home goods decorating ideas pinterest

home goods decorating ideas pinterest

hi guys welcome back to my channel i have just applied the twisted peppermint by bath and body works, so this is a yummy hand lotion. i am in the spirit of christmas guys i have not yet started listening to christmas music, but the second i see a snowflake it's on i have a gigantic pile of christmas home decor guys. i went over what i did. i totally went overboard i did go to hobby lobby and home goods, and i do have to say when i was at my hobby lobby just yesterday so yesterday was wednesday? every single thing christmas related was 50% off half off. i could not believe it. i grabbed it so much stuff

i am so excited to share it with you. i'm so excited for christmas let's go ahead not frightened so for christmas this year i wanted to go with a little bit more classic black and white and cream with a little bit of gold and silver almost like lodge like a rustic. i don't really know how to describe it but you'll see the theme as we continue on but i grabbed this at hobby lobby. it was $12 it was so so affordable. this gold is so pretty with this white and i just thought it was beautiful it is real wood of course, and it looks stunning. i couldn't believe it $12 also from hobby lobby for just $4 i grabbed this we wish you a merry christmas also, got a little bit more like white creamy white distressed looking wood

i just think these are so classic and so pretty i have a cute shelf above my piano where i'm probably gonna be putting this. oh my goodness how cute is this tree this one was i think i ended up paying like? $8 for it by the time the sale kicked in i just thought it was cute i loved it guys will have to let me know in the comments should i decorate this? i don't know some little teeny tiny lights and little ornaments i think it'd be really cute, but i also just like it. how it is i think i'm gonna end up putting this in my kitchen, but i'm gonna do a christmas decorate with me video coming up here really really soon

so i'm so excited to put all of this in my home find a place for it so you'll end up seeing where i put this on probably in my kitchen though again from hobby lobby i grabbed this table runner just a traditional buffalo plaid red and black it's black on the back and i loved this because it was really really long, and i do have a longer table especially when i have the leaf in it so i wanted to have the option of having that leaf pulled out and still use this and i thought it was really really classic classic christmas in fact this little tree might look adorable on my dining room table. oh that's cute. i don't know. i don't know. i just don't know

i love this little wood picture i never know what to call these are they signed other pictures cuz it says something yet so i kind of want to call it a sign. it just doesn't merry christmas, and it's a reindeer. oh so pretty i love the gold i love him prancer that's who i think is on this. thank you so cute so simple this one i paid seven dollars for and i think that's a good price for the size again real wood nice quality all of these things i'm super excited about the quality i feel like hobby lobby home goods t.j.maxx places like that

their quality is really good like you don't have to worry about that and their prices especially if you can find a sale are amazing last from hobby lobby. i grabbed this pillow. i'm gonna be honest. i did not love at the pillow selection they have there i thought they looked a little bit like they weren't stuffed enough so i didn't like that they were too flat this one did look a little puffier than the others so i grabbed it the pillow i paid $13 for i love the reese. i love the classic black and white and the little silver detail i thought it was so pretty and it's gonna look great on my couch my great couch alright guys i ran into home. good last night by myself. i was there for an hour

i looked at every single thing they had it was the best night of my life i loved it such a fun store to go into with your kids that got cute stuff for kids but on your own you guys it is literally heaven i got this pillow isn't it amazing red and gold sequins 25 bucks a little steep? i felt like just a little pain to getting this but it's so pretty and i feel like all of these sequin details made it more expensive so i could justify it that way, and i just love it. i think it's beautiful i think it's gonna go with everything. i think you cannot go wrong with these classic items i think i will get a couple pillows for the bed and maybe a throw blanket and a few

decorations to make it super cozy in here i think that would be so fun this blanket is the softest blanket. i have ever felt. that is not a joke i'm serious this is so gorgeous this was $30, and you have a plaid on one side and it just feels a little bit like flannel and then on the back you have the softest i wish you guys could feel this if you could combine like puffy snow and whipped cream and a marshmallow and put it all together that's what this is it is divine very festive. it's got a good weight to it so um

this is like one of the things i'm the most excited about they had a ton of blankets. how cute are these led orb lights they're just stream lights. they are eight 2.5 feet and it comes with ten lights they are like it almost looks like a spun silver. they're gorgeous, i cannot wait to put these somewhere i don't know where i'm just excited. i think they're gorgeous so classic these were ten dollars this one was a tiny bit more of a splurge for me this was $25 it is too perfect though. i loved it i love the green the berries the pinecones the little wooden stars

i just thought it was so beautiful you set three candles in here and i think red is probably what i'll go for and then you've got this wooden box. that's kind of stained brown and kind of like a grayish brown and tan really really cool. i loved this the only thing that would make it more amazing is if it smelled like pine but otherwise it is absolute perfection just a couple more things actually this one is from hobby lobby dang it it's a really pretty candle holder though, and it just looks like a birch tree trunk, i notice that birch is a common theme right now with the holidays coming up, and i think it's so pretty

i love the light wood almost like it almost looks like chalk or something it's just so classic and clean looking to me, so i love this i think i'll probably put a green candle this one was really cute and half off of 12 i paid $6 i also just got some red and black plaid ribbon so that i could spruce up some of the things that i already have in my traditional decor downstairs anyway, i figure if you tie a red ribbon around anything it will just look like christmas so that's my plan i have a couple things in mind for this ribbon again stay tuned for the decorate with me

and i'll show you what i ended up doing with it finally i could not leave home goods last night without some hand towels these have some beautiful snowflakes on them it's just white and gray is so pretty and soft very very wintery these are nice and thick you get two i paid $7 for these and these do not go at the rest of my decor but they are so cute i really wanted to grab them they just say merry christmas another set of 2 hand towels white and this one's gray and pink how pretty i love the wreath i thought they were so adorable all right you guys and that is everything. i grabbed it from hobby lobby and home goods

i did go a little crazy, but i have no regrets i feel a so excited so excited for the holiday so excited to decorate to give to think of gifts i just love this time of year it is delicious. it is festive. it is fun i love it make sure you stick around if you'd like to see more holiday videos more content i have so much plan for you guys have a beautiful and bright day everyone, and i'll see you very soon fight

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