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“abandon all hope, ye who enter here.†keeps these words in mind as we present toyou the world's most violent prisons you'll never want to visit. number 3: bang kwang prisonsituated next to the chaopraya river—approximately seven miles from bangkok in an outskirt towncalled nonthaburi—is bang kwang prison (also known in thailand as “the big tigerâ€). this prison will eat men alive. it is a male-only maximum security jail. bang kwang prison was built in the 1930’swith a capacity of 4,000 prisoners.
but it is currently overcrowded with morethan 8,000 convicts. this is the only prison in thailand with anexecution chamber, designed to handle its convicts who are on death row. the outside walls of the prison are 6 metershigh & armed with high voltage wires. its 80-acre compound area is divided into13 separate sections, including 11 dining halls & 11 dormitories. a hospital has also been built within theprison compound, which is quite rare for a jail. every cell measures in at 19.5 feet by 13feet, each cell housing between 20-30 convicts.
prisoners at bang kwang generally spend 14hours a day in their packed cells. there are three types of criminals being heldat this prison. the first is convicts who are awaiting theirpending appeals from the supreme court. the second type is criminals who have beensentenced to 25 years to life in imprisonment. the last type of criminal is convicts whoare awaiting execution after being sentenced to death. for the first three months of their sentences,all prisoners must wear leg iron chains around their ankles. to make it even more haunting, death row prisonersare obligated to have leg irons welded on
to their ankles; an aspect that has made bangkwang notorious. since october 2003, its execution method hasbeen changed from a firing squad to lethal injection. in addition, the prison has no sewage system,meaning the convicts' feces is gathered up in a concrete vault, allowing disease-carryingfumes to escape. due to the horrific conditions of bang kwangprison, inmates oftentimes suffer from different diseases & illnesses such as heat stroke,dehydration, lice, diarrhea, scabies, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, hiv, skin diseases, & fungalinfections. hepatitis, malaria, and cholera are also commonlycontracted.
each prisoner holds an account with the prisoncanteen & is able to use this account to purchase extra food, which they earn by doing heavychores around the compound. but despite all that, their most basic mealplan is limited to only one bowl of rice & vegetables per day. there also exists a hierarchy inside, whereless wealthy prisoners perform chores for the rich ones. a large number of foreigners have been jailedhere to serve long-term sentences. some lebanese & britain inmates were supportedwith vitamins & better food from their embassies. one such example of a foreigner serving timein bang kwang was in 1996 when man from gibraltar
was sentenced to a 200-year sentence, whichwas later reduced to 99 years. he later contracted tuberculosis & died. it was reported in 2004 that a total of ninebritish prisoners were serving time here. one of the nine was convicted for smuggling3,400 ecstasy tablets while another was convicted for smuggling heroin. they received 99 years & 50 years, respectively. there has only been one foreigner (named alandavies) who was sentenced to death at bang kwang, which took place in 1995. as of 2009, 743 men were recorded to havebeen on death row.
its sickening conditions & long-sentencingmakes bang kwang prison one of the most highly feared prisons in the world. number 2: the gitarama central prisonlocated 37 miles southwest of rwanda's capital city of kigala, a prison in the town of gitaramagained a reputation which many expressed to be “hell on earth.†surrounded by high brick walls, the gitaramaprison was recorded as the most overcrowded penitentiary in the world. built for a capacity of only 500 inmates,the prison actually held about 7,000 inmates from 1994-1995.
a majority of these convicts were involvedin the widely known ‘rwanda genocide’ of 1994, where half a million people wereslaughtered in the streets & in their homes. the prison blocks of gitarama central prisonhad basic structures of rows & rows of bunk beds made from wood planks within each cell. hundreds of prisoners had to find their ownspace to sleep, if there was any. the prison was so overcrowded that inmatesmust stand most of the day while having to fit four people in a square yard in its opencentral courtyard. it was believed that this courtyard (in whichthe entire prison's inmates were packed in) had the size of only half an american footballfield.
whether it was scorching hot or pouring downrain, the gitarama prison courtyard did not have any protective covering for its convictseither. as a result of the facility’s horrendousquality, prisoners had no choice but to walk around like farmed cattle in the muddy yard,while their feet rotted from bacteria and gangrene. anywhere from 5 to 10 prisoners died daily. in addition, 41% were infected on variousparts of the body; some were taken to local hospitals in order to have their toes, feet,& legs amputated. dr. alison davis of the relief agency “doctorswithout borders†stated: "it is horrific,
they are being treated like animals." since the lines to use the toilets or to receivemeals were excessively long, many prisoners have died from suffocation and malnutritionas well. consequently, they were able to receive onlyone meal per day due to the length of queue & thus, had resort to another resource forfood: human beings. faced between starving to death or becomingcannibalistic, some choose cannibalism. after the rwanda massacre, the judicial systemalso ceased to exist. therefore, no inmates were given fair trials& instead were automatically thrown into gitarama central.
today, the jail has changed its name to themuhanga prison. the facilities have improved & the populationof prisoners has also decreased significantly. the most recent catastrophe occurred in june,2014 when the housing facilities of over 3,500 inmates went up in flames, destroying halfthe prison complex. fortunately, no one died from the fire asthe prisoners had moved away from the facilities for regular fumigation. with its horrific conditions in the past alongwith its history of cannibalism, the gitarama central prison has come to be known as oneof the deadliest prisons you could ever find yourself in.
number 1: tadmor prisonoriginally built in the deserts of eastern syria (124 miles northeast of damascus) wasthe tadmor prison. it was constructed by the french mandate forcesin the 1930s right after world war i. this haunting facility was first used as amilitary barrack before it was handed over to the syrian government. it would later on become known as one of themost notorious prisons in the world. in arabic, the term “tadmor†is synonymouswith torture, madness, horror, or death. the prison contained 42 dormitories & sevensmaller cells, each cell is located next to its own courtyard.
barb wires covered the top of 5 out of the7 courtyards in order to prevent prisoners from attempting to escape. during the 1970s and '80s, civilian politicalfigures and people who were believed to be connected to the muslim brotherhood were arrestedby the thousands without given full fair trials. the reason for their arrests was because theyprotested against the syrian government’s rule of law at the time under president assad'sreign. even though most of those captures were innocent,they were either sentenced to life behind bars or were immediately put to a death sentenceby various forms of torture, which the prison was famously known for.
whenever new prisoners arrived, they weresavagely beaten with metal pipes and wood pieces. a former inmate tragically explained, “everyonewas in bad condition, their legs bleeding and covered with wounds, as were other partsof their bodies. the pain was very intense, and none of theprisoners was able to stand up as a result....some of the prisoners died during the 'reception.'†the whipping and the beating would normallytake place in courtyard five before sending sufferers to their segregated dormitories,unable to move properly in the following week to come.
additionally, the dead bodies were not sentto the family members but instead, were taken to be buried in mass graves near the prisonin a place called the wadi al-kils valley. to keep prisoners in a constant state of fear,the innocents were pulled out on random selections to be interrogated and horrendously tortured. these torturing acts were similar to thosefound during medieval times such as being dragged to death or cut into pieces with anaxe. a deadly massacre occurred on june 27th, 1980;the day after a failed assassination attempt on president assad took place in his homeby the muslim brotherhood. as a revenge for the attack, president assad’sbrother (rifaat ordered 60 syrian soldiers
from the defense brigades and the 138th securitybrigade to be flown from damascus to tadmor prison in order to execute all members ofthe muslim brotherhood within the jail. rifaat’s troops fired their machine gunsinside the prison dormitories, killing at least 500 muslim brotherhood members. it was rumored that the number of deaths could’vebeen as high as 2,400, as each cell in the old section (which was built by assad himself)held up to 100 captives with a total of 24 cells in the entire prison. according to one survivor named barra sarraj—whowas imprisoned in 1984 for nine years—he explained in his book “from tadmor to harvardâ€that “tadmor has no trace of life.
there are no books, no radios, nothing. they don’t even have salt to spray overyour food. sometimes there are no needles to sew ourclothes. it’s indescribable, and the constant torture,that was unique to that place, at all times, even during the night.†the notorious prison was finally closed in2001 and the prisoners were transferred to other facilities. but tadmor was reopened yet again ten yearslater in 2011 for the arrests of anti-government protesters.
recently in 2015, the islamic state took overthe city of palmyra. during their initial act, isis demolishedthe renowned tadmor prison. former inmates who survived said they thinkthat the islamic state should have left the building as a historic symbol, instead ofdestroying it for emotional closure purposes. thus, tadmor prison's vicious history easilyplaces it at the top of the list of the world's most violent prisons you'll never want tovisit. find out more about fatal entities that'llkill you by subscribing or clicking on one of the links below.