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dilbar.. what happened? are you angrywith me because i am smoking? i know how to set your mood right. masakali, masakali, come my dear. this is my last cigarette. ihave it in my hand and i will not lie. come, come.. only we both are therein the entire compartment. i think indian railwaysis very kind to us. now i am feeling sleepy.
wake me up as soon as thestation comes and then we will enjoy. hey brother, wait. the toilet is that side. if yougo out from here then you will die. can't you see? come inside. you are lucky that i got up. good that dilbar woke meup otherwise you would have died. sir, can you tell us that atwhat time this incident took place? this incident took placeat about 1o'clock at night. is this a suicide or murder?
how can i tell now whetherit is a suicide or murder? let us first do the investigation.please, please.. try to understand.please get away from the body. please take the body to hospital.please.. my lord, the postmortemreport of rahim has come. and this report clearly showsthat he has committed suicide. no. i know that hehas not committed suicide. - who are you?- hello sir. my name is sangeeta.rahim and i were going to get married.
a man full of life andenthusiasm cannot commit suicide. life is a is a valuable gift from god. rahim often said thatonly he has right on it. how can a person who usedto say this commit suicide? miss sangeeta such talksare very nice to speak and hear. but when life takes aturn then everything gets over. your honor,from investigation we have found out.. ..that rahim hadno enmity with anyone. neither did he have any secret affair.
he was a simple man andhad no disagreements with anyone. his parents have confirmed this. according to reportof railway police except.. ..for on head there isno wound anywhere on the body. nothing had happenedto clothes as well. medical reports have proved thathe had no internal injury as well. there are no signs ofstruggle before the murder. this proves that rahimhas committed suicide. police has not found any validproof that rahim has been murdered.
that is why the courthas reached a decision.. ..that rahim committed suicideunder critical conditions. the court is adjourned. no, rahim can never commit suicide. - absolutely right, sangeeta.- rahim.. i was not that coward. someone killed me. - rahim..- someone killed me. rahim..
someone purposely killed me. someone killed me.what was my mistake? - what happened, child?- father.. - why are you shouting?- rahim talked to me. - what are you saying?- yes father. he told me that someone killed him. you dreamt about it. do youstill consider it to be a murder? no father.court must have taken any decision.. ..but because of thattruth will not change.
i will go till high court. sir, i have a request.i want to reopen rahim's case. look, in first investigationpolice did not find any evidence. because of that the seriousnessof crime does not reduce. if the murder has really takenlace then we will find the culprit. sir, if you are goingto reopen this case.. ..then it would be betterif you keep it a secret. you are right.powerful people can interfere. but you do not worry.
without departmentknowing about it the case.. ..will be handed overto the best officer of cbcid hello, we are bringingthe body in the ambulance. hey, stop, stop..where are you going? get down. get down.. i am asking you to get down. this is an ambulance.why do you stop this? give me the keys of the vehicle.hurry up. now goons have started takingmoney from ambulance as well.
- you will be cursed.- you can see if you wish to. - there is dead body inside.- you.. sir, you entered at the right time. these people arebeing oppressive on me. this policeman mustbe supporting the goons. 'english rap song' cash below the bead body. what are you looking at? the people who stopped you are notgoons but officers of police department.
cease the ambulance andinform the income tax department. yes sir. sir, you can keep half of it. give this offer to some other officer. my goggles are black so thatis why you are offering black money. cease the entire cash. you pick up unidentifieddead bodies from the hospital. because of those dead bodiesyou cheat police officer like me. do you think you are very smart?
damodar..shiva damodar. - officers..- yes sir. arrest them all. sir, if there is anyone whocan solve this case then he is shiva. department calls himby the name third eye. yesterday in an operation he ceased.. money worth50 crores from an ambulance. even if he gets a clue then he will.. ..investigate properlyand find out the culprit.
"shivlinga" - hi, son- hi, mom. son shiva, who is behind you and whyare they following you in slow motion? - naughty..- same to you. if a person becomes a little rich thenevery person becomes his relative. don't spoil my son. go away. mom, you are 100% right. but they are notpeople of that category. when police could not help them..
..then this shiva solved thecase with the blessings of lord shiva. and they have come herewith me to thank lord shiva. okay got it. sit down. madam, your face seems to be familiar. - she is a tv star.- yes. your cookery show comes on tv. right? oh god. don't they rememberthe name of the show? - she is queen of cookery.- me, the cookery queen. - hail to lord shiva.- hail to lord shiva.
sister, when my grandfatherwas about to die then doctor.. ..gave such a medicinethat yamraaj postponed his death. then watching youmake parathas with lady.. ..finger her mouthalso started watering. but as soon as hehad first bite he died. oh god. my deceased grandmother blessed youfrom heaven as she was feeling bored. come on, reduce the crowd. walk around the temple 1lakh timesand all your sins will be washed.
all sins will be washed away. let's go. i knew that girls arefan of my less oil cooking.. ..but i felt proud seeingthis old man is also my fan. mother.. why are you laughing like a donkey? - my son got scared.- sorry.. 'sanskrit chants' why do you keep changing ring tone?
call from god. god morning madam. yes..okay.. next week i will personallycome and meet you madam. okay. thank you madam. come on, sit down. commissioner had calledto discuss an important case. tell everyone that you willnot take up any case before marriage. with whom?
i will send you the photo. thepriest has also approved. understood. what about my approval? your mother has approvedso that means full and final. i have found a daughter-in-lawwho is very hot. give some introduction about her. her name is satya.she lives in vellore. she is the only childof a great builder. the girl is just like you.fearless and courageous. oh..
what happened? if you are so scaredthen why do you watch horror movies? seeing all this youwill definitely be scared. yes, but i get a differentkick watching these movies. after watching ghostmovies i feel sleepy. because of fear my food gets digested. from next time sit with yourhusband to watch such stupid movie. mother, am i going to get married? that is why my collegewas stopped in between. mother, we are gujaratiand the girl is a south indian.
what if there is someproblem in communication? sarla, there is someonewho is behind our daughter. many people have seena man going around satya. just like every fathereven you are over protective. there is a limit to have doubt. if our daughter had someaffair then she would have told me. my daughter has a good character. whatever people may say but mydaughter is absolutely pure like gold. madam, i am big fan of yours.
i can't believe thatyou know so many recipes. north indian,south indian, continental.. ..spanish, japanese, italian.. i feel so happy to see you. instead of mother-in-law daughter-in-law serial i just watch your program. that is why everyone islooking at me from here and there. sarla, why don'tyou call your daughter? you go and call her as iam talking to such a great star. okay.
poor son-in-law got stuck betweenmother-in-law and father-in-law. no. my son got stuckbetween superstar and a fan. - just shut your mouth.- hi. you want a photograph with me. i come, you come we all come. stupid english. you want a photograph clicked with me. not with you but with your son. all fan come..
hey son, fan..photograph..come soon. take my camera and clickphotograph of each one of us. come. hi..go.. both are not fittingin one frame also. session daughter-in-law ahs come. she is my daughter.. - satya..- hello.. that means my daughter-in-law. she is looking likea delicious misal pav.
missal pav? what is this? listen, come here quickly. don't stare but take our selfie. instead of looking intothe camera he is looking at you. i know that you liked it. why are you becoming so excited? say something else. satya.. what is it mother?
he has come here to see and choose me. what is the problem ifhe likes me at first sight? then why waste of time.come on start the ritual. - what do you say mr..- tell her your name. - shiva..- shiva, did i say something wrong? not at all. satya,your speed, boldness.. i feel like.. slow down your speed. i am very happy daughter-in-lathat you both think alike. your pair is as if youare made for each other.
made for each other. all ladies wanted to getphotograph clicked with shiva.. ..but he clicked your photograph. this act won my heart, mother-in-law. they are not strangers but my fans. fans..? - are you..- don't you believe? - are you a film star?- no, original mother. everyday don't you watchtv 12 to 2 in the afternoon?
speak. - master chef queen of cooking.- cooking queen. ask your mother.she is my diehard fan. once you come home i will cookspecial delicious dishes for you. i will make your slim trim figure fat. sorry mother, i do not have interestin cooking or make others eat. i am just interested in moviesand that also horror movies. i am finished mother. tell me from whenhave you become coward?
- she is very bold.- yes. - she will not spare you.- what? what did you say? please repeat nothing daughter-in-law. i mean to say that yourtaste and his taste are the same. your pair is justlike fafda jalebi(snacks) what are you saying, mother? they will take the final decision. if they have to talk inprivate then we have no objection.
what are you saying, mother?old times are over. he must be having i-phoneso we can chat during free time. - i shall whats app the number.- got it. if you are really in hurrythen fix any nearby date. am i in hurry or them? absolutely right. i shall get an auspiciousday from the priest. the one who died is rahim andthe one who complained is sangeeta. no, no as you are thinkingthere is no religious angle to this.
the case is very complicated andsangeeta feels that it is a murder. that is why she has reopened the file. excuse me madam. hi shiva.. sorry madam. as usual this case wouldbe big challenge for you. especially when like everytime police has no evidence. if this is a murderthen someone knew.. ..that he is going totravel in the last train.
and he executed that plan. "..was rotating the girl" "if chilly touched you.." i am in the coffeeshop of trident mall. shut up. sorry madam. my marriagehas got fixed so my fiancã©.. that is okay. this file has details of rahim,railway police report.. ..sangeeta's complaint..all integrated.
first go to coffee shopand then solve the case. thank you, madam.i'll take your leave. i have already checkedthree coffee shops. more than the criminalit is difficult to find her. is she waiting or has she left? - hi..- hi.. what is a superstarlike you doing in this mall? i have come here to meet someone. - are you involved with some girl?- yes.
look at us. aren't we beautiful? come on man, let's have some fun. yes, you all are beautifulbut do not think that i am a fool. if i had met you two weeks ago theni would have considered your proposal. but i am already booked. don't break our least take one selfie with us. madam, you need a phoneand a stick to take selfie. i have phone as well as stick with me. okay, you have madearrangements from home.
what is this?i don't know you, you don't know me. so that is the case. hello.. hello.. hi.. i have not done anything. she was purposely holding my hand andclicking a selfie without my approval. they are fans of my star mom. wrong. they all are my friends. i am dead.
why did you disconnect the phone? because we are goingto get connected lifelong. - let's move girls.- yes, let's go.. anyone would have got trapped seeingso many girls but you are different. you did not get bothered at all. hello, i can alone handle 10 men. but cannot handle one girl. your love is not flirt but true love. i am sure about it.
if the girl smiles then meansshe has got trapped in my love. parvati is taking shiva tokailash mountain through escalator. keep quiet. - hail to lord shiva.- hail to lord shiva. go away. what is this mother? every day you talk continuouslybut why are you so quiet today. don't taunt my cooking. mother, i am not goingto foreign place away from you. i am just going to anotherstate of our country.
satya's parents also live there. if they trap you andmake you stay in their.. as son-in-lawthen what will i do. don't you have faith on your son? what a time has come? i feel that a man wholeaves his mother and becomes.. ..a servant to hiswife is not a real man. my dear son.. my dear mother i have togo there for an important case..
i hope no one is around. i have to go for a case. i have told satya not to tellher parents that i am coming there. look son, i could notmake one special dish for.. daughter-in-lawso that you could take it. cook the dish and what's app it. naughty boy, i will not spare you. i am not going for 4-5 years. maximumi would stay there is for 6 months. nowadays every timeyou tell me something new.
- why didn't you tell me this earlier?- hello. the target is for 6 months. have faith on your son.i will come back before the schedule. will you stay in guesthouse or hire a place on rent? it is not a small house but a palace. we have already given advance.we will go right to the palace. hello..! - you..get out.- how are you? all that later.tell me how is your wife?
- she is fine.- did you tell her about the job? no, not at all. i have told satya thatto handle the export.. of fatheri have to go on tour. where is that house actually? on the outskirts of vellorethere is a plot of 1 acre. suberb! there is no house around the bungalow. - it is absolutely perfect for you.- great.
no one is stayingthere for last 5-6 years. why? the thing is that there isa graveyard behind the bungalow. oh! graveyard.. but no dead body has beenburied there for last so many years. people have seen manytime ghosts roaming there. that is why no one is readyto go in the house. that's it. if i had to stay there then.. ..i would have enteredstraight in with my husband.
hello, what do you say?when will you give me the token? why are you not speaking now?have you got scared? what is fear? the entiredepartment is proud of my bravery. advance has been paid alreadyso what can be done now. if you are feeling scaredthen another house can be seen. what is fear whenyou are there with me? so much faith on me. to be true i am feeling veryexcited to stay in such a house. is it?
if ghost would be staying here theni would have had all the more fun. oh my goodness. this house has been made to scare me. - oh god, save me.- such a beautiful house. maybe this is the halland that would be the kitchen. and we will keep dining table there. tell me where would be the bedroom? we will make it wherever you will say. satya, don't leave me alone and go.i'll be heart attack.
one more hall. rosewood pillars. - teakwood flooring.- of course yes. - why is the rent so less?- there is a reason for that as well. yes. you had said thatthere is graveyard behind. does anyone leave her husband? - good morning.- good morning. people see god after gettingup and we will see graveyard. wouldn't it look awkward? shall we take any other house on rent?
this house has one benefit. what is that? - no one will come here ever.- great point. fresh cool breezewill come every morning. along with breeze ghostscan also enter the house. - what?- i mean our wavelength has matched. neither you nor i like this house.let's find another one. hey, i like this house.go and make the payment. i shall give the payment now.
- i mean payment of rent.- i have booked you for life long. shiva, i have sent men for work. very good. if few people live in sucha big house then it would be nice. there would be some hustle and bustle. thank you very much murali. mother, i am dead. everyone is running asif they have seen a ghost. did you get scared of us?
if you will be scared of usthen who will cook food in the house. uncle has sent thethings of graveyard here. the one in the centremust be digging the graves. what is your name? i am dian kumari and i cook food. don't step out of the kitchen.sleep there. - who are you?- ishad singh. though i am a gardener butdo all the cleaning of the house. first clean yourself tomorrow.
you must be the watchmanof the graveyard. - how does the salary come?- it comes online. okay then start the work. shivalinga.. - so, is this the accident spot?- yes sir. these are the photographs thatrailway police handed over to us. if that pigeon had not come thenyou wouldn't have been saved today. forget that pigeon and start working. you are very active sir.
where are you? satya, satya.. is she in the kitchen? she is not even here. where she must have gone? so, you want to know about rahim. whether it was accident or suicide. or cold murder. this is a confirmed murder.
yes, it is a pre planned murder. someone killed rahim andwe have to find that murderer. and that's your job. why are you looking at me like that?there was no secret between us. then why did you hide this from me? when i was unpackingyour things then i found.. ..your briefcase inwhich i found this file. so you are not an exporter. you are a senior police officer.
yes, i am from the cid. and you are right. i shouldn'thave hidden this thing from you. i am sorry. i am so proud to bethe wife of a cid officer. a thrill has come back to my life. do you think this caseis suicide or murder? if the case is a suicidethen there will be no fun. if it is a murderthen finding the proof.. ..and chasing wouldbe a thrill element.
normally when a husband doesa risky work then wives get scared. but you are somewhat different. you are differentbut remember one thing. my job is different that iswhy you will have to keep it a secret. your parents and friendsshould not come to know. they will not know. not only for your safetybut for my safety.. well i willnot tell this to anyone. - i love..- you..
what happened? in the graveyard a childis sitting on the tree. seeing me he is givinga dangerous smile. save me, mother. what is the time? what wasthe need to go there so late at night? during the day theydo not disturb us.. ..then why should wedisturb them during the night? - come on let's go and sleep.- where are you going? wait.. first you have to see the child.
- i shall meet in the morning.- see now. come on. where is the child? call him. if you wish then getmilk and biscuit for him. you had said that he was sitting here. there is no one here. i saw myself. the child wassitting on the branch of the tree. he was laughing at me. if you keep thinking about graveyard.. ..then such hallucinationswill keep happening.
- is that so?- yes darling. - but i saw.- nothing is there. see it for yourself. come on. if you knew me then youwouldn't be talking like this. i have some work. you go and sleep.i will finish the work and come. come soon. if you say then shalli come immediately? my god. back to work. go..
hey, it is me. - go..- yes, you go.. i am dead, mother.. who are you? didn't you understand afterseeing a hero like personality? i am prince of this area.i have forgotten for some time. who am i? i am a thief. okay, you are a thief.
where did you stealthese sexy shorts from? in rainy season one of thechild's was drying so i wore it. - you stupid..- there is no choice in stealing. this would become easyis stealing from the third floor. because you can climbanywhere by wearing shorts. why have you come here? how many times willyou ask this question? this house is my bank. i hide the things whichi steal with so much effort.
without permission youhave entered the house.. ..and thrashing the bank manager. you are at fault and then scolding me. you will be hurt badly. oh god help me.. being a thief you are praying to god. this is song of amovie and i have never.. ..ever stolen the money from temple. please don't beat me.
you are a cbcid officer solet go of a small thief like me. if you thrash me then your reputationwill reduce so that is why.. how did you come to know my secret? you can ask this questionafter leaving my shirt. since morning i was findingtreasure in this house.. ..then you were telling yourwife that you are cbcid officer. you also told her not to tell anyone. i heard it from theother side of the wall. shiva, there is certainlysome great problem.
i will have to keephim here for few days. if we think then we belongto the same category, brother. i hide stolen thingsand you hide your identity. neither you nor i wear uniform. you are government employeeand i am government criminal. you wear full pant and i wear shorts. that is because there shouldbe some difference between us. you thrash and i get thrashing. because of this thereis a small difference.
i have said too much. do some settlement. tell me, sir. from today you are my personal guest. - stay here.- what? you want me to be your personal guest.a thief guest of a policeman. you have caught me red handed.put me behind bars. this is no less than a jail. what do you mean? what willhappen of my personal things, partner?
- what did you say?- partner.. i have asked you to stay here andhave not opened a company with you. tell me what is your name? imaandaar bhadris. what? imaandaar bhadris.. why have you put aphoto that shows the back? sir, this is your bill. - give me the machine.- take it.
now there is nothing to worry. no one will enter fromwindow when he is there. excuse me sir. if you do not do objection sustainedthen shall i ask you a question. from today you are 24 hours servant.. ..12 hours bodyguard of my wife.. ..gardener for 6 hoursand cook for 3 hours. please clear the confusion. why have you put theface that side in the photo?
how will he do timepass sitting alone? come here. no i will not come. if i come therethen you will hit me. you come here. - come here and tell me.- okay. tell me what is it? at the back.. tell about frontrather than about back. there is graveyard at the back. there is graveyard behind.that means under the ground..
father, i have been coming infrom the front door for last 5 years why didn't i peep behind even once? you did not do it? sorry sir, i resign from my job. - i shall slap you.- save me, mother. are you an opposition leader? that you will walkout at your own will. your name is you are actually dishonest. i am dishonest.
you may say whatever you wishto but i will not stay in this house. i am quitting this job. - ghost move during night.- so. sir, while walking if they stand infront of my bed then what will i do? hey, i am not botheredas to what you do during day. but you have to remain awakeduring night and sit here as watchman. if satya gets scared againthen i will not spare you. right. so by spoiling my sleep,you will sleep. by the time movie getsover i will become a ghost.
just keep watching. who is it? since long thedog is barking. it is scary at night. leave the sheet. sheet.. will you scare me to death? what should i covermyself with and sleep? pillow.. did that policemanfound this house to stay? - was rahim your only child?- yes officer?
all is blessings of son was a gem. when he was in 6th standardthen i lost my leg in an accident. from that day he stopped his studiesand started looking after my work. no function was completewithout rahim's biryani. god had blessed himwith this special talent. i have a partner, brother krishna for last 20 yearshe has been my friend. just as our biryani was popular similarlyhis vegetarian food was popular. though we were from differentreligion but when a big order came..
..i used to make non-vegetarian food.. ..and vegetarian foodwas made by brother krishna. our children were also friends. he has a daughter sangeeta. sangeeta and my son werefriends since childhood. that changed into love with time. for my son rahim's happiness ihad no objection to this relationship. but brother krishnawas a little unhappy. sangeeta..
i am not happy with this relationship. rest, you are intelligent. last time when rahim left the housethen how was his mental state of mind. for last 2-3 days he was intension and started remaining quiet. then he got a big get the advance he left the house. rahim was very happy. tell me truly..wasrahim used to drinking? no sir. in our religiondrinking is prohibited. he just had one bad habit.sometimes he used to smoke.
do you have rahim's recent photograph? we have it, sir. when the court declaredrahim's death as suicide.. ..then i thought youwould not return my money. but you transferred theentire amount through rtgs. satya, satya what happened to you? the room became the graveyard.the child is still there. graveyard in the room. he was hanging on the tree. onseeing me he started laughing loudly.
isn't there a ghost? if you want to saveyour dignity then lie. i am speaking the truth. i saw.. you shut you think it is a joke? what should we do now? - please come with me?- why is that needed? come, quickly. - come, come..go and check.- i am a heart patient.
i have still not got married. police protects the thieves. you see. - why are you pushing me into trouble?- go. - who is it?- it is me. why are you killingsomeone who is already dead? sir, there is no one inside. even a pigeon is not there inside. there is not even a small flower potinside and he is seeing a big tree. you scared everyone, madam.
if you keep getting scared everynight then how will i focus on work? - let's shift immediately. come on.- no, no..i made a mistake. i will not do in future. you promise. - yes, i promise.- okay, now go and sleep. - it is very late at night.- sir, i want to talk to you. sir, your wife is ladiesso that is why she is scared. don't be angry with her. but for the first time ihave seen a cbcid officer scared.
come. my boss is scared ofsnakes and i am scared of ghosts. - every person is scared of something.- i know that. once a cockroach entered intomy pant since then i wear shorts. why did you bring a newlymarried girl to graveyard? you are busy with your duty duringday and the ghost scares your wife. - do you have any idea?- i have a great idea. go and enjoy honeymoon atplaces like kenya, uganda, somalia.. ..bhutan, bangladesh thenthe ghost will vanish for life time. "i can't take my eyes off your face."
"my night does not pass without you,my dear." "look here,beautiful, young and sexy girl.." "listen to me and donot make my heart flutter." enough of it. i am dead, mother.she is coming this way. what enmity does rahim have with me?no robbery from today. i am dead. hold on jackie chang.i am not a ghost. i had covered myself with sheet. only action and no reaction.
- i will not spare you..- forgive me. what have i done? - excellent, excellent..- thank you. i wanted to see whether youhave won over your fear or not. that is why i got this drama done. but you are absolutely fine. - are you okay?- i am fine. what will happen to me? you are very brave. if you were late by a minutethen i would have thrashed him. what luck i have?
just to remove the fear factorof wife he made me run here and there my body is paining becauseof banging here and there. at least you should have thanked once. everyone considers me as waste. use me. there is no food in this. the thief of food hasput covers on empty utensils. where has dian devi gone?has she cooked food or not? she has cooked nothing today.
i do not know what she is paid for. she must be roaming around somewhere.i shall go and ask the gardener. hey pret singh ranchod.. - what happened, sir?- old man, come here. where has everyone gone? dian devi has not cooked food and hereyou are roaming around with the bag. sir has given me half day off today. she has already gone.. - ..and now i am going.- she leave him early..
there is surely some problem. was that dian like this before or hasshe become like this after i have come. take right from here. i will have to do something. i will have to get madam back beforeevening otherwise i will get vanished. madam, for last onehour we are roaming.. the same areagoing left and right. tell me the name of colony, lane.. - hey listen..- yes.
has our sir givenorder of these curtains.. ..or you have broughtsomeone else's order here? no sir. today morningmadam had given order. she gave an orderbut why not money order? take left. rather than doing left,right why don't you tell your address? i think you haveforgotten your address. ask someone. hey, do not speak too much.
what is this? green curtainshave been put everywhere. hello, we have reached home. get down. have we reached?i did not come to know. hello, who will pay the fare? - money?- yes.. i have old 500/- and 1000/-which will not be of any use to you. so it is better if you put this meter. this is my meter. - that is why i honestly returned it.- give me the fare.
- do you need money?- yes. keep a big heart. - come on give me.- take it, brother and go. i think he is hit by gst. - hey..- what is it? the charging of the phone is over. oh god, you stole my phone as well. god will punish you for your deeds. you will not get anyparaphernalia after you die.
if this does not happen then i amnot the only son of sultan wrestler. what are you saying? - are you sultan's son?- yes, so.. even my father used todo wrestling in wrestling bouts.. are you comparing your fatherwith mine? shall i give you..? get lost from here. - i don't know where do foolish peoplecome from? - my sir is calling me. - go away.- see you later. so shiva, aren't you surprised?
why did you get an ideaf re decorating house suddenly? since i am free soi had to do something. for how long could i sit idle? that is why i selected the cloth, didthe stitching and made the curtain. very good. white walls, green curtains..there is freshness in the now. - and even in my life too.- do you like it? i love it. there is some problem. that manput readymade curtains in front of me. even then madam is saying thatshe stitched them and made them ready.
is she cheating her husband? - sir..- yes.. these people have come. you can leave. sit down. - are you mr. krishnamurthy?- yes sir. - sangeeta..- yes sir. i am shiva. cid officer. i am investigating rahim's case.
sir, did you findanything else about case? ask your father. he knows it. - sir..- where do you want to go? don't ask the samequestion again and again. do as i say? turn the vehicle. where are you going? has madam gone somewhere even today? yes and has said thatshe will return by 7o'clock.
- take this.- what is this? madam has asked to get all these cd's. she has asked you to paythe electricity and phone bill. - take these keys.- why? madam has asked to keepthe house closed till evening. i am going home andwill come at 6 now. - go straight.- yes madam. there is surely some problem. whatis going on in absence of husband? - take right from that betel leaf shop.- okay.
for your informationi have already met abdulla. he said that you were nothappy with this relationship. after rahim pacified you alot you agreed to this relationship. what was the reason that you agreed? why did you change your decision? mr. krishnamurthy i am asking you. i will tell you. father, all workers havegone and sunder uncle will.. ..make offerings beforehe starts both the gas burners.
sangeeta, look it dependson you that tomorrow.. ..the gas burners willburn together or different. what do you mean? a muslim marries withoutseeing the face of the bride. but a hindu bride and groomtogether take nuptial rounds. if i have to continuemy friendship with abdulla.. ..then you will haveto forget the love of rahim. because of your friendshipi will sacrifice my love. believeing in what my daughter saidi reached the function to cook food.
salim, has it been cooked or not. just check as it has beenalready more than 10 minutes. brother mazhar,we will have to cut his salary.. he is not concentrating on work. - he is taking too much time.- everything was going on well. once the function started iasked my daughter to take cold drinks. seeing her going outrahim handed his work.. someone else and went behind her. i am glad to announcejust as last year..
..we have won theprestigious state award. for being the best real estatecompany in our entire state. rahim was after her. i was scared that sangeetamight change her decision. many thoughts came to my mind. because of that ifelt dizzy and fell down. what happened to brother? oh god what happened to him? oh god..someone call the ambulance.
how is he now? there is nothing to worryas only his bp was low. he will be fine soon. don't worry. abdulla, abdulla that function.. don't worry, brother. sangeeta is there andshe will manage everything. she does not havethat much experience. sunder is there with her. you don't worry.
if something wrong happens thenit will bring disgrace to my name. when i went to theplace of the function.. ..then all guests wereenjoying vegetarian food. - who is the caterer of the function?- krishnamurthy, who else? the food is delicious. yes, no one can cookfood like krishnamurthy. he cooks delicious food. i shall call him formy party at my house. of course, do call him.
no one can cook biryani like rahim. there is magic in rahim's hands. father, when i came toknow that you felt dizzy.. ..because of lowbp then i felt relaxed. leave all that but tell mehow did you get so much food cooked? i did not get the food cooked. then.. that.. rahim, did you cookthe vegetarian food?
people are really praising it.i cannot believe it. it is a challenge forme to learn something new.. ..especially when youdo not know anything about it. actually for months iam watching you cooking food. i had a wish to cook vegetarianfood for such a big function. today i got an opportunityso i cooked it. the gas does not know whether thefood is vegetarian or non vegetarian. both are cooked onthe same fire, uncle. i just forgot.sangeeta has told me everything.
from today i will notgive you a chance to complain. guests please don't hesitate. eatsumptuously. i will get more mutton. the combination of abduland krishnamurthy is tasty. the soul has no religion. once the soul gets a bodyit recognizes his religion. abdulla,my daughter asked this question. i could not answer. but now rahim will be my son-in-law. before finalizing therelationship with rahim..
..did you find anotherboy for sangeeta? why didn't you tell thisthing to railway police earlier? i did not find this matternecessary to be told.. ..and i had already acceptedrahim as my son-in-law. but rahim did not know about this? no, he did not know. i was going to get invitationcards printed in his name. i wanted to give a surpriseon rahim's birthday. but after few days rahimdied and everything got over.
rahim was well awareof your objection. he committed suicide knowingthat sangeeta cannot be his. or you took everyone in confidenceby doing acting of accepting rahim. and you agreed to their weddingso that no one has doubt on you. and after that cleverlyyou got rahim murdered. sir, do you have doubt on my father? you got the case reopeneddoes not mean that.. ..your father cannotbe suspect of this case. after killing the wifea husband does police complaint.
after getting his son killedthe father sheds crocodile tears. in business murders oftenbusiness partner is a murderer. our records are full of such cases. till today no criminalhas escaped from my hands. according to me yourfather is suspect number 1. he will not leave thecity without my permission. come to the police stationwhenever i call you. now you can go. what is this?
you are the first woman of theworld who is ironing a night dress. whether it is day or night.on should always look neat and tidy. - oh this means..- what is the meaning? that you do not haveanything else to do. who said that i don't have work? do you know how busyi am since morning? hey, cool,cool..what were you busy for? i have cooked the dinner for today. - really.- yes.
- you get freshen up andi will serve food. - okay. will it be worth eating? she stares at every question. i am feeling very hungry. biryani.. satya, have you cooked this? i cooked it. why? only a cook can makesuch a delicious biryani. hey, when we met for the first time..
..then why did you saythat you do not know cooking? after seeing mother-in-law'sshow on tv i cooked this biryani. i want to do a confession. the food that mother cooks ontv is not as delicious as this. truly. there is a secret.i knew how to cook food little. shall i tell you one more secret? rahim murder case that i am investigatingalso cooked delicious biryani. once you ate biryani cooked by him.. ..then you never feltlike eating anything else.
if you find the murderer of rahim.. ..then i shall servebiryani to you every day. what are you saying? i willget fat after eating it every day. - hey, cheater imaandar.- yes brother. which robbery are you planning of? a delicious biryani has been cooked.go and eat. brother, i don't want to eatbiryani but want to tell you a secret. come here in the corner. don't misunderstand me.
as soon as you go tooffice in the morning.. ..madam goes to meet someoneand comes back in the evening. what nonsense are you talking? true sir and you will not believe it. do you see these new curtains? theshop owner put them in front of me. that day also madamreturned in the evening. but she told you thatshe stitched the curtains. every day she sits in the rickshawand keeps on finding someone. she gives an off toall servants till 6o'clock.
for any reason she makessure i am also out of the house. before everyone comes backin the evening she returns back. she did not cook that biryani. for sago mixture, soak sago.. hey, my son. did you recently show recipeof chicken biryani in your show? biryani?why are you asking about biryani? will you cook? son, son..
nothing mother. i shall call tomorrow. he disconnected it. who said that i don'thave any work to do? satya, you did noteat much biryani today. how much will i eata thing cooked by me? today in lunch also i ate biryani. i am very tires asi am working since morning. now i want to sleep.we will talk tomorrow. good night.
the shop owner put thecurtains in front of me. she has not cooked that biryani. "my mother's call..mymother has called.." - hello..- is that son-in-law speaking? - yes it is me.- how are you son? i am fit and are you and uncle? we all are fine. for many daysw did not have a talk with satya. i called on landline butno one picked up the phone. i tried her cell phoneas well but could not connect.
don't take tension. for two days i had takenan off and had gone to hill station. - there was network issue there- okay, that is the case. satya has gone for a bath. as soon as she is outi will ask her to call you. that is not important.after talking to you i am satisfied. okay bye. whose unknown number is this? hello madam. why are youcalling me again and again?
don't disturb me. as soonas he comes i will give you a call. okay. keep the phone, please. bye. what are you talking?i cannot believe you. even i am surprised. but this is confirmed thatshe goes somewhere in the morning. there is some problem. you said that no servant remainsthere during day but you are there. - you must have seen something.- i saw nothing. she sends me outas well for some work.
and asks not to come before 6 o'clock. understood. that means there must beno one at the house right now. right. right, brother. shiva, stop worrying. without knowing the truthyou should not reach any decision. go home straight and seeif sister-in-law is at home or not. once she is back,then patiently observe her. look, you have to solve rahim's case. if you get upset for small things..
..then your focus willbe shifted from the case. let me tell you. solve theproblem whatever is there today. the swing is swinging byitself and the door is also open. that means she is inside.there is surely some problem, brother. mention yourself guiltyso never..holidays so you evil..present.. that's right. hey, don't look at me like this. forgive me. this tension will kill me.
who is there? masakali, masakali.. what are you looking at? i am rahim. when will you arrestthat rascal who killed me? tell me. i do not know why he killed me. who killed me? i want to know. you will tell me who killed me. instead of finding my murderer you..
..are enjoying withyour wife after marriage. rascal, go and find him. till you do not find my murderer i willnot come out from your wife's body. i swear upon god. as in childhood the ghostforced me to wet my pants. where have you doneyour schooling from? st. mary's matriculation. the name of the principal there. mother claura.
- your best friend's name.- anjali. do you know rahim? - rahim, rahim..- do you remember him? - yes.- tell me. i read his name in shiva's file. did you love someoneelse before marrying shiva? no. either in your school or college. no. i never had an affair.
someone who likes you. there was a boy in collegewho used to follow me. - his name.- rahul. - rahul or rahim.- rahul. - what happened then?- one day i scolded him. i threatened him of policebut he did not change. one day he called home. i scolded him a lot andthen i never saw him again. doctor..
on asking she gavedetails of her school.. and teachers with clarity. if she knew any rahim thenshe would have surely remembered him. so this is confirmed that she doesnot know rahim from earlier times. it was a mistake thatyou made by discussing.. ..rahim murder case with your wife. you get busy with your investigation. but your wife keptthinking about rahim's.. ..death round theclock sitting at home.
it could be a serious matter. look mr. shiva,our brain is like a computer. whatever information we feedin it becomes the thought process. and your wife satya has storedrahim's murder case in her mind. with medicines thememory will suppress. but you make an effort that satya'smind does not think about rahim. - hey my son has come..- hello, mom. - mother..- hello son. can't you walk properly?what if you would have fallen?
no. i could not control. you had said that youwould return after 6 months. but you came back early.. daughter-in-law,have you forgotten me? - how can i forget you?- i am fine. how are you? he is a thief. come, child. what kind of a mother-in-law is she? - she is not able to recognize her cleverdaughter-in-law. - hail to lord shiva.
hail to lord shiva. hello sir, please come here. you come here. you are trying to be smart with me. hey, stop. listen to me. the moment madam put her foot in thishouse your mother was about to fall. - that means madam is a devil and..- keep quiet. mother-in-law,how is tv show going on.
how can i praise myself? my chefs have dubbedthe show in 25 languages. two more channels gavean offer but i rejected. ask me why? an offer has come from switzerlandas to how to make pav bhaji. how to make pizza from dhokla? and to teach all thisi am going to switzerland. why are you dancing? if your show off is over for today thentell me the menu for today's menu.
you are absolutely useless,third class person who does stealing. hey mother, it is not possible to becomea successful thief for everyone. for this you shouldget a noble prize..thief.. hey mother, amateur thievesoffer prayers to my photo. just wait, i will not spare you. wait, rascal, robber.. what games are you playing? i amfeeling hungry. serve us food, sister. why should i make you eat? iwill serve to my dear daughter-in-law. i ordered cottage cheese online. madeits mash and have mixed with brinjal.
come too come, son. sir, your mother hasmade mince mutton for food. what is your problem? try to understand thatis after seeing mince mutton.. ..if the soul of rahimawakens then what will we do. - let it awake.- aren't you scared? she is your wife. when i saw rahim's soulentering into satya's body.. ..then i understood that somethingwrong has happened with him.
did you understand? i will help him. coward fellow. i think next time i will be minced. use me. eat me. i am saying that not only rahim buthis entire family will come to eat. that means you will cut my tongue. sit daughter-in-law. i have made special mutton biryani. sir, it is my fast today butyou enjoy last meal with your family.
you didn't arrest me.put your hands down. i like biryani a did you come to know? - so had..- mother, serve me as well. - yes, i will serve you son.- give some to me as well. did you get scaredafter seeing the food? i am getting scared ofwhat will happen after eating. eat it. - enough..- give me some. i am feeling hungry.let me eat this as my last meal.
- he will die of eating.- give me.. it has started. the moment she sawbiryani the affect has.. ..started and the eyeballs have started moving. brother, who is eating now.madam or brother rahim. - you eat quietly.- i am dead. why are you eatingthe bone like dogs do? sir, i was trying to eatbut the sound came from there. look, the horror show has started.
i will not be ableto eat but will suck. imaandaar, do not suck as ifa bull is drinking water from a pond. don't point at me unnecessarily. it is not me but she. look, the way she is eating.i mean he is eating.. i will just eat rice. you have cooked superb biryani. tell me one have not made this biryani. brother miyan has made it.
-what is his name?-brother karim. oh no.. what is he doing?he spoiled everyone's food. didn't your parents teach you manners? instead of biryani i shouldhave give you stale rice. drink some water otherwisei will not spare you. i have cooked biryani especiallyfor you. he is my assistant. i have taught him how to cook food. - brother karim.- coming madam.
i was going to serve the dog.. hum aapke hain kaun,dil to paagal hai, darr.. whom are you scared of? it is not being scared but a burp. why does it happenthat how much one may try.. ..but cannot make atasty biryani like yours? the thing is child thatthe special spices that.. ..are required cannotbe prepared by everyone. the spices that are requiredare clove, cardamom..
..ginger, garlic, onion andthen grind them together into a paste. then put it a large wok. then add asafetida, cumin seeds.. ..fenugreek seeds,bay leaf, green chili in oil and fry. add cleaned mutton to it. do not add normal but bestquality long grained rice to wok. then cover it. - won't you ask why?- why? because if the vessel remains openthen the aroma of spices vanishes.
sir, why did you call him? the rage and anger which we were avoidingtill now will come on seeing him. you can go brother karim. - good bye.- good bye. now go. without asking you told the biryanirecipe to a cooking fan. now go. - listen, clear the table.- yes, mother. i had kept a bundle of cigarette here. - i'm very busy..- satya..
why should i do yourflop show leaving my show? mother, where is satya? she is tied up in my veil.i will open and give her to you. - you keep joking in everything.- what do i know? she must be upstairs. so go and see. why has she gone upstairs? he cannot stay withouthis wife for a minute. my daughter-in-law is lucky. where has she gone?
satya, what are you doing here? after coming up on the terrace i came toknow there is so much beauty around. as soon as we got marriedyou took me out of the house. i could not evensee the house properly. there is so much peace of mind here. tall buildings, greenery,cool breeze..i am feeling very nice. tell me that why didn'tyou finish the biryani? - i..- your biryani was not delicious. no, no..
who asked you to come here, idiot? allah-o-akbar.. when did i cook biryani? whom do you believe? he must have dreamt ofit and must have eaten also. he is always hungry.. you keep quiet. i cannot understand anything. even i cannot understand anything.
- when did i make biryani?- even god does not know this. why did i mess up with her?it is better i would commit suicide. - from where shall i jump?- you fool.. sorry sir, sorry sir.. how did she forget thatshe had cooked biryani? that means someoneelse would have cooked it. rahim who is in satya's body. what is this brother?ha a ghost entered your body as well. do you understand this?
with treatment of thatdoctor she is completely cured. if she is fine then a newbody will be required for rahim. he must have found a new body to live. hey, how did rahim'scigarette come in your hand? i do not know. - did you understand anything?- you make me explain. it is your turn now. all the best. you are telling me that hewill enter as if it is good news. oh god..
every time you give a new shock. i am on my way to findsatya and you are wearing this. i have worn this for safety sir. last time in normalclothes the tap opened.. that is why i worethese clothes so that.. ..he is kind on meand not hallucination sir. - come on let's find satya.- no, you want me to be in front. let's do one thing. you go and find thatside ad i will go and find this side. - okay.- okay. i am saved.
i will not find her. from here i willgo to lahore via kuwait. what is this? i screamed so loudlybut you did not get scared at all. a beautiful wife is notto be scared of but to love. if just to scare me youcan come up alone to the.. ..terrace then it meansyou have become absolutely fine. you can again start your work. find the murderer ofrahim as soon as possible. i have already solved 50% of the case.
what do you mean by 50%? the clues that i havegot from a pigeon confirms.. ..that rahim did not commitsuicide but was murdered. correct. that night the pigeonwas in that train. how can you be so surethat the pigeon was in the train? here, local muslims havea hobby of taming pigeons. that is why i said so. firstly i will have to meet sangeeta.
after knowing from her the connectionbetween rahim and the pigeon.. ..i will have to prove thatthis is not suicide but murder case. okay, go and find that girl. know the truth about that pigeon.then find out that murderer. don't worry about me. satya, as and whenyou will come to know.. ..what steps i am takingyour doubt will be cleared. that is why from todaythis is your treatment. do you know that dayand night i guard this house?
at night madam scaresme on the terrace. and during day sir scares me. i feel as if i willgo to heaven from here. now i want to take mythings and leave from here. - this is my request letter.- hey stupid.. the post woman has come. whom are you sending letter to? mother, a small thief likeme ahs come in such a big house. i got to meet the queen of kitchen.
nothing is left so thatis why i was thanking god. great. your heartis as pure as diamond. then why do you doa wrong deed like stealing. i get attracted to expensive things. - what did you say?- nothing. you want to know how i became a thief. you tell me whether i shouldspeak or tell you by action. the time of cassettes is action, idiot. i also thought the are so intelligent. just a minute.
hey, why are you closing the door? don't be scared. i am closing so that no one stealsmy story and make a story of it. - okay, okay..come, come..- coming, coming.. come, come imaandaar. - sit here and tell your story.- here i come. one minute. what happened?is the story very emotional? mother, i was born ina family that lived in slum. - oh god..- mother and 10 brothers and sisters.
- i was the only one earning.- single earning man. and my mother always remained unwell. brothers and sisterswere useless and uneducated. mother asked me to take a bigstep to increase the source of income. first i used to seemilk from house to house.. ..and then i started selling alcohol. - but could not earn much money.- poor fellow. one day while stealing ina house i met a kind woman like you. her son kept me as his servant.
great. what a co-incidence? what did you say?cold? have you got cold? don't you know eve this muchthat both the stories are so similar. yes, they are similar like twins. her son was remained angry and thatwoman was always wearing gold jewellery. that madam lookedlike a witch in anger. so you are indirectlycalling me a witch. the witch must be your are like a goddess. there is no similaritybetween you two.
a woman who is not kindis no less than a witch. now continue. one day i reachedlate by just 10-12 hours. she started cursing mood became off. straight i went homeand closed the doors. i started finding a knife.i will show you the demo. don't move. don't move.. remain here.then i picked up the knife like this. an apple was thereon its tip like this.
wow! it is fun to watchcrime show without bloodshed. then i removed theapple and threw in style. then i kept it at her neck. if i was there then i would havechopped off the neck of the old woman. i asked from the keys of the treasure. what you did was absolutely right? dumb headed woman iam asking the keys from you. i am getting the feelingthat i am the old woman. where have i got trapped? try tounderstand i am asking the keys from you.
you seem to enter in the character. if you speak anotherword then i shall kill you. don't you know that keysare always hidden under the pillow? nowadays people find creativeideas to hide the keys. take out those the cupboard.. ..and take out all thevaluable jewellery and cash. then recite imaandaar bhadris,imaandaar bhadris 1008 times.. - will i get the treasure then?- what a joke you cracked? you will not get the treasure..
..but whatever you havewill also not remain yours. quickly do whatever i say. demo is over so keep the knife. don't make me angry. hold this knife. i am helpless.i cannot open locker with one hand. it is not a toy.don't start playing with it. - i will not play.- keep reciting the mantra.. keep telling.. - imaandaar bhadris..- is this the key?
- yes you are right.- today i have got an opportunity.. jewellery,cash, gold..everything is gone. my favorite sari. i was explaining the movie. the other day when iwas going after stealing.. ..then her son was standinglike this in style. her son was not super hero.then i pushed him. the story ends here.good bye. see you. tell him mother that this was a drama.
first keep the sari of 30,000 inside. mother asked me how i becamea successful thief with shorts. so i asked her that shouldi narrate or show with action. she told me to act and showas nowadays it is time of television. so i showed him. - shiva, he kept a knife on my neck.- this was just a co incidence. - as it is said in movies..- quiet. he was scaring me. - listen to me. he tried to..- mother, i know everything. - hey..- yes sir.
cctv cameras have beeninstalled in the entire house. i was seeing yourlive demo on this mobile. cctv. show me how i look. hey, mother..hey, father i am dead. if you do something likethis again then i shall shoot you. you are very creative. mother, i will have togo out for some days for a case. leaving this fool behind. don't worry mother.give the keys in his hands.
if anyone does the stealingeven then i will shoot him. is it okay now? take care. till i come back my motherand wife are your responsibility. if anything happens to them then.. where have i got trapped? was there a pigeon in thetrain in which rahim was travelling? yes sir. wherever rahim usedto go dilbar used to follow him. - who s dilbar?- rahim's favorite pigeon. his name was dilbar.
he was very intelligentthan the other pigeons. he used to win first prizein pigeon tournament every year. what is this pigeon tournament? people who tame pigeons organizean annual race of their birds. this race is called homing pigeon. every participant brings5-10 pigeons in the race. one day before therace all pigeons are.. ..brought for the racecaged in bus or train. people of every stateparticipate in this race.
and try their luck. a tag is put on the pigeonwho participate in this race. and then the code is noted. after putting the tag the samecode is given to their owner also. so that winner can be recognized. for the race a special city is chosen. there all cages are keptin line and are opened together. even if the pigeon is flown fromany city he comes back to his owner. the pigeon that reachesfirst wins the race.
for last so many yearsrahim has been wining this race. he used to love his pigeonsmore than the training he gave them. dilbar was his favorite pigeon. winner of last three years. if you cannot win thenwhy do you participate in race? flying pigeons is not your cup of tea. you go and do some other petty work. you call for expensivepigeons from hungary, australia.. ..but that low standardbiryani cook wins every time.
think something, zakir. we will have to win pigeonrace at any cost next year. you have to find outa way by which we can win. a person's positionis not known just by.. ..a bungalow andproperty but by winning. how much money did the winner get? 50,000/- cash and 10gms gold. if rahim's pigeon wants to tell mesomething then he will surely come to me. what happened mother?what is the matter?
i received a call from channel thati have to go outdoors for shooting. i said yes but suddenly theychanged the location and made it ooty. how can i go to ooty?i will have to stay out for 4-5 days. the thing is that ifeel scared to go alone. now you give me somesuggestion about it. this is great news. you should go. it sees great news for youbut how will you stay here alone. i will stay alone motherbut will you be able to go alone. i am not alone.the shooting people are with me.
i am also not alone in the house. there must be otherpeople in the house as well. who? mr. imaandaar and company. great. your mind is really sharp. - take care.- go and enjoy. i am dead.. stupid, you scared me like a ghost. i could not recognize youin this beautiful appearance.
am i looking very beautiful? dinosaur must be layingtheir eggs in nest like these. foolish. i have brought this wig from america. what do you know, low grade man? useless. look,my daughter-in-law is so courageous. you got scared looking at me. what to tell you? you are saying sobecause you have not seen her smoking. daughter-in-law can never smoke.
if you wish to smoke thenyou better go out and smoke. take care of my daughter-in-law andsleep with the dog if you feel scared. whom should i be scared of? from the daughter-in-lawof this house or from the dog. i will not ask thewitch to take care of me. hey, mother.. the door closed on its own. after my death my soul willkeep roaming left and right here. when i talked with rahim'smother then she told me..
..that two days beforethe death he was in tension. why are you not tellingme your problem? why will i unnecessarilygive my tension to you? didn't rahim ever tell youwhat was going on in his mind? after i insisted a lothe shared his problems with me. what did he tell you? rahim had caught a thief red handed. the thief left the thingswith him and escaped. what were the thingsand whom did it belong to?
he never told me.he just wanted to find the real owner. that means some stolenthings were kept with rahim. why did you hide thisthing from police for so long? because he was aboutto return the stolen goods.. that is why we hid this matter. there was no other reason. whom did the goods belong to? where did he live? he did not tell that whohe was and where did he live?
but one day before he got a new order. he was very happy but nextmorning we got his dead body sir. no one else but a blind man boardedthe compartment other than rahim. play the next station. sir, this was the lastpassenger train of the night. there were only 20 passengers in it. next station. till the last station no one boardedthat compartment and no one got down. the blind passenger whohad sat in the compartment..
..must have got down at any station. we will find outif he fell on the way. - you move the train ahead.- okay i will check. sir that blind man didnot get down at any station. so we do not have anyfootage of his getting down. just play the footageof the first station again. he boarded the s7 coach, sir. what was the compartmentnumber of rahim? s5
show me the footage of the stationwhich was next from where rahim fell. only one man got down at thisstation but he was not the blind man. from which compartmentdid he get down? from s2 zoom a bit. freeze this image. just rewind and show methe footage of that blind man. zoom in. freeze. show me both the imageson the screen and match them.
okay sir. hey, they both are same. either they have beenseparated in a fair.. ..or the same manhas changed his clothes. yes. so, he is the murderer. he boarded s7 by acting s a blind man. from there he went to s5,murdered rahim.. ..and got down from s2
find out every detail of this fellow. no one will be able to seeme whether the witch or her mother. i will roam like thistill madam's dinner is over. "dear, i kept on finding youday and night from here to there." where am i? who is there? where are you madam? i am here. great. the mood is fine now. that means madam ismadam now and no one else.
no, no it is better if i am blindfold. here anything can happen anytime. why do you always keep sitting in theroom? come out and have dinner, madam. - i don't want to eat.- madam.. this time the sound came from out. why aren't you seen, madam? you cannot be seen. are you playing hide and seek with me? i have worn a band soyou are playing hide and seek.
madam, listen to me. if icatch you then it will be your dine. will you be the diner? your face remindsme of gorilla of africa. mother, when i fell from thestaircase then only my neck broke. but these people threwme in the ambulance.. ..and the body gotjerk at the speed breaker along with neck all thebones have got fractured too. i feel as if i am dead. you do mimicry of ambulance very well.
correct. oh my friend ganesha.. - what happened mother?- i do not know. i thought he would die andwe would get freedom from him. was it necessary to becomeblindfold and play hide and seek. so you fell down from the staircase. i did not fall by myself. someone caught holdof my shirt and threw me. someone threw you. - but who?- come near, sir.
both husband and wife is unluckyfor me. both is always hitting me. sir, for whom you weresearching is in this city. he is not in any public park butyou have tamed a soul in your house. what do you mean by this city?and what are you talking about soul.. mother, because of injuryon head he has gone mad. correct. what did you say?you called me mad. shiva, let's get himadmitted to mental hospital. mother, i came here directly fromthe case. satya must be alone at home. i will go and meet her. do one thing.
as soon as doctor gives him discharge,settle his bills and bring him home. are you leaving mealone with this mad person? - hail to lord shiva, mother.- hail to lord shiva. don't worry. you will get well soon. hearing your words has given me peace. now that you are in hospital soi will set your brain right as well. don't do mother. this is not microwave buta machine to measure heart beat. if instead of haphazard theline becomes straight then i will die.
he had some stolen things with him. till he did not returnthem he would not be at peace. keep this. what is this sir? on yourinsistence i gave you duplicate keys. but you are taking things from here. if david asks methen what will i answer. he is a clever criminal. criminal? david told me thathe is a real estate agent sir. if i knew the truth about him theni wouldn't have given him the room.
'religious chants' - hello..- hello.. sir david has come back. don't let him gofrom there at any cost. you lied to me thatyou are a property dealer. get lost from here anddo not show me your face again. how will i find another place so soon? i need a notice of two months. do you know a cid officerhad come to enquire about you?
tomorrow cbi will come.i do not want this problem. cid officer? why? i wanted to give you an awardfor acting so well as a blind man. sir, look he is running. from that side. hey, where are you running? now you cannot escape from me. your death has been finalized today. you have not come here willingly..
..but i am the onewho brought you here. this is the place where you killed me. today i will not spare you. why did you kill me? tell me, tell me.. david.. oh no! he is dead.he is dead. he is dead without telling the secret.
now who will tellme that why was i killed? he cannot die without telling me. who was he? who was he? who was he? leave me. shiva, what has happened to satya? i got very scared whenyou told me about her condition. i hope you did not tell to uncle. he would have died if i had told him.
have patience. whatever needs to be done iwill take out satya from this problem. come with me. tell me who you are. baba.. ..she is satya's mother. why did you kill me?who is he? who killed me? did any accident take placewith your daughter before marriage? no baba,nothing of this sort happened.
did she know anyone by the name rahim? she did not know any rahim. she never used tohide anything from us. if she knew then she woulddefinitely tell me or her father. - who killed me?- no problem. i will take care of everything. with the help of stars in the sky.. ..and with the effect of spiritualpowers we will burn you to ashes. tell me your identity. who are you?
why have you taken controlof this strange body? what is her mistake? what kind of justice is this? i know her.i know her.. - do you know satya?- i know her. no baba, he is saying lies. when earlier satyawas in this condition.. ..i had taken her to a psychiatrist. she told us the names of schooland college friends and teachers.
there was no one by the name rahim. satya has no connectionwith rahim of any sort. satya does not know you. she knows me. tell me when did satya meet you? from when do you know her? tell me the truthotherwise i will burn you. she does not know me but i know her. - even god knows her.- what?
hey, i order you to leave this body. till i achieve mygoal no one can force me. ask him to find the murderer.i will not go before that. really. i know verywell how to take you out. listen, start reading. with the effect of stars of sky,corners of the earth.. ..and spiritual powerwe will burn you to ashes. come down. hey devilish soul come down.
get down. come down, devil. ..and spiritual power burn to ashes. hey kind.. - be kind..allah- satya.. shiva, for some time we haveseparated that soul from satya. it is now yourresponsibility to see.. ..that rahim doesnot enter satya's body. was rahim lying orhe really knows satya.
now this matter will solve the case. did this man comehere in last six months? only the previouswatchman can tell this. i have joined last week, sir. sorry sir, he retired last month. will his addressbe there in the records? his daughter lives in ganganagar. i think he too lives with her. but i do not know the exact address.
thank you. do you remember anything seeing him? tell me everything that you know. i will tell you, sir. mother, how is satya now? she is relaxed now. she atefood and is talking to everyone. nothing has beentold to her father yet. if he hears about thisthen he will get tensed. great.
what is she doing now? father and daughterare playing table tennis. to bring an end tothis investigation.. ..i will have to beginfrom where this story started. i had to find that thief.. ..who had left the stolenthings with rahim and escaped. the most importantquestion was that was.. ..the secret behind rahim'sdeath hidden behind this stealing. there were many doubtsand questions in mind.
the only one who couldhelp me at this time was dilbar. after finding one end ofthe proofs the chain continued. after further investigationthe name of such a person came up.. ..who had a greatconnection with this case. the most important thingthat only one person knew.. ..about this mysterious man. satya's best friend anjali. after connecting small,small information.. ..a big picture of thiscase came in front of me.
i started to understand.. ..who were the characters in thisstory and what role could they play? it is shiva's call. hello. hi satya, what is happening? when will you come to take me? very soon my work will get over. as soon as the case getsover i will come to take you. i am waiting for you.
day and night i just had one questionin my mind as to who was this rahim. and what connection he has with satya. i tried to connect all the ends. and after all the looseends joined together.. ..we were about to reach a conclusion. what was satya's connectionwith rahim's death? the truth about itwas going to be revealed. but this is the truth. directly or indirectly rahim'sdeath has some connection with satya.
allah.. in next 24 hours i will revealthe murderer of rahim to this world. but how will this happen. firstly i will interrogate satya. i will force that soulto capture satya's body. and then i will forcesatya to speak the truth. by doing so you are inviting danger. without knowing the power of the soul,do not play with it. if by chance you make a mistake..
..then you will loseyour wife and yourself as well. for the first time inmy life a soul has raised.. ..a question on my capability. shiva, shiva neveraccepts defeat from anyone. allah, protect him. hello, yes tell me. really.. son-in-law, you havereally made me very happy. i will become a grandfather.
satya is upstairs. i am coming. why are you so late? go and make your wife eat sweet. hi.. be careful. try to understand. i don't want sweet.why are you so late? please, it. as soon as i got thegood news i thought.. ..i would make mangopickle for daughter-in-law.
i got raw mango. chopped it and appliedsalt and turmeric powder. till the he came.where were you till now? mother, i will haveto go again for the case. forget your work now. serve daughter-in-law.stay with her, take her out.. mother, i am a cid officer sorry for hiding fromyou that i am a cid officer. there is no need to apologize.
i felt proud knowing thatmy son-in-law is a cid officer. thank you very much. father, how long willyou perform offering? do you remember thattoday morning at 9.. ..we have to reachat police rifle club? police asks the same questionin different way and troubles me. they want to make disciple a criminal. you will not be alone there, father. many other peoplehave also been called.
rahim's parents will also be there. if you do not comethen police will come here. six months ago. precisely on 12th july 2016 a personnamed rahim fell from the train.. ..and died because he hit the pole. whether this was a suicideor someone killed him.. ..that is the the crux of the case. to bring this investigationto the conclusion.. ..i have called everyone herewho is concerned with this case.
it may seem absurd but the sole eyewitness to this murder is a pigeon. you must be thinking that howcan a bird be a witness to the crime. yes, dilbar was the pigeonwho gave me clue for this case. is pigeon the witness? i got the blood on thisfeather tested in the lab. sir, this is humanblood on the feather. it matches with theblood grop of rahim. ab-ve. after few days dilbargave me another clue.
after hitting someonewith his beak he came.. ..and put the blood on my shirt. i got this also tested in lab. sir this is human blood on the shirt. and its blood group is o+ve when rahim's blood groupis ab-ve then whose is o+ve. this must be rahim's murderer. so rahim has been killed by someone. so david was the one who killed him.
he acted as a blind man and boarded.. ..the same train inwhich rahim was travelling. he pushed rahim from a moving train.. ..and he banged againstthe pole and died. why didn't you catch david? because david is no more. before we could arresthim someone killed him. and the secret remained a secret. so who killed david?
one of you knows him well. who is the one? you are the one satya. - shiva..- yes. only you know who killed david. shiva, have you gone mad? how will she know thatwho has killed david? stop questioning me. the person whom i willquestion will only answer.
anyone else who willinterfere will be arrested. just listen to me. david's landlord, come here. did this woman come to find david? yes sir. not once but she came twice. as soon as david comes give me a call. the number is 900032426 whenever she used tocome she used to be in hurry. and was always angry.
call me as soon as he comes. you shouldn't belate even for a second. did you call up this madamwhen david came back to his room? yes sir, i had called. you can go. tell everyone satya thatwhy did you want to meet david. hey allah.. - just get him.- sir.. satya, do you recognize this man?
- this bus is better thanthe previous bus. - yes. madam, your money has fallen. hey, thief, thief.. my i pad. - what happened, madam?- he took my i pad and ran away. - catch him.- don't stop. - take us directly to the college.- what are you saying? he has stolen i pad. yes, he had stolen my i pad.
did you get your i pad back? i think someone cameand returned my i pad to me. who? was it a man or a woman? he was a ma but i don'tremember his face properly. hemant, just display the photo. was he the man? his name is rahim.rahim, the one who has been murdered. is he the man who returnedyour i pad to you? see carefully.
be kind, allah. do you recognize this girl? of course, she is bset friend. anjali, tell everyonepresent here what you told me. that day satya and i werereturning back from college. that time this man came to talk to us. - we should take something else.- madam, madam.. madam, one second.. - this is your belonging.- what is this?
this is your i pad. keep it. this was stolen in the bus. i was also in that bus.i saw him when he stole it. he went from front door andi thought of going from back door.. catch hold of him. hey wait..hey, thief. hey, you.. give it. i returned with your ipad and saw that bus had left.
i thought of another idea.i went to the depot. found the conductor and askedhim the name of this college. every day i try toreturn it back to you.. ..but some problemor the other came up. madam.. hey wait, wait..where are you going? - do you know this is girl's college?- what are you saying uncle? i have to return this i pad to madam. yes, i know.
but uncle was very stubborn.he did not let me in. but thank god i found you today. since morning i am waiting. from the time i have got thisi pad i am not able to sleep, madam. take care of it. - thank you. thank you so much.- bye. - hello. excuse me.- is there some problem? at least tell me your name. why do you want to get trappedinto name address and everything?
my work was to give backyour thing to you so i did it. i am happy with this.take care of your things in future. and remember me in your prayers. now you understood doctor thatwhy she did not remember rahim's name? because rahim didnot tell her his name. now tell me satya, where isthe i pad that rahim had returned. i really do not remember. you do not remember where thei pad is that created so much drama. do you rememberanything on seeing him?
he is the same loafer of collegewho did not stop following me.. ..inspite of givinghim so many warnings. when did you see him last time? why will i remember when i met himlast when i don't want to see his face? you must be rememberingwhen did you meet her? sir, when she was clickingrahim's photo from her i pad. what did you say? she was clickingphotographs of rahim.. ..whose name even she did not know.
she had clicked photograph.maybe she has forgotten. she does not remember but i do. hello, excuse me. one second. - why did you click the photo?- just like that. now you can go. why did you ask e to click his photo? through this photo we can getall his information through facebook. this is the same photo ofrahim that satya clicked that day. how can you say this so confidently? look at the sun glasseshanging on rahim's shirt?
hemant, zoom on sun glasses. satya's reflectionis seen on his glasses. seeing this photographi came to know.. ..that satya is somehowinvolved in this case. just bring that i pad. - satya, is this samei pad that got stolen. - yes. while searching david'shouse i found this i pad there. explain me in simple wordsas to why you wanted to find david. what is your connection with david?
how did david die? who killed him? i am asking you. come on tell me. why are you asking methat how did that rascal die? my murderer jumpedfrom train willingly. even you were there in the train. don't i have the rightto know my murderer? he jumped from thetrain because of fear.
are you all seeingthis condition of satya? rahim's soul has captured her. i asked satya these questions.. that i can force rahim's soul tocapture satya's body and take control. there is someone who killed rahim. till he is found rahim'ssoul will not leave her. who is the murderer among you? i want to know. if i tell him the name of themurderer then he will not believe.
he will think that to save the lifeof my wife i sacrificed someone. till the murderer will notaccept his crime he will not go. - satya..- allah.. rahim leave my satya. i promise that murdererwill tell his name. do you want to say something mr.vishwanathan? what is the relationshipbetween rahim and satya? - allah..- what do you mean? what did you tell your men?
- i did not say anything.- you said something. when you came to know thatsomeone was following your daughter.. ..then didn't you tellyour men to kill him? tell me the truth otherwisewill kill your daughter. child.. wait.. - wait..- tell me, tell me.. do not take revenge ofyour death from my daughter? i wanted to teach a lesson to theperson who was misleading my daughter.
i had told my men just toinjure him badly and not to kill him. tell everyone as towhat happened that day. when i came to know thatsomeone is troubling her.. ..then i went straight to her college. when i was tryingto find out that boy.. ..then watchman toldme the name of rahim. hearing that name i got scared. that night a call came on landline. a boy was speaking on the phone.. i thought itwould be rahim's call. because watchman had toldme that rahim was after my daughter. the name that watchman took.. ..just wanted to returnthe i pad to your daughter. the one who had calledwas not rahim but rahul. when i saw satyataking rahim's photo.. ..i could not tolerateand was very angry. i wanted to call upsatya and ask about it. on receiving my call she became angry.
if you call me up againi will go straight to police. after that she switched off her phone. i did not understand anythingthen i called her on landline. but her father picked up the call. satya, i know that your fatherill never agree to our marriage. that is why come and meet meoutside the college on friday evening. we will get married aftergoing far away from here. once we get married.. ..then that old man willnot be able to harm us in any way.
her father disconnected thephone on hearing rahim's voice. he did not even ask me my name. that is why it was confirmedthat satya did not like me at all. why did you mislead him? i will tell. i wanted to punish badly satya and.. ..her lover because ofwhom she rejected my love. this is true. i did not kill rahim. nor did i give moneyto anyone to kill him.
first tell what didyou say to your men.. ..and then i will tellyou what happened with rahim. because of that phonecall i called my man. sir, he cooks biryani. such a daring of a cookto elope with my daughter. sir i saw satya takingphotograph of that man. just to show his photographi brought satya's i pad. this has photograph of that see it too. i do not want to see his face.
i don't want that personto walk on his legs.. ..who wanted to elopewith my daughter. make him handicapped forever. take 2lakh advance. i do notknow how you will execute the plan. without knowing thetruth i made a big mistake. i punished an innocent boy. i did not want to kill him. i did not want to kill him.rahim i apologize. leave my daughter. it is okay if you punish me.
it is my humble request, rahim. mr. vishwanath, your men gave davidthe money to make rahim handicapped. but someone elsetook advantage of this. david did not kill rahim. someone else has killed rahim. the target has left the house.reach quickly. why? you want tosave your father-in-law. now see what i do. - rahim..- child..
i will throw her from height. you are making a very big mistake. - come down.- i have found out what happened.. .. after you returned the i pad. i did this becauseyou asked me to do it. if you want to know thatwho killed you then come down. i re opened your caseon sangeeta's insistence. i put my wife's life in danger.and you.. you very well knowthat she is pregnant.
you are not bothered about the child. and call yourself a pious soul. you just want to knowthe name of your murderer. for that you need a body. then i hand over my body to you. leave my wife and come out. - come into my body.- shiva.. - satya.. no..- child.. my son.
brother, i have never hurt anybody. even then because of someoneelse's mistake without.. - ..experiencing any happinessi lost my life in youth. - no.. do you know what my wish was? i wanted to feed poorpeople with my earnings. for that i was readyto work hard all my life. if a person makes a mistakethen he is forgiven but i am a soul. don't i have the rightto know who killed me? tell me once who killed me.
if this did not happen then people.. ..will think that i ama coward who committed suicide. i beg of you to tell me the name once. - tell me who is he?- rahim, come into my body.. ..and i will takeyou to your murderer. i am coming.. hurry up, he is coming.he should not escape alive. how did he go across? hey baldy..
run, run from here. open. open, open the door. again.. no, no i have not killed rahim. cheater.. whether anyone may do big crime or smallbut god surely does justice for that. everyone's time you know what your mistake was? you're rtgs.
david got the moneyto make me handicapped. but you gave him money to kill me.isn't it? didn't you understand? brain of policeman and thepower of the cook who made biryani. one phone and two sim cards. both are activated. - how did you like it?- don't kill me. - i will tell you everything.- tell me, tell me. day and night i kept on thinkingas to how i will win the race.
david came to repay the moneyhe had taken on loan from me. boss, take your money. i do not have the strengthto pay more interest. our account is closed. who gave so much moneyto a person like you? david told me thatbuilder vishwanathan.. ..gave him money tomake someone handicapped. then he showed me your photo on i pad. luck knocked at my door.
kill rahim.i shall give 3lakhs for that. take 2lakhs as advance. if something wrong happensthen put the allegation on builder. did you come to know the truth?now come out. rahim, today shiva,officer shiva closes your case. now you close uncle's chapter. who will be born shiva or parvati? you tell me. already i have grandson.
- this time i want granddaughter.- correct. no mother, this timealso will born boy. how you are very sure? rahim had want to live good life.but he can't. but you will see hewill be born as a my son. and you would haveto take care of him. again rahim will come. and he will break my neck. mother help!