brownstone kitchen renovation ideas

hi it's bonnie from three birds renovationsand i'm standing in our new bathroom at our latest property. bathroom is somewhere you really just wantto nail it and you dont want to scrimp. it needs to be a beautiful space when you'reselling a house and as we know bathrooms and kitchens sell houses so we didn't scrimp inhere. what i wanted to do because i had the sizein this bathroom i wanted to have a statement piece in it so all the choices in regardsto my tiles, my vanity, my benchtops are all based around my black caroma bath. so what i did here was i went with two differenttile choices.
we've got the marble look tile that runs fromceiling to floor back to ceiling. it creates this one big beautiful open space. i then because of the black bath, wanted tohave a feature tile on the back wall, and we did that with this herring bone subwaytile. the tap choices in this bathroom, i wantedto have really streamlined, classic, simple but they're really beautiful. the line i went with is called jovian andit's a dorf tap and very simple and understated which i really love. over here we've got the freestanding bathmixer.
and if this isn't perfect for a family, idont know what is, because have a look at this, you can get your kiddly-winks in thebath, give them a spray down which is exactly what i do, and then pop it back without actuallyhaving to give them a bath with is fabulous. im here with our jovian shower system andit's a statement in itself, its an absoluetly beautiful piece. it's quite large which is what i wanted, andit's silver because i wanted it to match the grou tand also the tiles, see how we've gotall the gray in the tile. it's a beautiful piece.