design ideas for kitchen bar

design ideas for kitchen bar

hey, rick uzubell again from cabaretdesign group, talking today about "bar design ideas - how to design commercialbars for ada". coming up! at any point in this video, please check-out the affiliate links, including the equipment and gift ideas, and if you'renew here, definitely subscribe! how are commercial bar is designed for adacompliance? today there is no more grandfathering - everyone must adhere tothe ada standards for accessible design. stay tuned! for those who are unaware, the americans with disabilities act, simply referred to as "ada," is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability and was passed in 1990. in fact, all of our

bar remodeling clients are encouraged tocomply with the most current, strictest ada design specifications. with all theinformation on the internet, it's still challenging for most people tounderstand the current and seemingly endless design guidelines set-up for thebar nightclub industry. the general dimensional criteria we use whendesigning ada-complaint design for seating at commercial bars is as follows60" of width, not greater than 34" in height and at least 19" of leg clearance. i can best illustrate these ada dimensional clearances byshowing you the following example, which can be downloaded below. here you'llnotice that we provide one ada space,

which we refer to as a "station," the sameas every bar design. the space shown on this plan is 60" wide and if welook at the details of this in elevation and section views, you'll notice that the height of the ada countertop is set at 34" and thatthe outside edge of the ada bar top is cantilevered 19" from the closestfinish on the bar face. what i just described is the "easy" part of the design!the hard part is adapting standard bar equipment to function within this heightconstraint. in commercial bar design we utilize every square inch of space, so wemust develop a solution for modifying the equipment. in most instances, wespecify a 3 cm-thick countertop

and 3/4"of plywood underlayment, which leaves us with slightly greater than 32" ofvertical space for the respective underbar equipment, but these are metalfabrications that can normally be modified. no doubt, the cost will increasefor one or two pieces, but making efficient use of the entire under barspace justifies this cost. most commercial bar sinks, drain boards andice bins can easily be modified. we normally specify that the legs andbacksplash to be reduced by 3" each, so as to minimize back strain forthe bartenders. in order to trim and beautify the ada station, we'll normallyspecify tall side panels from the same

material we're specifying for the bar (top), tocreate a totally customized appearance, we specify that the end panels be 4"taller than the adjacent bar tops, which creates a way of trimming theupper bar while also creating a backsplash. when you're remodeling yourbar or embarking on a new construction project, you need to strongly consideradhering to the current ada standards. it will be well worth your effort to meet themost restrictive design standards for ada bar design.

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