kitchen renovation ideas adelaide

kitchen renovation ideas adelaide

hi everyone. kym dowling here fromdowling homes and welcome to our finished project here at flagstaff hilland what a transformation! different to other jobs this has been a majorrenovation. so sometimes it's not about creating more space, it's utilizing whatyou've already got and we have transformed this house inside and outand what i'm going to do is rather than do a room by room description isshow you now the before and after photos of this fabulous project here atflagstaff hill. so there you have it folks - what a fantastictransformation of this house here at flagstaff hill and like i said it's nota case of necessarily adding onto the

property it's clever use of space andgreat design technique in playing with the existing footprint of the home.there's no limit to what you can do with renovations - you can pull walls out and basically alter any room of the house. if this is something that you'relooking at doing it on your own home make a phone call - get on the web andmake an enquiry online. we'd be more than happy to work with you. i'm kymdowling from dowling homes. bye for now

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