kitchen renovation gift ideas

kitchen renovation gift ideas

[music] so this is a... salsa container that i washed out and now i am using it to be a mason jar - but it does have the word 'mason' on it, right here so, i mean, that counts ...right? the first thing that you want to do is just go ahead

and look through all of your different wrapping papers. i think i'm going to cut both of these up because they have the most color varirety - *variety* so if i did like just this it would be like all blue in there and so i think... yeah, i want more of a variety of colors in there.

so then you just want to take your scissors and just go and cut it all up into small pieces that is kind of like confetti 'cause that's kind of our goal here, to make it look like little pieces of confetti that's in there. [music!] so once you have all of the

confetti that you want you just want to go ahead and put it into your jar. and then as you can see, it's just laying on the bottom like that and for me that's good, but if you want to add more, then go ahead and do that [more music] so for this first jar, you want just a ton of hershey's kisses

and i think that they are the perfect candy, just because they're little and they're wrapped because i think it's better if they're wrapped, but you can use whatever candy you want. so i'm just going to take all of the kisses and just put them in and i really like how this goes with the confetti that i made. [even more music.] then you can just kind of shake it around

and then confetti gets mixed in with the kisses and i think it looks really nice that way so i like this one because it's just so easy to just open it up and take a kiss out and just eat it; and it's something that people are going to go to, like, all the time which i think is really nice, just 'cause it's right there

so let's just go on to the next one! for this next jar you just want some beauty products, 'cause this is a beauty product jar and so i'm just using some nail polish, some lip products, and this eos just in case you were wondering, i super glued the sparkle onto the 'o' of it

it didn't come like that, it's not like a limited edition kind of thing. then you want some cotton puffs, and i use these just because i think it works the same way as the confetti; it kind of fills the space and makes it a little nicer looking. and then, any other beauty product that you want, i'm just using a nail clipper.

so instead of filling the mason jar with the confetti this time, i'm just going to fill it with the cotton puffs. not 'fill it', 'line it', i mean and so i'm just going to put a bunch down on the bottom just so that the very bottom layer is covered. and this one, it's not as adaptable as

the hershey kisses are to the size of the mason jar so you want to just make sure the bottom is covered and then also make sure that you have a lot of room to fill the rest of it - and i'm just going to take the lip gloss and push it all down - my hand doesn't fit in the opening. so once it's like that, then i'm just going

to start with the nail polishes because those are the ones that actually need to be cushioned by the cotton puffs. because they could actually break. so i'm just going to take them and, uh, take the lip gloss and kind of move it around in there and make little openings for them to fit... and then

take the cotton puffs and put them around it to cushion it [even more music. shocking, right? :)] and so, once they are cusioned nicely and they are all separated and they're just nice like that then i'm just going to take the other things that i want to put in there and just kind of

put - fit them in there and just make them look nice :) um, and fill in the empty spaces with the cotton puffs. [guess what?] [more] [music.......] alright, so, once it is all loaded up

then just go ahead and put the top on and then i just like to look at it from all the different sides, just to see any empty spots - so like right here that really bothers me that there's nothing there so i'm just gonna open it back up and put the cotton puffs in there. just to kind of fill up that space.

and so from there, it is all ready to give to someone! next you want baking supplies so i'm going to be using a cupcake liner and then also some little cookie cutters - and i *know* these are fall ones, but you get the point, they're like

little cookie cutters that can fit into a mason jar. so i'm just using the fall ones but you can use winter ones, or hearts, or whatever you want. and then i have some clear edible glitter that i just found, and some sugar. you also want a recipe

just to put inside so that the person receiving it has just a little recipe that they can make with the baking things that you gave them. i'm going to use the confetti and i'm going to put that in here - you could also use some actual baking ingredients like chocolate chips instead of something that you can't eat, like the cotton puffs, or

um, the confetti. so once i have that like this, i'm just going to take the biggest thing that i have which for me - cupcake liner or muffin liners or whatever and so i'm just going to push that inside just because that's going to be nice to hold everything in it. plop it in, and then it's kind of lopsided if you can see

so i'm just going to take a pencil and just kind of pat it to make it more flat looking. and so then it just looks like this with the confetti and then the cupcake liner. and then i'm just going to put the cookie cutters inside so that they're kind of sitting in there. 'cause i think it looks cute like that.

and once again, i'm just going to take the pencil and kind of move them around more to sit in it now i'm just going to take the other misc. little things that i have like this sugar and oh... that is not going to fit that stinks. goodbye, sugar! but i do have the clear edible glitter, which

is going to fit i'm just going to fold that up to make it fit better and then it's just like this and that just looks really sad so i'm going to get a recipe so i just printed that out and i'm just going to cut off the ad on the side and just kind of cut off everything to make it

a little smaller and so once it's to the size that i like i'm going to fold it up and then i will just stick it inside here i'll just tuck it behind there and then it's not as empty looking :) and the person who i'm giving this to has a nice little recipe

to go along with everything else. and for this last one, you want to fill it with some art supplies, so i'm just using some gel pens some little colored pencils a regular pencil, and a couple of erasers so i am just once again going to keep the confetti in here just because

i can't really think of anything else :) unless you have, like, a bazillion little erasers that you want to put in there i'm just going to gather up all of the pens and just kind of put them in here. and there are too tall for my jar so you might either want to get a larger jar or on the actual mason jars, on the ones that aren't salsa things, that i

rinsed out it comes with two separate parts: the outside and then the middle part so for this you could just take the middle part out and just put the outside on and i think that's nice and decorative too and there are also specially-made net ones i've seen that wrap over

that you could do if you wanted to close this but i'm just going to keep it open right now because as i said, this is a salsa jar now i'm going to take the little pencils, and just put that in and then the big pencil and the two erasers. and i forgot to video this part but i also put a bunch of my copic sketch markers

in there just to kind of fill it out a little more and to add some other markers that you could put in there. [music!!] if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi, please leave it down below. happy holidays and i'll see you next time. bye!

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