european kitchen interior design

european kitchen interior design

hi guys, welcome to this week's video! we are in denmark this week and we are having a tour by tiny house living andit's michael who's a builder and he's gonna show us around in this beautifultiny house. it is, i think, the first and the only tiny house company in denmark, so if there's another company out there reach out to me this house was constructed toactually be ok by all the building codes in denmark and the mostof europe so let's take a tour hi! i'm michael and welcome to our tinyhouse. i will show you the house which is 18 square metres inside and 10 squaremeters to the loft. welcome to our hall and our living room and dining area

we have here a fold-out table meaning that you can have additional people come and visityou and you will then be able to have dinner for four. we think that's very nice! usually we use this to, what you say for two people it's it's usable for office, dinner, only for twopeople you can sit and watch out the window. if you want to be four personsthere's no problem - two here - two there in the decoration of our house we valuedvery much to have a large area for storage so we have put in a lot ofclosets on both sides. here we also have some hangers for shirts, if you don'twant it to have it somewhere else but

there's a lot of storage. we have around 12 cabinets plus all the storage which we have in the kitchen. the dining areais part of the hallway the other part of the hallway is the storage which we havethe cabinets for clothes etc and we have the heating pump. we have decided to gofor a heating pump because the energy consumption is less than for a woodenstove and propane stove and according to the building code we definitely neededto have as low as energy consumption as possible or whatever. that was why we went for the heating pump instead of the other possibilities. okay michael. so you've done thiscompany in denmark with tiny houses and the rules and regulations in denmark area lot different than in the states

so there are a lot more things you have tofactor in when you have to get it approved so what has that process lookedlike for you? when we decided to adapt the tiny house concept we realized that building codes and regulations have never been made for building tiny houses meaning that all the rules and regulations have to fulfill the same requirements for building an ordinary house for a full-time family living withon a foundation so as soon as it's a house that you want to live in then you have to have it sewn as a regular building - yes! - so they are the same.. - for full time living..

- you can't just do this an rv - no. - then you have to move it you told me like every six weeks ? - yeah in denmarkit's like if you have it stay there for more than six weeks youneed to have a building permit the reason we want to do this becausefulfilling the full-time requirements for an ordinary house in a tiny housemeans that we can have them approved for anywhere in europe and that's nice danish and most european building codes they don't factor in just safety and construction and stuff like that they also factor in energy consumptionso you can only have a certain amount of

energy consumption if you want to followthe rules. this is our kitchen. we prioritized very much a large kitchen, we love to cook therefore we want to have a full stove we want to have alarge refrigerator and a lot of room for storage we have a traditional good ovenfull-size. a very good induction stove we have chosen to have a good ventfor air circulation for the steam to go out when we're cooking so it doesn't get steamed in here and of course a lot of drawers - everything which you need a very large desk, also for cooking and preparingeverything when we make large meals we have decided to go for two minor windowsfor the start to be honest we're

actually thinking of replacing one ofthe windows with a large window because we think that the view would be nice tohave and it will give more light to the house - it's all a work in progress when it's a small space - yes! precisely. - every inch counts - yes. our priority when we chose the fridge was to have a small consumption ofelectricity and also it should be nice and it should be the largest one whichwe could get and it has a freezer at the top and the refrigerator at the bottom - so what you've done is you've you've hadthe outside shell approved for full-time - all year round living - yes

- and with rules that apply to all of europe because you've applied them to the danish rulesand they are apparently the strictest one's. yes very strict rules. normallywe should use three hundred millimeters of rockwool for instance, but if you usetwo times, yeah isolation. if you if you use two times three hundredmillimeters you have very little space - left in in the tiny house- it would be like a... - it would be a real tiny house. so we decided to go for something called cool term which is used for space station's. extremely expensive in europebut it works in the house yeah and it's fulfilling the building codes, and it's like: yes!

but that also means that the tiny houses they are quite a lot more expensive than yourtiny houses in the state's probably yeah, because of the regulations forfull time houses in europe or denmark and to fulfill them we use approximately, we can't use exactly the same method as in the us so we have to put onapproximately 50% to the material prices and it's: ugh! but nevertheless we want to do it because it's a very good very good concept and we think it's very good togo tiny. better quality items that can do the same installation thing.. - the problem is also or the challenge was

that with a small space and the ordinaryelectrical installation we need it to lower our energy consumption we stillhave lights we still have dishwasher we still have a dryer and everything elsewhat you would have in an ordinary house with a foundation. but when we thentightened it up in a small area there are very very strict regulations that's why we also use the a++... - yeah. for all the appliances between our kitchen and the dining areawe have the living area. we decided to build this couch ontop of the wheel arch because then it's we have a nice place for resting closebyto the kitchen and the living area you

can read a book you can look outside andby the way we have already decided to change this window to a large window! adjoining to the couch we have some storage area as well. we have built itbelow the stairs we have hangers for shirts or short jackets we have a few books the room for shoes beneath we also have these twoareas which we are not at using at the moment but we want to make drawers hereand here for wallets and keys and stuff like that so when you come back home youcan just open and throw it in then you always know where stuff are.

this is not the sleeping loft this is amaster bedroom welcome to the master bedroom and wehave decided to place it like this because then we have a big space hereand when i sleep over here, my wife over here she's a bit smaller so she doesn't bunk the head in in the top and i don't either even though i'm a bigguy but it's a nice place we have four three windows up here so we can look outand actually it's it's also very cozy this is the storage in the masterbedroom. there's one for her and one for him. in denmark, you can't move it withan ordinary truck we have rules in denmark where trucks in the us which aresuitable for towing ten tons

they can be used for it. first of all thetrucks are three times as expensive that's heavy and there's this crazy rulethat you can.. you're only allowed to tow three and a half tonne. so we have to usea lorry or a farm tractor yeah to come and move it. so if you are planning on building atiny house in denmark or in europe then you're probably gonnahave to look into.. it's a movable house but you probably wouldn't move it that often. - no. - it's so that you can have your ownspace your own outer walls you don't have neighbors or people living upstairsor downstairs, you can walk out to a yard, all the benefits of tiny house living that we love!

then we have the lounge area for relaxation this is the lounge area it's aroundthree square meters you can be two persons up here you can watch televisionwe have a large television and then let's go to the bathroom which is closeto the hallway as usual! we decided to go for a large bathroom and let me tell youone thing i'm 2 meter so it's really spacious out here so we have an ordinarytoilet flush toilet we have the washing machine - traditional american style because we think it's the best concept.

and ofcourse a little storage we decided to go for the traditional shower cabinet. forthe sink we chose one with a lot of storage beneath. so the vanity isspecially selected for this but it is a spacious bathroom it's a bit more than 3square meters and let me tell you that's spacious for most danish apartments so it's good! there is a lot of people in denmark andscandinavia in europe there's like a growing interest in all of this stuff, and obviously it's very dense over here there are a lot of people and not thatmany square kilometers like the whole continent um so tiny houses they aredefinitely here to stay and it's just

about getting all the politicians onboard with changing some of the laws or being willing to put these structures inurban environments and letting people see them and test out this tiny life. we've talked a lot to some members of the parliament and actually next week we will have amember of the parliament come and stay - over for a night!- that's very nice! thank you guys for checking out this video this week and i hope that you'll go i'll leave a linkbelow to michaels website so you can go and check them out you can go to thefacebook or you can book this place

actually on airbnband i'll leave that link down below so come and check out this house if you'rein denmark and or scandinavia anywhere come check it out and see if tinyliving is something for you. okay, we'll see you guys next time, bye!

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