kitchen renovation ideas for older homes

kitchen renovation ideas for older homes

welcome back to behind the walls. i'm jasonwith jp carducci, inc. today, we're in fort walton beach, excited to bring you to oneof our awesome kitchen remodels. we're going to go over that detail pretty quick, and we'realso doing kind of like a whole home update. so, let's go over to the kitchen. as you can see, she's got all white cabinetswith a little island. we're going to rip all this out. we're going to go back to a two-tonewith some cool features that we can't wait to show you. speaking of whole house updates, we're goingto scrape the ceilings, we're going to paint all the walls, we're going to go back withknockdown texture, we're going to get rid

of this dated popcorn, and we're going todo some pretty cool large format tile that we can't wait to show you. the owner here has gave us pretty much thedesign rights, so we're really excited to do this one. so, now it's time to start movingsome furniture and draping the walls. all right, so we're wrapping up day one. itwas a successful day, it was crazy day. we got a lot done. as you can see, the kitchendining room area ceilings are scraped. we got some flooring removed. most of the baseboardin the house is removed, and we actually got some texturing done, so follow me over here. the utility room has been scraped and re-textured,and ready for paint, along with the bathroom

and this bedroom in here, and there's nota whole lot of light in here but maybe with new paint. if you look, the texture's niceand even. it's a medium texture, not too heavy, not too light, so you get that good look. next, we're going to be finishing up theseceilings, painting them, painting the walls, then we're going to start laying some tile. all right, it looks like day four of five.i really don't know but we had a lot of stuff that's been done, and a lot still going on,so we're going to kind of walk you through it and give you some details, and show yousome of these finishes we've been putting down.

as you can see, we've done some wood planktiles, 8"x48", on a random bond line. this is actually dry tile. you can still see we'vegot some wet tile there with some t spacers, and as we go into the master closet, thishas already been grouted, and we're currently putting down the four and a half inch baseboard,and it really just ... it looks awesome. so, come on through. you can see we got thewalls painted, the ceiling's painted. we did a little accent on the fireplace, but we'llget into that after we get all this furniture moved. we've gotten the upstairs prepped,ready for carpet. we did something kind of cool this time. we tiled the risers of thestairs with the floor tile, and then we're going to upholster wrap the treads with thecarpet that's going to match upstairs. kind

of give you a different look. i think it'sgoing to come out pretty nice. we got all the tile done through here. we'refinishing up this guest bedroom. we've got the bathroom done one hundred percent, minussome accessories, and then again, like on our other project on the santa rosa beachvideo, we took this out, we raised it up. as you can see down here, we've got some legs.we repainted the base, now it's at comfort height, easy on the back, it's updated, anddidn't spend a lot of money doing it. we're going to add some hardware to match the otherfinishes, and it's going to give it a nice, clean, refreshed look. we've got kevin over here. he's doing somegrouting for us. we went with a delorean gray

grout. this is the grout we use. this is fusionpro. this is a single compound urethane grout. it's stain resistant, water resistant, moldand mildew resistant. this is the grout you want in your house. if your floor guy is notgiving this, you're wasting your money. that's just the bottom line. it's easy, it's simple,it's forever. this is the best. i'm going to take a walk in here into thekitchen. we've still got some tile going on in here. we've got other kevin, he's layingthe tile in this kitchen, and that's going to be our cabinets, so we're going to go aheadand start ripping out these cabinets, and getting it ready for install. all right, so we're back from our last coupledays of wrapping this remodel up, and you

can see we've got the cabinets out, and we'reputting our new cabinets in. we have adam here with home interior solutions, and hislead carpenter jason, doing our install. he's checking the level right now, making sureour tile work was good. adam is going to go over some details here and what we've gotgoing on, and kind of bringing our speed on these cabinets and what he provides. adam: pretty much what we've got here, we'vegot bridgewood cabinetry. it's custom cabinet out of kansas, a shoo in for the distressedlook, along with the glazing, where the glazing really hangs up in the detail of the cabinet,and the distressed look give you the antique, and then with the island we went just straightespresso to match the glazing, which you'll

see in the next episode. it's pretty much standard layout, a few bumpouts. we're going to put in a large valance, really set it off for us. jason: all right, so as he mentioned, we'redoing espresso island, so it's going to be two-toned, small little detail that's goingto give it a lot of pop. again, i always use home interior solutionsfor our cabinets. they're easy to work with, but as you can see adam. he's the managerof the company and he does all the design work, and he's here on the installs, so it'sreally nice dealing with one person, and you've got jason, his lead guy, who's always on siteand does some magic if we have any issues.

so, let's walk through and we'll give youan up to date on some things we got done. we got all our carpet in. as you can see,we wrapped it and spaced it out with the tile. it came out really nice. we did a more ofa tan carpet than a gray, because we really want to bring out the brown in the tile. asyou go upstairs, it looks really great. the tile is done, we've got it grouted. we'vegot our baseboards on, so today we're really just focused on our punch list, our touchups, and stuff like that. we're moving some furniture around and just really getting thishome back to where it's comfortable for the owner. a couple of things we did. she had some contactdebris from when they built the house and

tiled, but what we ended up doing, we endedup painting this matte black to kind of blend it, so it gave it a nice update look, andi kind of went out there with the electric blue accent wall to kind of bring the graysout, and give it more of a feminine look with the gray, it kind of gives it purple shine,so it really came out nice. the owner seemed to like it, and we're almost done. so, thenext time we see you we're going to be getting the granite in, it's going to be finalized,and we'll be wrapping this project up. all right, so this is our last day. we'redoing all of our touch ups and our final punch list, and we've got our kitchen complete now,so let's take a peek at this. i think you might enjoy it.

as i stated previously, we're going to doa two-tone combination in this kitchen, and as you can see this is what we came up with.we went with a higher end granite, which had a lot more character, a lot of color, whichwe wanted to bring in to this kitchen. we did a very nice ogee edge. under mount stainlesssink, and then we top it off with a very subtle back splash, but enough just to kind of bringthat classy look together, and then we did a little chandelier for a sink light. thoughtit was a different look, and it has the colors of the granite so it really brings it together,and we did the all led lighting throughout, which is also dimable, which is all operatedon the wall. all new appliances. everything is just came together so it's really nice.

that's it. this is our final day. we're reallyexcited how this project turned out from the kitchen, to the master bedroom, to the bathswhere we did that inexpensive update, which you can do yourself by raising the vanities,to the large format tile, to the ceilings, to the paint. everything just came just flows, and it looks nice, and we're real excited. we're looking forward to reading your comments,and i've got to go start another project.

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