kitchen renovation ideas brisbane

kitchen renovation ideas brisbane

i'm going to show you how to waterproof thebathroom floor. these are my tools i'll be using; got a bit of cleaning equipment, somesafety equipment, got my primer, my stirrer, my hammer, my knife. so i have my spirit level,my scraper, my membrane, my caulking gun, and i got my silicone and my waterproofingproduct here. with our first step, we'll be cleaning thearea free of dust and make it nice and smooth. and our next step is to apply the primer.make sure you follow the guidelines and instructions on how to do so. when applying your primer,it's good to start from the back corner and work your way forward. it's also good to goup the wall a little bit. now that the primer has dried, we're goingto fill the cracks with silicone. now i'm

going to scrape away the excess with my spatula.i've now waited 24 hours for the silicone to dry. now i'm going to start my waterproofingprocess. i'm now going to apply some masking tape. i'll apply it to the point of wherewe will be waterproofing. so we do not go above that. i'm doing the bathroom floor,but if i was going up to the shower recesses, i would have to go, at least, 1.8 meters high. so next step i'm going to apply the waterproofingagent, starting from the back corner and working my way forward. once i've done my first coatof waterproofing, i can then put on my membrane focusing on the joints and the cracks. i'llnow roll the membrane out so i can cut to size the measurements that i need. i'm justdoing bits at a time so i can still reach

to the corners. now in order for this to stick,i'm going to apply some more waterproofing on top of it. now if you do find it easier,you can use a paintbrush instead of a roller. i'll now continue to apply the waterproofingagent and membrane the rest of the floor. now this junk can be messy sometimes so youmight want to put your gloves on. now that i've been around the outsides, i'm going tocontinue waterproofing the floor, focusing on the joints and applying the membrane. now i've finished applying my first coat ofwaterproofer and the membrane. i'm going to let it dry for 24 hours. now i've waited 24hours, i'm going to apply my second coat. now i've applied my second coat of waterproofing,i'm going to leave that to dry for 24 hours

and that's the job done. don't forget to takethe tape off. and that's how you waterproof a bathroom floor.

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