design ideas for kitchen backsplash

design ideas for kitchen backsplash

[music playing] narrator: choosing theright tile for your kitchen backsplash can be daunting. there are so manyoptions to pick from. here are some tipson which options, styles, andinstallation techniques might work bestfor your kitchen. the first decisionyou should make when choosing a backsplashtile is what materials you use.

from porcelain to mosaic tonatural stone and even glass, the type of tile youchoose will definitely help define the style of the space. in modern kitchens,glass and mosaic tile is popular for its simple look. a common techniqueis to use tile that blends right into thewall, giving the backsplash a clean, reflective quality. in more traditional spaces,tumbled stone or classic marble

is a great choice. that's becausethese are materials that are timeless in design. once you've decided on whatkind of tile to install, you next need to determinewhat size tile to use. smaller mosaic tiles tend towork best in a modern space and are usually seen ina multicolored pattern. mosaic tile is purposely usedto create a real focal point on your backsplash, so small,busy patterns can add a lot

of personality to your kitchen. in a more traditional kitchen,a larger tile is more popular. 4-by-4 or 6-by-6are common sizes, and they're easily foundin stock at tile stores. but that certainly doesn't meanyou can't choose a more modern tile in a more classic shape. glass tiles in aclassic 4x4 dimension can sometimes strike the perfectbalance in a kitchen that has a more transitional feel.

while you may not think of groutas being an integral design decision, it's actuallyimportant to consider, as it can help bring outthe pattern of the tile or make a patterndisappear, offering completely different looks. choosing a dark grout canreally bring out the geometry of the way the tile has been laid. this is a great techniqueto use when you have a monochromaticbacksplash, as it

adds color and interest withoutadding another type of tile. on the other hand,choosing a light grout makes the grout lineseem to disappear and helps make tilelook more like one unbroken surface, which hasa less busy, cleaner look. while the options foryour backsplash tile may seem endless, there is a wayto choose what's best for you. simply narrow down what typeof style you're going for, and you're sure to findexactly the right look.

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