home decorating ideas quiz

home decorating ideas quiz

so, what would you do with this worn out oldthing? let me give you a good idea. now, at a glance, you think: my, what a handsome chair.it certainly has great scale, has good bones. but, if you look under this old thing youcan see that it was bought a second hand shop and has black naugahyde on it. but, you know,the great thing about the slipcover is that it slides right on this naugahyde, and itcovers the old girl's ankles. and you can see that it needed repair. with a slipcoverlike this why would you even worry about it? and i found this fabric to be really lotsof fun, it's just what this hall needed, just some punch. i love the bright mandala patternhere with all these colors, and i just threw in this brown throw pillow because it matchesall this old brown furniture, so you get this

color echo going. now, when i had it madei had the piping done just in the same fabric, and you can see all along the edge. and ifi wanted to be all little more stylish even i could of chosen one of the colors, maybethis blue or something out of the fabric, and piped it in that, which would of sortof set it off. but, you know, i thought the fabric was strong enough and so the pippingjust needed to be the fabric itself, and not something different. so, come on in here,let me show you another example. so, if you take a look at this room, which is alreadydecked out for spring, if you had seen this room, let's say, a month ago, it would havelooked very different. in fact, these sofas you see here, which look very springy withthe pillows and the lumbar pillow across the

back, you'll notice that here i indeed diduse a different fabric for the piping on these. yes, these are slipcovers. and under hereis a very lovely sort of chocolate, dark chocolate, mohair upholstery that i can deck these outfor spring with this color, and for fall something really bright and outrageous like orange,which is loads of fun. and if you take a look at these chairs here, for winter, they havea very different color too that goes really well with the mohair fabric. you can see theoriginal upholstery is this, which feels like winter. it's very heavy and thick, but thenit's slipcovered with something light and cottony. cotton is a very good fabric to makeslipcovers with. and when you do have slipcovers made, think about the corners of the chairsbecause sometimes they can be slightly awkward.

these pieces actually just fit like this,and you might think those are prone to fall off but they really don't, they tuck in justlike that. and in this particular case, you can see i wanted this very casual and lightfor summer and spring, and so there's no piping. there's really no adornment to this whatsoever,it's just the fabric itself. you can see it makes it really easy to sort of change outfor each season. and so you're saying: yeah right, so change out for every season, thatseems like a lot of work? well, actually, these slipcovers are put together with velcroand they slide on and off with such ease, you cannot believe it. so, don't let thatget in the way because they just fit together so easily. now, what i'd like to do is takeyou upstairs and show you just a couple other

examples where i have found some ragged oldpieces of furniture and made them more presentable by using slipcovers. come on. so, if you cometake a look here in the bedroom, well, i've used slipcovers, yet again. like i said, ithink they make a room feel very comfortable. these have their summer/spring sort of lookon them. if you look under them you can see that they are upholstered in a tan and brownand blue fabric, which is the upholstery they're meant to be in. and then these slipcoversare much more tailored and fit snuggly on the chairs themselves. and then if you takea look over here, these 2 stools that are at the base of the bed are really quite remarkable,in that, a friend was discarding them one day, and i had these slipcovers made. andhere i have the piping done in brown, and

i had this skirt with a different fabric madejust to sort of tie this floor and this rug to the color here. as you pull them off, youcan see it's just the worst possible shape. you can see why she just gave them to me,because the buttons are even sort of rusted through, and you can see that they're prettyworn out. but you wouldn't know because they're completely covered with a slipcover. so, theseworked out beautifully here. and i just love the crisscross design of them and i couldn'tbare to throw them away. and so by just finding an inexpensive fabric in 2 colors they workedout perfectly for this room. so you see, you don't have to go to the trouble of reupholsteringeverything in the house. slipcover a few things, you can change them out for the seasons. plus,it adds just a touch of comfort to the home.

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