christmas decorating ideas for front of house

make a big entrance this christmas, with abeautifully decorated door. draping greenery is a great way to frame yourdoor. attach it using small nails and wire.use floral wire or ornament hangers to insert magnolia leaves, pinecones, and shiny ornaments.or, weave your garland through rafters and down pillars. this wreath has ornaments clusteredon one side with floral wire to give it a fun, modern vibe. the main branch of thisswag is attached to the house with two large anchor screws.a giant wreath high above the door gives a grand effect. wrap strong wire around thewreath base, make a loop, and hang it from
a screw on the rafter.planters are another great place for decorations. layer fresh greens, then add pinecones, twigs,and colorful berries. these pinecone balls arenatural-looking, festive, and, easy to make: just spray-paint small pinecones and hot-gluethem to a shatterproof ornament. small live trees are naturaldoorstep decorations. if watered and the rootball doesn’t freeze, they can be planted in theground in spring. greet your guests with style this christmaswith decorations from lowe’s. for more holiday decorating ideas and inspiration, go to want more great ideas and how-tos? just clickto subscribe. next up, how-to dress up your