best interior design for small kitchen

best interior design for small kitchen

hopefully there aren't many issues with your kitchen... but if yours is on the small side... there might be plenty of problems that arise. things like utensils piling up on the counter... stacking your pots and pans... storing your raw foods... and making sure you still have enough space to move around. take a look at your kitchen...

figure out what you'd like to change.. and get ready for this countdown that will hopefully help you fix them all! 20. fix the counter top! how can you make your kitchen look like it'sgotten a face lift? fix up the counter top! for instance, you can replace it with onethat's solid black.

leave at least three inch wings on eitherside... then paint the bottom drawers with bright white paint. if you already installed a medium height back splash, cut half of it... this will give the illusion of more space above the counter. add in some pendant lighting with a unique shape an your kitchen will be looking perfect. 19.

mount a table on the wall eating a meal on the sofa just can't compare to having one at a dining table. sure when you're having a party or entertainingguests, sitting on the sofa and using your thighs as a table might be fun... but it's just so nice to sit down to a dining table. if you don't have the space for one... why not try mounting a folding table

to the wall in your kitchen or hallway... wherever you have the space. then when you're done, just tidy up and foldthe table away again. 18. add a rolling island. having a kitchen island can be a blessing... or a curse. the permanent kinds can be great for preparing your meals or maybe even dining at...

but sometimes don't you wish you could just push the island to the side so you have some more space to move around? well, if you pick up yourself one of theserolling islands... you can do just that! bring it into the middle of your kitchen forpreparing food... then move it to the edge

of the room when company is over. and for a special dinner for two... these rolling islands make for a great dinner caddy. 17. be smart about buying your cutting boards if you're always looking for space to put your cutting boards when you need to chopthings up, why not think outside the box. if you get cutting boards that are wider thanyour kitchen sink,

you can place the board across the sink and do both your cleaningand cutting in one place! as a bonus, you're still not losing spacefor your dishes. 16. expand your kitchen with patterns this tip is shared by one of the world's most famous interior designers. it helps you achieve a look of an exotic and spacious kitchen while still remaining elegant first, try installing tiger stripe wallpaperhorizontally

to give the illusion of more space. pair it with solid colours on the countertop or shelves. a bonus of going with this idea is you cankeep everything else simple... no need to pair it with decorations else where. just keep it clean and the patterns will dothe talking. 15. dig up the sink! if you are a fan of mixing and matching, your biggest enemy would probably be the sink.

unlike the stove that can blend into almostany styles, the sink dictates how stylish your kitchen can be. if you still have the concave type, maybe it's time to consider remodeling. the top mount and front sink model has themost flexible style compared to the others. its gray silvery color fits well with almost anyconcepts 14.

mount wavy shelves kitchen shelves usually have a monotonous shape maybe that's why almost all kitchenslook the same.... dominated by boxes. give your kitchen some movement by mountingcurvy boards to the wall. it works just like open shelves, but withstyle. just be careful if you have an open stove.... make sure any boards are far enough away from heat or flames as to not cause a fire.

13. get glossy! besides a mirror, another way to achieve a spacious impression is by giving your ceilingan upgrade. lacquer finishing gives a blurred but glossylook to your ceiling's surface, allowing it to reflect light randomly, creating the illusionof endless ceiling. when choosing your color... remember not to stray too far from the color on the walls... you can then complete the set with mosaictiles of a similar color.

12. splash metallic element. one option to make the tiny space looks bigger is by adding a silvery shade. take a look at the colors already on yourwalls... then find pretty silver wallpaper with a similar background color. this eye trick works better in the make sure to turn them on at night. the morning sunshine could also be

the perfectlighting to enjoy these metallic shades. recommended colors include blue, beige andother soft colors. 11. trim with colors. if you decide to go with this idea, you are aiming for small but fun cooking corner. the equipment needed is also pretty easy toget. all you need is a can of your favorite colorpaint and a roll of painter's tape. design the blue print first.....

trimming helps to add contour by adding shape. if your kitchen already has a back splash,then you can add-in some elements from it. this way, you have a more cohesive look toyour kitchen.... another color with a similar hue is also possible. 10. install extra storage! adding storage does not always mean expanding your kitchen. the area from the floor to the mid-sectionof the kitchen is usually occupied by kitchen

equipment such as the stove and sink. however, the area above the cabinets and closeto the ceiling is often forgotten. you can install some cabinets on top, or storethings above your existing cabinets, just make sure you have a step stool handy to reachthem when you need them. also, this storage space is best used forequipment not needed often as it is up and out of the way. 9. create a rack chandelier when it comes to your cooking equipment, your

pots and pans take up the most space. instead of hanging them on your precious walls,or taking up space in your cupboard make some space up in the air.. the concept is similar to a chandelier. set it above the dining table, and built aring around the lights with some hooks. alternate the pot colors and see how theyturn into unique decorations. measure the height and make sure your guests’head will not bump the pots. keep in mind that this trick is not suitablefor catering properties. 8.

build yourself some open shelves out of copper. don’t let your limited cooking corner stopsyou from being fancy. if your kitchen is surrounded by windows onboth sides, then this idea might work well for you. built two stories of open shelves, using copperpipe. add one bar on the bottom to hang mugs andcups. later on, this shelf will be attached to thecounter tops. when calculating the size, don’t forgetto match your height to the design. the first level should be within arm's reach.

the items on the second bar should be withinreach without having to get on your tippy toes. 7. apply a monochromatic look black can hide stains... and white has the power to brighten the atmosphere. what about the combination of both? you could go for what is called a monochromaticstyle. if you know how to plan out the tones, itwill be a magnificent setting.

put black on the cooking area, so any stainscan wait a while before cleaning time. then use white for the preparation station,allowing you to cut cleanly. adding in a checkered back splash and floorare also good complements for this combination. 6. hang some oversize arts if you arrange things effectively, there might be a case when you have an empty wall. instead of letting it remain bare, hang apiece of oversized art. it expands the visitors’ view, and as aresult, you have what looks like a spacious

kitchen, as well as chic focal point in theroom. keep in mind the effect will stand out onlywhen you have a single color on the walls, floor an cabinets. 5. organize your spices! if you take cooking seriously, then you undoubtedly have a lot of spices in stock. even if you're not so fond of cooking, youstill need clear jars to store your oatmeal and snacks.

the original packages have different sizesand shapes... so to make things prettier, add decorative stickers, labeling each one oftheir names. utilize the jars on the counter top, closeto your reach. it's even better if you have mounted wallshelves. 4. use molding to pull it all together. how can you tell when a space is nice andlarge? one way to measure it is by looking for useablehanging space.

for example, the embossed surface from themolding and drawer pull. this concept could be adapted to your kitchen. add at least two inches of molding to yourcounter top edges. for the drawers, pick the pulls that are easyto grip, easy to clean, and have a simple yet stylish design. 3. light up your shelves if it is not possible to use an entire wall for a display, find another way to spice upyour kitchen.

ceiling shelves might just be your savior. the first option is to paint the inside witha bright color, more vivid than the outer frame. during the day, seeing your cutlery, platesand bowls stored inside a colored box will be like looking at a piece of art. however, this sight will fade during the night.... which is a good reason to install some small lighting in your ceiling to illuminate yourshelves. 2.

split the tone! there are reasons why your eyes cannot be used to accurately measure. an instant example is when you see a brighttop paried with a dark bottom. the eyes will automatically decide if it isproportional. that is what happens when you apply a similartrick to your kitchen. the small space will look bigger than itsreal size. the white top spreads from the counter topto the shelves. the bottom shelves then adopt a dark colorto give total contrast.

and last,1. mirror back splash nothing makes a room look larger better than a mirror.... it reflects whatever placed infront of it, allowing your eyes catch a glimpse of an extended room. since installing mirrors for each cabinetcan be too pricey, pick specific a spot for installation. the back splash would be the most appropriatespace. in addition, a mirror back splash also yellsout elegance and contemporary style. that’s it,if you enjoy our little show, hit the like

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