fevicol design ideas for kitchen

hey guys today we are going to make one ingredient slime. no glue,no borax no liquid detergent or liquid starch. the first slime that i'm going to make is toothpaste slime. you're going to need a gel based toothpaste, i'm using colgate. what you have to do is put this in the microwave. for one minute and then for thirty seconds. and here it is, this is how it looks. microwaved for 1 minute and thirty seconds now i'm going to let this cool down. i'm going to mix it a little. follow me on insta @gudgebobby
at first it will be a little hard to stretch. but as you play with it, it will become stretchier. so this is it, toothpaste slim. now let's do the next one. the next one ingredient slim is made from liquid soap. all you have to do is put your liquid soap. and now put this in the freezer for five minutes. and i'm back. this is a very weird slime, it doesn't stick to the finger when you touch it, but when you play with it, it becomes really messy.
this will transform in a while to soap, but you can put it back in the freezer . for five minutes and you'll have slime again. the next slim i'm going to do is made from tapioca powder. i'm going to add the same amount of water. mix it. this time i will put some food coloring. and put it in the microwave for one minute. take it out, and then put it in again for one minute. this is how it looks, pretty weird huh?
i have to let it cool down. and this is the final result. it's stretchy but not very stretchy. and a little bit sticky. if you don't like it so sticky, you have to let it cool down more. the next slime is made from psyllium husk. i'll put the husk in the bowl. then add water. i'll put also some food coloring.
and then you have to put it in the microwave for one minute. take it out and put it in the microwave again for one minute. this slime is weird. it's not very stretchy. but it's not sticky at all. and for the final slime i am going to make. floam slime, without glue. for this you are going to need tapioca pearls. these are used to make bubble ice-tea.
put some water. and then put it in the microwave for one minute. take it out, let it cool down. and you'll have your slime. bye-bye.