design ideas for kitchen pass throughs

so i've got some brown flashings here, and i want to turn them into copper like this one. it's real expensive to buy the the real copper, so i use this method. it's called sign painters one shot metallic copper, and it's actually got real copper in it.
you can see it on my tool there. and i mix it about half and half with just a regular paint thinner, so it's really quite liquid. that's even too thick actually. and then i paint it on, and it dries quite quickly, and i don't want, i do want a full look so i don't brush it on full.
i allow it to streak a bit. and i've done this five years ago on, or six years ago, on my house, and it's held for, for that length of time. i like using the brown flashing because it's, you know, just about the color of an old penny. but adding a little bit of copper fleck to it
really gives it an expensive look. so that's how i do it. paint it on with a little foamy, the foamy eats up pretty quick, so you might have to go through a couple of those, but one shot sign painters metallic copper. i tried it with the hobby stuff,
and that wasn't enough copper in it, but this one did, and i got it from a paint shop called glidden. so that's a cheap way to make copper flashings. closed captioning by kris brandhagen.