kitchen renovation ideas black appliances

20 contemporary black countertops in the kitchen want to see how a black countertop will looklike in your kitchen? check this list! 1. 22nd street kalorama to begin out list, i think that this kitchenis the best thing to place at the start of this awesome list of kitchen spaces with blackcountertops. most of the time, black and white, black andwood (or veneer) is the common combos used especially in the kitchen and this one surelooks fascinating enough to be a cool fave
in this list! 2. beacon one residence here is the black and white combination thati was telling you about. we'd be seeing a lot of this combo in thislist and i think that you'd love them because these black and white combos are real niceand fancy - at least for the most part. sample number two is quite simple but i thinkit looks real great! 3. brisbane industrial kitchen renovation
another black and white combo with an l-shapedlayout. the foot traffic in this kitchen is real sweetand i think with all the openings in this space, great lighting and ventilation is agreat addition to this kitchen. two things i love about this kitchen asidefrom the cabinets, are the ceiling and the flooring. how about you? 4. electric kitchen don't you just like seeing contemporary stoolsin the kitchen every so often?
as much as these usually are applied to contemporaryto modern spaces, but it wouldn't really hurt to have awesome chairs like these ones. i feel though that this kitchen as a lot ofblank areas on the wall and i think this space could use some wall decor! 5. gorski residence talk about a busy wall! i totally am crazy about the cabinets in here! i love the fact that there a lot of cabinetsin here; the cabinets that hold the countertop,
and the cabinets above it! i also think that it's cool that they haveglass cabinets to display their china and breakables. 6. greenwich village apartment i think adding pink colored cushions for yourkitchen stools is amazing especially when you're color palette looks like this one. it can be that they wanted to add a hint offeminism to this space, or they just really want a pink motif in here; but i mean, i thinkthis space is great!
7. hillside residence this kitchen sure looks wonderful! the l-shaped counter look absolutely prettyin black and white and silver (for the appliances). we see from this photo that the wooden floorslook incredible against the white cabinets! 8. leslie jensen residence dreamt of having a simple kitchen space foryour home? this could be one sample of that kitchen - thelayout is simple, the color palette works
and the theme is pretty much homey and comfortable! i think this is one utilitarian kitchen andit's awesome! don't you agree? 9. lexington residence i am not sure if the color of the cabinetsare light pink or something beige - it looks really pretty against the black counters andthe black appliances. this kitchen actually feels a bit girly andi think it looks real neat and large for all the cooking.
although it is important to have at least30% windows, having one in here is could just be great! 10. meyerland ranch house renovation it would be safe to assume that this kitchenhas a u-shaped layout and because of the size of this kitchen, this layout surely workswell for this space. the light colored cabinets match well withthe shiny black counters. i love how the color of the dining area complementthe colors of the kitchen area. 11.
modern serenity in maui what a about getting a very masculine lookingkitchen like this one for your home and asking the hubby to actually cook? honestly, i think baking in this kitchen wouldbe a great thing because it looks really nice and it has a great ambience for all the bakingand cooking that's about to happen in it. 12. pacific heights home rejuvenation the arrangement of this kitchen is very convenientand real beautiful. the color combination used in here is basicallyblack and white, and adding a bit of yellow
and browns in here make it more interestingand homey actually. the traditional design of the cabinets makesthis space look real fancy, i love it! 13. riverfront retreat the lighting fixtures in here sure could passfor something for the outdoors. i love how neat they look in here which seemsa bit out of place but it sure worked well for this space. if you ask me, this is one great kitchen tobe part of your mood board for your kitchen renovation!
14. riverwoods renovation what do you think about this nice lookingkitchen? i personally love the hanging cabinets rightabove the black countertops. the food prep area in here may be limitedbut it sure looks great and neat. the ambience of this kitchen sure feels likesomething in a coffee shop, and it sure is a good thing, right? 15. san francisco kitchen
if you ask me, i think this kitchen is somethingspecial. the kitchen stools for example are real niceand i think it would be nice having one of these in our kitchens. the color and finish of the cabinets in thiskitchen sure is pretty and interesting. 16. southern california home i love how this california kitchen look reallyhomey, traditional and really functional. we see that this space might be smaller thanwhat one would ask for, but if you look closely at how this space is designed, you know thatthe designer really maximized the use of the
space - which is always a good thing. 17. stratford renovation whenever we talk about white counters, weusually see black cabinets and the other way around - just like this kitchen. we see white cabinets and black awesome countertops. if you notice, the finish of the countersis all shiny and really pretty! i love this kitchen! 18.
the black pearl the name of this kitchen (or home) actuallyseem to be perfect for it - i mean, look at the beautiful space and everything that isin it! the cabinets, the kitchen island and the bararea - even the chairs seem to be fit for this space too! 19. whole house renovation #4 i am not really a fan of the color combinationof the cabinets and the countertops of this kitchen but i think that it still is ableto serve its purpose - food prep and cooking
and maybe even baking. one awesome advantage of this kitchen is thetelevision that they added to it above the microwave. 20. york harbor maine this kitchen space is in black and white anddon't you just think that it's really stunning? this space may be simple but you and i knowthat this kitchen sure is enough for the cooking needs that we have at home. done.
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