10x10 kitchen design ideas

10x10 kitchen design ideas

hi everyone! welcome to another designlesson video. in each video i'm going to review some key design principles thatyou should keep in mind when you are thinking about renovating or decoratingyour space. so if you have a design dilemma and need some answers feel freeto comment in the section below, or you can tweet me your questions on twitterat designchickee. your dilemma could become one of these design lesson videosright here. in the meantime, let's get to today's topic. today i'm reviewing my top10 cost-saving tips for kitchen renovations. renovating your kitchen canbe one of the most expensive rooms to renovate in your home however there areseveral ways where you can save your

money! believe it or not! so let's get toit! changing out the color and finish of your cabinetry is the easiest way torenovate your kitchen giving it a whole different appearance without the majorheadaches of construction. plus when you paint cabinetry you have the chance tochange the hardware by filling in the existing holes and selecting from a widearray of decorative hardware. imagine going from dated oak cabinetry to this... astriking new paint color like this deep charcoal highlighted by beautiful brasshardware. this is the fastest most efficient and cost-effective way totransform your kitchen. where your sinks, major appliances and work surfaces sitin your kitchen is extremely important

for the functionality of your kitchen.changing that layout will increase your budget because it means extendingplumbing or adding electrical maybe even removing walls to make that layoutreally work for you. anytime you have to move or extend plumbing your costs go up!that's very true for a kitchen renovation where you might want to movethe location of your sink for instance. that also means a whole lot ofadditional construction and that increases your costs, so if your kitchenlayout works for you today, consider keeping it to minimize those extra costs.you can replace the cabinetry, change the countertops and the backsplash and stillkeep the layout to minimize the

renovation budget. maybe the best way to dress up yourkitchen is to add something to it and i've got some great examples of what toadd and where. first off, i love the idea of adding architectural elements tocabinetry. this is a corbel, a decorative bracket. it looks great under uppercabinets like this and adds an element of sophistication so easily to yourcabinets at a very low cost. secondly, why not add some decorative feet to thetoe kick area of your cabinets. this is so easy to do and it makes it look likeyou've got furniture pieces instead of stock cabinetry. let's say you havestandard flat panel drawers or stock

cabinets in your kitchen. you can createthe illusion of a shaker door by adding trim to the doors and painting it allout or you can add this great x detail with flat trim to the ends of yourkitchen island. it looks fantastic and doesn't cost alot of money. it's big impact for a small budget. the latest trend in kitchenrenovations is to have your cabinetry extend all the way up to the ceiling. inmany instances cabinetry falls short of the ceiling leaving a gap between thetop of your cabinets and the ceiling of your kitchen. one way to deal with thisgap is to fill it in! a good cabinet maker may be able to add small cabinetsin this space but perhaps the less

expensive option, since we're talkingcost savings here, is to fill it in with just some plywood boards trim and crownmolding. this will lead your eye up to the ceiling making your kitchen feeltaller and giving it the update we're after. paint it all out to the same color asyour cabinetry and you'll have the look of new cabinetry for a very low cost. using appliances that do double dutymeans you have less appliances and less appliances means more room for cabinetsstorage and work surfaces. instead of having a microwave take up valuable realestate why not consider a combination microwave and over the cooktop vent.manufacturers are making this particular

appliance look great so save the extraappliance and locate it above the stove. another example is using a slide-instove instead of purchasing a cooktop and a separate built-in oven. isolatingthe space below the cooktop for a separate appliance brings up yourappliance cost but also adds costs to the specialized cabinetry needed forthis configuration. plus the slide-in option is usually less expensive thanbuying these two items separately. let's face it. cabinetry is expensive! perhapsyou can forego some cabinetry? having open shelves gives you easy accessvisually and physically to all of your kitchen needs but it also helps yourbottom line.

simply put, less material means lessmoney so if you can cope with having all your plates and cups exposed, go for it!save on upper cabinetry. every kitchen needs a backsplash and it can reallydefine the overall look of your kitchen and your new kitchen renovation. but itcan also be a costly addition to your budget. so instead of cutting out thatbeautiful design element altogether, consider adding it in small doses. i lovethe idea of consolidating your bang for your buck by installing a greatbacksplash tile at your stove. it's a great focal point and it means you canadd a less expensive option to the rest of the kitchen without sacrificingdesign. the key here is to splurge for a

small area instead of nixing the wholeidea. sometimes the biggest challenge isn't your kitchen cabinetry but theflooring it sits on. flooring can be a difficult and costly element to renovate.for instance, let's say the flooring continues into the dining room or isopen to a living room and removing the floor in the kitchen means your kitchenrenovation is now a main-floor renovation. all of a sudden your projectjust got bigger. so why not ignore the floor altogether, by adding a largebeautiful rug to the floor in your kitchen so that now your focus is nolonger on the ugly tile below but how warm and inviting your kitchen is with agreat area rug!

okay so there's a recurring theme here.cabinetry is expensive! a new kitchen island is a great way to add characterand save money by repurposing some other type of furniture. you can incorporate anold harvest table or a chest of drawers maybe even some low bookcases with acommon top for a work surface. there are lots of ways to incorporate other piecesof furniture and if you're handy and a thrift shopper, you can create a prettyawesome kitchen island like no other. we have a great video on kitchen islandsright here so take a look and let your creative juices flow! so there you haveit... my top 10 cost-saving tips for kitchen renovations. you can save moneyand still have the kitchen of your

dreams. you just have to be creative andsplurge in the right places. if you've tried any of these tips yourself, i'dlove to see the results so don't hesitate to leave your comments in thesection below. also, if you have another tip not listed here i'd love to hearabout it as well. renovations are expensive. every pennycounts and we love sharing information on how to help you save. that's it forthis design lesson. if you liked the video, please hit the like button shareit with your friends and don't forget to subscribe!we're now sharing videos every monday so subscribe and you won't miss a thing.also you can connect with me on twitter

by following at designchickee! thanks forwatching everyone! happy renovating and i'll see you next time.

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