beach house decorating ideas pinterest

john wood: hi. i'm dr. john wood. we're going to move out to ourcamp on trail two on sandy neck, and we're going to begoing out by vehicle. there's 56 houses out herein all, i think. and most of them are out at thebeach colony out near the lighthouse. yeah, this is my houseright here. we're in a very beautifulspot.
but it's very environmentallysensitive. so everything that we do, wewant to do it the best manner possible with the technologythat's available now. there's times when the tidecomes up high enough that the water comes in right underneaththe camp. and you just have to waitfor it to sink back down into the sand. this is my little duckhunting arsenal. that's what we useout on the marsh.
the bird migrations areunbelievable to watch. and when i'm duck hunting out onthe marsh, granted, i might be bringing in one duck. but i'm out there all day longand kind of documenting the different patterns of naturethat, unless you go out there, you don't see it. and we have a little hot tubover here that the middle of summer, we wait fora big rain, so it really soaks the wood.
and then you can startfilling it up. i always liked the ideaof being able to take a shower outside. and you can still look around. if it's up here, then you can'tsee what you're doing. so, here's the inside of camp. how this place was set up is howit was when we bought it. these little bunks with drawersunderneath them. and that's one thing, in alittle house like this, much
like in a boat, every littlespace is important. we're lucky in the event thatwe've got a nice little kitchen to work out of. it's not uncommon we throwparties out here where we can feed 50, 60 people at a time. we do crawfish boils, we cookalligator out here, deep-frying it. then we're lucky, too, thatwe have a little bathroom. the wives like this featurewhere we have
a composting toilet. but when you look at it, youcan see it only has eight ounces of water to flush, soit's very conservative in terms of using that. you have to use specialdegradable toilet paper, like you would in a slide-in camperor things of that nature. and also an inside shower. but i still like taking theoutside showers better. when we bought the camp,we wanted to
optimize the living space. and we made a littleset of stairs here. and this is kind of shapedlike you'd see in a boat. put in some cabinetry. you have to be here toreally experience it. it's the solitude, it'sthe quiet, it's the stars at night. it's the noises that youdon't hear at home. it's waking up in the morningand looking at the sand and
looking at fresh tracks in thesand that every day, it tells a different story of thecritters that are around here. -love home and design? make sure to subscribe tospacestv on youtube.