beach house decorating ideas on pinterest

beach house decorating ideas on pinterest

coastal decor is a very populardecorating style that has a calm seaside feeling. our coastal christmas combines avariety of natural elements with texture and glass and glitter so if you'relooking for a christmas decorating theme that is both relaxed and yetsophisticated then this is the one for you i am loving thiscoastal christmas table i know we probably shouldn't have a favourite we put ourheart and soul into all of them but i think this is the favorite for a few ofus it just exudes holiday it just makes you want to relax sit back enjoy thespread enjoy the company and just mark

the fact that for many of us this isthe beginning of a little christmas break where we'll have hopefully a week or two offto enjoy with our family and friends i love the textures on this table thenatural tones that go in with all our starfish we have some picks that representcoral but there's that strong colour influence of the blue which is the ocean and thesky that gives you that summery feeling and i like the way that we've made it just alittle more sophisticated by leaving shells out i really like the fact that wedidn't use shells in this even though it's a coastal theme i really like the way that we've done ourpersonalised baubles for this theme using

the silver stars and dots with thesilver name so keeping it all very tonal and subtle and giving it abackground in a place setting with our lovely white coral for a bit of fun we've done our gift boxes withtwo little bells that are tied to the top of it we've also got some lovely silverbon bons which keep within the color theme and we've actually combined twodifferent sets of bon bons here and they match great just by keeping the color the same it really works on the table is actually quite tall but it works so well because you can actually see through it we've used our 6cm icicle baubles that tie in really well with

the baubles we've done on the treeand we've just used the silver bells that time in beautifully with the top of thegift boxes we have entwined our copper seed lights throughout the twigs here and just givenit the touches of the ornament so it all comes together cohesively rather than a traditional star wefound a beautiful starfish that we wanted to make our treetopper we foundsome beautiful spray glitter garlands we've built thataround the star fish and put that at the top of the tree the other thing we started to decoratethe tree with was the burlap garland

which creates a beautiful earthy sea-sidelook and creates a great base for you to put your other hanging ornaments inbetween we've also used a lot of different shapes so again we've got the hearts inthe white which really pop we've got the wooden different shapes with the heart and the stars and then of course our bauble shape so all the different hangingcombined in the drops together create a really nice atmosphere on your treeand they're all actually different textures as well because we've got reallytextured rattan, a very smooth wood but you can see the texture of the grain throughit and we've got a lovely sparkle in the drops and then of course going to alovely smooth glass. these are really

good because when you have yourchristmas lights on behind them, it actually reflects in the little shards of glass that i thought it's always important to stand back andlook at what you've created and make sure that the trees even a lot of timesyou'll come back and you just keep tweaking and moving things around. we've got the heshan onthe table and we've tied in the burlap the loose weave burlap on the tree and inthe garland and wreath that we've used on the, above the door. the way we tied the garland was actually quite simple weve used the curtain rod and we've justgot some cable ties which is a really

strong very cheap won't damage yourcurtain at all and we just fixed one at each end and one in the middle so not verydifficult to get your garland into you know a place in your room or place inyour home where its going to have the most impact and another use for the wreathswe've instead of putting on your front door again we've used a ribbon to tiethe wreath to hang from the curtain rod the display we made with ourchristmas baubles inside our seaside lantern look fantastic we've got the blue coming through but wecan mix it up with a packet of decor balls which have the texture and the colour of the seaside in it

something that we felt really spoke to acoasta theme you might have something in your home could justbe a big glass vase and use that with a packet of decor balls and some of your christmas baublesthat are going to tie in with your theme and put that together with some fairy lights or some copper seed lights and you've got a beautiful console table centrepiece entry piece wherever you'd like to put it in a couple of items you mightchoose to leave up all year round so the lantern you've just spoken or the free download we could twinkle twinkle little stop its a perfect piece ofdecor that you could hang all year round we hope you've enjoyed watching and we've been able to inspire your christmas decorating. to shop this look simply

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