dirty kitchen designs for small spaces

dirty kitchen designs for small spaces

let’s build the third and final part ofthe wood storage wall project. the bookcase or i should say wood librarycase, comes almooost completely from one single sheet of mdf. in my case, these two pieces are waste andin addition to these 6 pieces i will need one more that measures the same as these ones. first step is to cut the boards to make thevertical pieces. now i need to pick up one plastic box thatwill work as some sort of drawer and measure its height so i can trace it 4 times in oneof the vertical boards, using a scrap with the same thickness of the case material tocalculate easily for the shelves.

i will cut the dados on the table saw usinga regular blade but you can make this with a router or with a dado blade if you livein a country where they exist. alight the inner side of the pencil mark withthe kerf on the cross cut sled and trace a line of the fence and repeat for the othermark. now you have a visual reference to help yougrooving in the correct place. ahah bumping against the splitters. i gotta remove the table saw insert. okay so here we go. checking for fit, it’s good, let’s keepgoing.

the side pieces get grooves on just one faceand the middle ones get grooves on both faces. there there… i am cleaning the dados to remove the sawmarks and start the assembly. i’m using glue and nails to fix everythingin place. you can use screws or both if you are reallyworried about strengh. this is just a shop shelf and i’m not goingto rock it around. i just wanna take a few seconds to thank allmy patreon supporters. it means a lot to have people that not onlycare about what i do but also give something back that helps me keep these videos going.

so if you appreciate my work and want to givea little support, feel free to visit my patreon page. i’ll put the link below. i’m going to clamp it in parts since i don’thave clamps big enough to go from one face to the other while the glue is drying, i scrape off theglue squeeze out in the back. well it’s basically done. i didn’t apply any finish because, again,this is just a shop project and there is not much humidity on the air that would justifyspending hours finishing but you can certainly apply something if you want.

unique moment - cris mopping up the dirtyfloor… the floor is awful and has lots of waves onit so i ended up placing some shims to make it leveled. now i just need to set the wood containersin place and enjoy the wood library. i ended up organising the bigger pieces directlyon the shelves. it makes more sense and saves more space butfor the smaller scraps it is so cool to have them in the boxes so i can take them off andbring the box to the worktable to search and since they are pretty small, they would createa huge mess in each shelf if they were free. this way each small mess is contained.

if you want another type of storage systemalso using plastic boxes, there’s a cool video by laura kampf that i will put in thedescription for you to check out. i also put my small metal collection insertedin some plastic square prism package i had. it’s really cool and easy to find what youmight look for. did the same for the thin strips of wood. well, this is it! i hope you enjoyed this storage project andfound some cool ideas to improve your own workspace. thanks so much for watching everyone and i’llcatch you later!

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