ ♪♪♪ this kitchen in port byron illinois has beencompletely remodeled. sometimes

the way to unite a space isactually to divide it. what imean here is that these 2 rooms now seem to blendtogether even though there is anew peninsula that divides them. the original kitchen wasa painted white look and the space was large enough that alarge portable island in thecenter almost seemed to small. now with this newkitchen design in place apeninsula extends from the wall anddivides the kitchen from theliving room. the rich mocha finish of thecabinetry ties in perfectly tothe living room beams and furniture. thepeninsula adds lots of greatstorage and a large work surface for thenew kitchen. beech woodcabinets from our

cook classic line give a closedgrain wood look and take themocha stain smoothly. this walks thethin line of an almost cherry appearance. we'veshown you rustic beech wood onthe show before but here's a look at a clearbeech without the rusticcharacteristics. cabinetry in a clear beech woodis the same price as a hickory wood and still costssignificantly less then acherry wood. one of my favorite parts ofthis new kitchen is the doorstyle that was selected. if you take a close look therails and styles on each ofthese doors are a different width.this is not typical and createsa unique detail.

the name of this door is calledaspen and like many flat panel doors it is considered to be atransitional style door. it can look great in a numberof finished plus seems right athome in a variety of styles of spaces. it is important toalso point out that the aspen door is a solidcenter panel door. this createsa more solid construction and replacesa wood veneer with true solid panels of wood. the drawerfronts have been ordered withwhat is called a 5-piece look. this means thatinstead of a slab piece of beech wood a framed in frontwith a look to match the doors

is used. 39" tall wall cabinetsstretch towards the ceiling with the crownmolding on top. just becauseyou can't stagger the heights of yourcabinets doesn't mean you don'thave a chance to stagger thedepth. what a great design detail thiscorner this has especially where the crown meets theceiling. a contrast to the darkwood cabinets engineered quartz counters in acolor called yukon seems to glow when lit with the diodeundercabinet lighting. that lighting also helpshighlight the backsplash tile. this linear mosaic tileperfectly ties together thecabinetry, counters

and flooring. there's even astainless steel element included to tie in the appliances. youmay be surprised to find outthat the real eye catcher in thiskitchen is not the cabinetry orthe tile or even the new quartz counters. it'sthe flooring. modeled here bybuoy, mannington's luxury vinyl plankflooring from the adura series looks incredible. this colorfrom the country oak series is called rawhide and thevariations of wood tonesperfectly represent the light and darkcolors throughout the new space. now buoy is a very good boy,but he does have paws and clawsso it's a good thing

that his owner selected a duraadura plank lvt with scratchresist technology. this patented performancecoating with aluminum oxide helps keep floors looking newerlonger by providing exceptional resistance to everydayhousehold scratches. othergreat features of this new kitchen include awood divided silverware drawer,sliding shelves in the tall pantry, a traydivider cabinet and two wood lazy susans. this kitchenremodel turned out great. we thank the homeowners and ofcourse buoy here for showing usaround. ♪♪♪ the kitchen is

the hub of your home. it'swhere you start your day, andget ready for the next. what happens in between arememories made. and traditions created. someimportant life moments willhappen right here at this counter. is yourkitchen ready? appliances, cabinetry, lightingand floorcovering. from startto finish, ♪♪ every act of care counts. hey mom. from the grand gestures to thetiniest looks. she has thislong brown hair. it all counts.

because every act of care wegive helps the people we love become people who love. you aremy sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy. with thecomplete project management and timeline for your remodelproject before any work begins.start your own before and after story with ustoday. cabinetry, appliances,floorcovering, lighting and so much more.village home stores, in downtown geneseo. find outmore at village home stores is excitedto introduce a full

floorcovering departmentincluding hardwoods, carpeting,luxury vinyls, ceramic tile and more to makecoordinating your entire space from floor to ceilingeven easier. looking to cover a single room or an entire homeour expert sales staff can helpyou select the perfect material and designfor your project. village homestores located in historic downtowngeneseo and online ♪♪ the projects you've seen in today's episode were fromone single home we remodeledhere in the area. whether your wanting to remodela small bathroom or an entirehome our project

management program is availablefor any of our customers whowant us to manage it all from start to finish. wecoordinate and schedule crewsto get your project finished in asreasonable of a timeframe aspossible and to the level of quality we wouldexpect in our own homes. we areconstantly changing and adapting this program toget you the best experienceavailable for your remodel. from estimating and measuringto scheduling your calendar we want you to have the bestremodel experience possible. weknow you are busy so all of the information foryour project is accessible byour unique login system on your desktop or yourmobile device. this is

just one example of how we'realways changing and evolvingthis project management program for you and those working onyour project. if you want to dothe work yourself or have your owncontractor that is great.village home stores can provide you with an expertdesign and material selectionfor your project. of course all the looks andproducts we've showcased todaycan also be placed in a brand new home ifyour building one. be sure tovisit to learn more about our bundleyour purchases program exclusive for our new constructioncustomers. purchasing productsthroughout our store qualifies you for free lightingfor that brand new home you arebuilding.

we carry appliances, cabinetry,countertops, lighting,floorcovering and custom blinds and shades.all of this all in one location to make the selection processeasier on you whether you arebuilding a new home or remodeling the one that yourin. if you love seeing whatwe're working on by watching this show then you will love tofollow us online across oursocial media platforms. follow us on facebook and findus on instagram to see whatwe're working on around the area day to day. we wantyour project to be fun and lookgreat. get inspired and organized withfor your own projects with uson pinterest and learn more aboutour store and find links to allof these platforms

at our thereyou can read our blog and even watch pastepisodes of this show. if youhave any questions about anything you've seen here todayor if you want to start theconversation about your ownproject give us a call and make anappointment at 309-944-1344 or email us your always welcome to stop byand see us at our showroom in downtown geneseo. we thankyou so much for joining us forthis episode of the village home show. youcan look forward to seeing moreexpert interviews, industry news and of course more greatprojects we've completed righthere in the quad cities area.

thank you so much for watchingi've been your host elizabethround and i look forward to seeing you next time foranother episode of the villagehome show. ♪

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