design ideas for kitchen flooring

design ideas for kitchen flooring

.i want to take a moment right now andlook at your kitchen are you looking at in is it time for a little update? aha, yeah wethought so we're here to help with the latesttrends in home decor. joining us now are frank john garcia,president and lou pininella, jr., vice president of gulf tile. and they are celebrating fifty-five years in business. congratulations gentelmen. fifty-five years is a long time. it is a long time. let's talk about... that means you're good at what you do. that's right. you've got a spring sale inhonor of the 55 years so what's going on for this?

well, we are discounting greatly a lot of products. a lot of product selections in the showroom, so various products. something like del conca, a product in the usa, a contemporary look, 20 percent off. so a lot of different products like that. wehave some wood planks on sale at great prices like creek wood that is upin the front. a lot of your products are made in the usa, right? a lot of them, we have eight major brands that are made in the usa. so we are proud to say that because we buy directly from those factories.

that is great. let's let's talk about thekind of the wood plank look craze, as it is still going really strong, isn't it lou?. its been all the rage. yeah, it really has. yeah there's no question. so right down in front tell us about that. you've got a product up front that is a digital imprint technology that is eight by forty-eight size. the great thing about that is is it that that enhance in the technology enablesyou to have minute details like undulation and scraping. details in wood that are naturally there

but when you compare thedurability of this to wood it far exceeds it. it even feels like wood on your feet, but then ten years from now it's gonnalook the same. same when you installed it but you don't have the scratches. you don't have the maintenance issues, water, pets, kids. and with porcelain there is hardly really anymaintenance at all, is there? no, not at all. and what is cool is that you can go into the wet areas like bathrooms with the wood planks are. a lot of time you've got to cut up your kitchen because you wanna keep tile in the kitchen where all the water flows

but with this you go right to school right... and it allows you to have one contiguous product throughout the entire home. it can be utilized in any application. and now you can have dogs. ah, good. it takes nails and its not going to mess with it. doesn't ruin them at all. this is perfect. i'm putting my order in right this is a huge tile. yes. it is a small representation of the slap. those are actually produced. that a smaller one. yeah that there's a 30x30 but producedin a 5x10-foot slab.

so this is kind of the trend, it is called a large-format tile? uhm. you can use that on floors, on walls,you can use it. the great thing about this you can replicate as you can see any degree of natural stone nomatter how rare and great thing is about countertopfabrication is a lot of stones that we use for countertops or could use aesthetically are tooporous or too soft, too brittle. this looks like granite. it looks like granite but you can have onyxes, you can have a lot of a lot of

very rare delicate stonesthat will not tarnish will not fade you can use that for exterior claddingbecause ultraviolet light will not fade it. so this is porcelain? it is. again very dense... but you can't reallyhurt it. it's amazing. it's a kind of a new trend so you really have to the know-how has to be there toinstall it of course we we are having contractors trained to dothat. they specialize in that. what is the process? say i've made mydecision, it's happening, i wanna

just redo a room. what happens when icome to gulf tile then? well, you basically make a color selection. hmm . and then we tell you about, basically what we are trying to do is todesign a look that is uniquely yours. that's our passion, you know in in ourbusiness. so we're gonna go ahead and listen to you and kinda figure out what you'retrying to achieve. and go from there and put in a colorselection and you know... we pride ourselves in one-on-one service whether you're looking for tile,

cabinetry, natural wood products, as well. okay.about fifty-five years, tell you what it says it all right there.his grandfather, my father started the company. absolutely. gulf tile has four locations in tampa, largo, bradenton and fortmyers. and for more information just go to thanks a lot guys. we will be rightback. ok

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